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Joerg edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 3 revisions


Once you set up the DXCluster-Settings at Admin -> Global Options -> DXCluster you and your Users will be able to use BandMap and BandList within Cloudlog.


Go (as Admin) to Admin -> Global Options -> DXCluster and fill in the values:

  • "Provider of DXClusterCache": Enter the suggested url there, or - if you want to use your own DXCluster-Cache - you can download/install a copy from here
  • "Maximum Age of spots": The spots will disappear after that minutes.
  • "Show spots which are spotted...": That continent will be preselected for you and your Users at BandMap/BandList

Image of DXCluster-Settings

If you want to use your own DXCluster-Cache you can download/install a copy from here


A new Item will Appear at "QSO", it is called "BandMap".


You'll see the latest spots on the Cluster there. If you click on a callsign the QSO-Window will be opened (if it isn't already) and prefilled with QRG/Call and so on. So you're able to log stations quickly. This feature is only available at BandList!

On the top you can choose Band / CAT and set a filter to display only spots which are spotted from a specific continent. Best working setup are tow screens. One with the QSO-Window, the other with the BandList.

If you like to save space within BandMap or BandList, there's a small triangle at the top of the page. By pressing that, the Menubar will fade out. Clicking again reveals it.

Legend (BandList)

  • Light-Blue highlighted and slowly fading out row: New on the Cluster or respotted during the last minute
  • Dark-Blue highlighted row: If CAT is enabled you can see at what QRG your TRX is actually compared to the Clusterentries
  • Green Callsign: Already worked on this Band

New on Cluster: New on the Cluster

Current TRX and already worked: TRX is here, and Call has been worked

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