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Releases: magico13/ha-emporia-vue

v0.9.3 Fix missing data due to partial updates

05 Mar 02:02
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  • Bumps PyEmVue to 0.18.4 to fix #261.

Note: Startup will take longer on this version if you have devices that are offline but it should complete within about a minute. The time can be reduced by removing the offline devices from your Emporia account if they are no longer available, or bringing the devices online (eg plugging in any unplugged smart plugs). A future update will handle these offline devices better.

Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.3

v0.9.2 Bump PyEmVue to v0.18.3

27 Feb 03:30
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  • Bump PyEmVue to v0.18.3

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2

v0.9.1 - Variety of Updates and Fixes

25 Feb 20:57
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  • Uses v0.18.2 of PyEmVue, which has improved retry and resiliency.
  • Fixes when using the set_charger_current service call, especially from UI elements.
  • Initial setup of entities uses device tree instead of first set of data. Should be more resilient to missing data during startup.
  • Swapped off of deprecated units.
  • EV chargers return more data on the switch's attributes.

Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.9.1

v0.8.3 - Fix for EVSE with Breaker PIN Set

15 Jun 02:57
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Fixes #208 by passing breakerPIN on requests if set. Added additional error logging around EVSE update exceptions to hopefully make diagnosing these issues easier. That logging update will expand to other areas in a later update.

v0.8.2 - Fix services.yaml

14 Jun 01:19
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  • Fixes the errors with the services.yaml, removing an error message and restoring the ability to call the service from the developer tools in the UI.
  • Bump the pyemvue version to 0.17.0. Only effect here is that username will be forced to lowercase.
  • Corrected issues that were failing validation. The repo now passes hassfest and HACS validation.

v0.8.1 - Bugfix for Switching Outlets

23 Jan 19:44
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Small update to fix a 400 error when enabling/disabling an outlet. Bumps PyEmVue version to 0.16.2 which contains the fix.

v0.8 - State Class Change, EVSE Support, Bugfixes

09 Oct 18:39
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BREAKING - Upgrading from v0.7.3 to this version will result in a one-time jump in the daily and monthly statistics due to the state class changing. You can either ignore it or use the built-in tooling to fix the jump. Upgrading from one of the earlier v0.8 prereleases will not be affected.

  • State_class change to total from total_increasing. Allows the Utility Connect to work if you have solar and causes the Energy Dashboard to recover from bad data better.
  • Added support for the Emporia EVSE including the ability to turn it on and off and using a service to adjust the charge rate.
  • Numerous bugfixes, refactorings, and optimizations

Known issues:

  • The API still reports bad data sometimes. For random jumps/drops the state_class change should allow those to auto-fix themselves. For random None values the previous value will be used but for random Zero values the zero will still be reported. Hoping to handle these better in the future.
  • The reset around midnight is a minute or two late. This is still an improvement over before and comes down to how I'm checking for a day change. Will try to improve this in the future.
  • Adding and removing Emporia devices via the app still requires the integration to be reloaded/Home Assistant restarted to update properly.

Beta v0.8-pre5 - PyEmVue Updates

05 Sep 17:40
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Updates the version of PyEmVue used to reduce the number of calls needed to get outlet and charger status. Also includes a change to better handle 401 Unauthorized errors: tokens will be refreshed and the call will automatically retry.

Beta v0.8-pre4 - Attempting to Reset Daily Sensors at Midnight

26 Jun 22:46
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  • Possibly fixes random error messages about invalid key errors
  • Testing a change to reset daily sensors automatically at midnight instead of waiting for the next API call

Beta v0.8-pre3 - Service to control EVSE

21 May 21:18
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Adds a service to set the charging current for an EVSE/Charger. Service requires you to pass the switch entity on the charger or the charger device as the target, and the current as a separate parameter. Current will automatically be scaled to between 6 amps and the max amps for the charger (48 amp maximum).