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Philipp Tiefenbacher edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 28 revisions

MagicShifter3000 Rendering


The buttons are located on the long "right" side of the MagicShifter3000. Their names are:

  • A button ("Top" button)
  • Center/Power button
  • B button ("Bottom" button)

The B button is the one which is closest to the USB connector. If you hold the MagicShifter3000 so that the USB port is facing the ground, button B would be the "Bottom" button, and button A would be pointing at the sky, thus the "Top" button.

Technical Top-Down View of the MagicShifter3000, showing button positions Down, Center, Up.

How To Turn the MagicShifter3000 On and Off

To turn the MagicShifter3000 on, simply press the center button. To turn the MagicShifter3000 Off, select the lowest brightness level: Technical Top-Down View of the MagicShifter3000, showing button how to turn on.

How To Control the Brightness Level

To change the brightness: press the center button, and keep it pressed. (This works in any mode.)

After about 1 second of keeping the center button pressed, the brightness menu will appear: the LED's will turn white. Then, as you move the MagicShifter3000 with the center button still pressed, you can adjust the brightness level by rotating the MagicShifter3000 around the y axis (the one that passes throug the center button). When you are satisfied with the level selected, release the center button and the MagicShifter3000 will use the desired brightness level.

To turn the MagicShifter Off: enter the brightness menu by keeping the center button pressed, as described. Then hold the MagicShifter3000 so that the USB connector points to the floor (the "A" button is "Up", thus "on Top").

MagicShifter3000 turning off

The MagicShifter3000 should blink white. When you then release the center button, the charge status of the battery is displayed as a last reminder before the MagicShifter3000 turns itself off.

Summary: center button controls brightness, and setting the brightness to 'Zero' is how you turn off the MagicShifter3000.


Technical Top-Down View of the MagicShifter3000, showing how to enter menu.

To enter the menu hold the A and B button and then release them at the same time. All LEDs will blink white and the menu appears: a solitary, colored LED. Each mode has its own LED position, and an individual LED color to represent the menu item. (When the menu is activated, by waving the MagicShifter from side to side you can read the name of the mode.) Scroll through the modes with the A and B buttons. Select a mode by pressing the center button.

When the MagicShifter3000 is in a Mode, buttons A and B perform various functions, and the Center button can be used by modes for Selection - but holding the Center button down will always activate the Brightness menu, and can be used to turn the MagicShifter3000 off, no matter which Mode is active.


Magic Mode (LED 1, red)

This is a very fun mode! In this mode, you draw images in the air by shaking the MagicShifter3000 back and forth. Scroll through the images with the A and B button. (Don't forget: you can create your own images for this mode with the MagicShifter3000 Web Interface.) See the magic of POV!

Light Mode (LED 2, green)

Use your MagicShifter3000 to create light and colorful shadows! Cycle through the submodes with A and B. Trigger some action in each submode by pressing the center button. Each sub-mode has a different kind of lighting effect - maybe you'll find a favorite! There are modes for bicycle-riding, searching for your keys, shadow puppet shows, and even night-time map-reading.

Compass Mode (LED 3, yellow)

The MagicShifter3000 has a very handy compass/magnetometer. In this mode, you can follow the dots and find your way to the Arctic or maybe somewhere warmer/less-warm!

System Values (LED 4, blue)

Here you will find a collection of details about your MagicShifter3000 - the system values. Scroll through the values with A and B buttons, while shaking the MagicShifter3000 back and forth. You can find your IP address, public name of the MagicShifter3000, and even set such things as power-on timeouts when your MagicShifter3000 is connected to power, or just running on its own battery.

Remote LED (LED 5, )

Your MagicShifter3000 is a programmable light-show - put it in this Mode, and you can set whatever colors you wish by sending a base64 encoded string to the Web Interface/API. You could write a script and use it to display an animation or visualize some sound or sensor-data from your computer or smartphone. (See the URL's listed below. admin.html has some additional examples.)

Beat Detector (LED 6, )

Your MagicShifter3000 also has a handy Accelerometer sensor package onboard - in this Mode, you can scroll through a range of sensitivities and use your MagicShifter3000 to respond to vibrations. Place it on a speaker at a party, or use it as a motion-sensor/intruder alert in your cubicle .. Long-press A/Top or B/Bottom button for additional experimental visualisations.

MagicShifter3000 WiFi Mode, and Accessing the Web Interface

When you turn on your MagicShifter3000 for the very first time, it will start its own little WiFi network, named "MS3000". You can connect to this WiFi using any other WiFi-enabled device, such as a computer or phone, and then access the MagicShifter3000's own Web Interface directly.

The "MS3000" network will give your device an address in the IP range 192.168.4.x - more than likely, if its just you and your MagicShifter3000, your IP address will be something like "" - and the MagicShifter3000 IP Address will be

So, to access your MagicShifter3000 once connected to the "MS3000" network, simply go to the address: in a web browser.

(Technical Note: you can also use the advertised name "http://magicshifter.local", which might be easier to remember - but this advertised name doesn't always work on every device that you might use to connect to the "MS3000" network, alas. Some devices don't make a request for .local addresses, some do. YMMV.)

We set up the MagicShifter3000 at the factory so that it creates this "MS3000" network for you to use when you first turn it on. But you should change, at least, the password of this WiFi network - unless you want to let everyone freely create POV images for Mode 1, of course. To change the settings, connect to the MS3000 network, and open this URL in your browser: - administrative settings

From here, you can configure your MagicShifter3000 to have its own unique name, password (Host AP), or to join another network instead, using that network name/password as a client - the choice is yours. Note that when the MagicShifter3000 is configured to join a network, it will try to do so automatically from that point on - so if you change this setting, don't forget to reload the administrative page from the new network afterwards.

Also, using the System Values Mode, you can toggle the WiFi through various states: no-wifi, wifi-enabled (host), and wifi-enabled (join). This will also show you the current state of WiFi: N (no wifi), Red-Y (wifi, but not connected), Green-Y (connected).

Useful MagicShifter3000 (http://magicshifter.local) Addresses:

The MagicShifter3000 exposes a fair bit of useful data to the outside world - we encourage you to use this responsibly for your own needs. With very little work, any developer can put the MagicShifter3000 to work in their installation - the sky is the limit!

  • Above example will set 3 leads each for red, green and blue.
  • Format of 64 byte long base64 decoded string is 16 quadruple of bytes in the order Brightness,Blue,Green and Red. The last quadruple of bytes controls the LED next to micro USB port.
  • Another interpretation of the string to send would be: base64encode(reverse([r,g,b,v]*16))

Power-saving Settings

Your MagicShifter3000 has two independent time-on settings for powered (connected to USB) and battery (unconnected) modes. You can access these settings in the System Values Mode (see above), "Pow-High" and "Pow-Low" pages. Each different powered-mode can have its own time-on value - In battery operation, you may wish to only set the time-on period to 2 minutes, which means that if a button is not pushed in 2 minutes, the MagicShifter3000 will turn off. If you have a cabled situation - the MagicShifter3000 is always on and always powered - then set the Pow-High period to "Infi" - Infinite, i.e. the MagicShifter3000 will not turn itself off, ever, for as long as it has power.

Note that you can adjust these settings according to your needs in the System Values Mode.

Sensor-Package Errors on Startup

It can sometimes occur that the MagicShifter3000 Sensor package will not have enough data to calibrate itself on startup - in this circumstance, which is not critical, but nevertheless important, the MagicShifter3000 LED's will blink a long-red Dash sequence, to alert you that the sensors are not calibrated. This only happens sometimes when you upload a new firmware. Turn the MagicShifter3000 off and on again to reset the sensor package if the long-red Dash sequence occurs. If this condition persists, please contact us for further assistance.

Battery-level-Bar and voltage calibration

Notice the green/red bar when you switch off your MagicShifter3000? This is your battery-charge indicator. Green is good while only few red LEDs mean you should think about charging.

We don't want to switch our MagicShifter3000 off though, so you can also display the battery-charge-indicator-bar by changing to the Values-Mode (4th blue pixel) and long-pressing A/Top-button.

To calibrate the indicator, so a full bar always means full battery, do the following:

  1. charge your MagicShifter3000 via USB until full
  2. keep it connected and charging via USB
  3. select Values-Mode
  4. select 8th (last) screen of Values-Mode by pressing the B/Bottom-button 7times or the A/Top-botton once. Text should read "CALIB"
  5. Long-press the B/Bottom-button. Calibration-indicator should switch from red to green.

Contacting the MagicShifter3000 team

The best way to contact us if you have an issue:

If you honestly think that it's a problem with the hardware and not just a software issue then please don't hesitate to get in contact with us directly:

Custom Firmware for the MagicShifter3000

We have made it possible and encourage the development of new firmwares for the MagicShifter3000. If you're interested in the Firmware, start here: (MS3000 Firmware Master project)[] .. and don't forget to read all the's!


It is off all the time!

If it's off all the time please connect it to USB to charge the battery for at least 30minutes :) If that does not help the battery might be dead or (more likely) disconnected. Open the case to see for your self. If it is a bad connection in the LiPo please contact us! Be carefull when reassembling the case don't tighten the screws too much otherwise you will break the delicate screwthread!

What type of screws are used in the cases (vese ver. V1-V220)

M2, 12mm