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A Clojure library to easily write tests with files.


Leiningen / Boot:

[com.magnars/test-with-files "2021-02-17"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn:

com.magnars/test-with-files {:mvn/version "2021-02-17"}



You can request a temporary directory to use with your tests, which is cleaned up afterwards.

(ns my-test
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [ :refer [with-tmp-dir]]))

(deftest with-tmp-dir-test
  (is (= (with-tmp-dir tmp-dir
           (spit (io/file tmp-dir "foo.txt") "I'm here")
           (slurp (io/file tmp-dir "foo.txt")))
         "I'm here")))

The first parameter tmp-dir passed to with-tmp-dir is a binding, exposing the temporary directory path to be used in the body of the macro.


Using with-files, you get a nice declarative way of creating files to use in your tests.

(ns my-test
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [ :refer [with-files]]))

(deftest with-files-test
  (is (= (with-files tmp-dir ["foo.txt" "I'm here"
                              "bar/baz.txt" "Me too"]
           [(slurp (io/file tmp-dir "foo.txt"))
            (slurp (io/file tmp-dir "bar/baz.txt"))])
         ["I'm here" "Me too"])))

Like with-tmp-dir, the first parameter passed to with-files is a binding, exposing the temporary directory path to be used in the body of the macro.

The second parameter is a vector of relative file path and file content pairs, inspired by the clojure.core with-redefs signature.

All files are deleted afterwards.


If your code is looking for resources on the class path, instead of files on the file system, you can use with-resources instead.

(ns my-test
  (:require [ :as io]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [ :refer [with-resources]]))

(deftest with-resources-test
  (is (= (with-resources tmp-dir ["foo.txt" "I'm here"
                                  "bar/baz.txt" "Me too"]
           [(slurp (io/resource (str tmp-dir "foo.txt")))
            (slurp (io/resource (str tmp-dir "bar/baz.txt")))])
         ["I'm here" "Me too"])))

The signature is the same. tmp-dir will now be bound to the relative path.

In order to use this, make sure that test/resources is on your resource path. Using leiningen, that would be done like this:

:profiles {:dev {:resource-paths ["test/resources"]}}

You should probably also add a .gitkeep file to test/resources if you have no other files in there - or it is not properly added to the classpath when leiningen starts.

Old version

There's an outdated version of this API to be found under test-with-files.core. If you're stilling using that, the README is here.


Copyright © 2021 Magnar Sveen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A Clojure library to easily write tests with files.




