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PDFReporter is a Flutter package that wraps the Flutter package PDF to allow generation of a complete PDF document with multiple pages and other functionality such as defined text styles, wrapping text and column printing.

Take a look at the included example project to see how to create a document. Also note that the current implementation is hard coded to create an A4 size page.

The report currently uses a pre-defined set of text styles based around the Google Open Sans fonts set up as follows:

  • title: 20 pt, bold
  • heading1: 15 pt, bold
  • heading2: 12pt, bold
  • heading1: 10 pt, semi-bold
  • normal: 10pt, regular

This can be altered by creating or modifying a PDFTextStyle.

Methods available

The abstract class PDFReportDocument exposes the current methods that can be used when generating a PDFDocument just take a look at the code here.

As this is still WIP it has not been released as a published package but you can still try it out by adding the following to your apps pubspec.yaml under the dependencies section.


Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.

For help on editing package code, view the documentation.