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Loki Handler for slog

This handler allows logging with slog to Loki. By default, logs are sent asynchronously in batches and are formatted using slog.TextHandler (logfmt).


go get

Example Usage in Go

package main

import (
	loki ""

func main() {
	// NewHandler(url, ...options)
	handler := loki.NewHandler("http://localhost:3200", loki.WithName("my-go-binary"))
	defer handler.Close()


	// ...

The package slog-multi is recommended for simultaneous logging to the console and Loki.

Example Usage in Grafana

{name="my-go-binary"} | logfmt | level =~ "WARN|ERROR"

This query displays all log entries of the application with a severity of at least "warning". The format depends on the handler set with WithHandler.


  • WithName(string):
    Adds the additional label "name" to all log entries sent to Loki. If the default handler is used, it is also added as an attribute to the formatted log message.
  • WithLabel(string, any):
    Similar to WithName, this adds an additional label to all log entries sent to Loki.
  • WithLabelsEnabled(...Label):
    Sends additional labels from log entry attributes. By default, only the name attribute is sent. Available labels include:
    • Labels added with WithName or WithLabel are always added to log entries.
    • LabelTime: Adds the time as a label.
    • LabelLevel: Adds the log level as a label.
    • LabelMessage: Adds the message as a label.
    • LabelSource: Adds the source with format "[file]:[line]:[function]".
    • LabelAttrs: Adds all extra attributes as labels.
    • LabelAll: Adds all fields and attributes as labels.
  • WithHandler(func(w io.Writer) slog.Handler):
    Allows setting a handler to change the format of log entries. The handler should write the log entries to the writer w. For example, to create log entries in JSON format:
    WithHandler(func(w io.Writer) slog.Handler {
        return slog.NewJSONHandler(w, &slog.HandlerOptions{
            // ...
  • WithSynchronous(bool):
    By default (async mode), log entries are processed in a separate Go routine. If synchronous sending is used, batch interval and size are ignored.
  • WithBatchInterval(time.Duration):
    Sets the batch interval. Every batch interval, all collected log entries will be dispatched (default: 15 seconds).
  • WithBatchSize(int):
    Maximum batch size. If the number of collected log entries exceeds this size, all collected entries will be sent to Loki (default: 1024).
  • WithErrorHandler(bool):
    Sets the error handler for send errors in asynchronous mode. This is ignored in synchronous mode.


Handler for slog for logging into Loki.







