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Required input format

magnuskristoffersen edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 4 revisions

Input data must be a csv file with one analysis per row. The cvs file is required to contain some column names, example shown below

sample age uncert disc hfhf hfhfse luhf ehf_i

where the only truly required column is age which contains the age data in Ma. If included the uncertainty of the age data, 1SD (Ma), must be in the uncert column and the percentage of discordancy must be in the disc column. To fully take advantage of the plotting utilities each analysis should have the name of the sample it belongs to in the sample column.

Lu-Hf data can be input in two different ways: measured 176Hf/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf in the hfhf and luhf columns, respectively, or as initial epsilon Hf in a column called ehf_i. Standard error (1SE) of the measured 176Hf/177Hf, if included, must be in the hfhfse column. The input data should also contain a column with the name/identifier of the analysis, as the output of for instance the Lu-Hf table is of little use without an analysis identifier. There is no required name for this column but can be f.ex. point, spot, name etc.

Any additional columns will be ignored in calculations, but will be included in the output Lu-Hf table.

An example csv file can be found here.

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