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Writing a custom Specifier Type

While glom comes with a lot of built-in features, no library can ever encompass all data manipulation operations.

To cover every case out there, glom provides a way to extend its functionality with your own data handling hooks. This document explains glom's execution model and how to integrate with it when writing a custom Specifier Type.

When to write a Specifier Type

glom has always supported arbitrary callables, like so:

glom({'nums': range(5)}, ('nums', sum))
# 10

With this built-in extensibility, what does a glom specifier type add?

Custom specifier types are useful when you want to:

  1. Perform validation at spec construction time
  2. Enable users to interact with new target types and operations
  3. Improve readability and reusability of your data transformations
  4. Temporarily change the glom runtime behavior

If you're just building a one-off spec for transforming your own data, there's no reason to reach for an extension. glom's extension API is easy, but a good old Python lambda is even easier.

Building your Specifier Type

Any object instance with a glomit method can participate in a glom call. By way of example, here is a programming cliché implemented as a glom specifier type, with comments referencing notes below.

class HelloWorldSpec(object):  # 1
    def glomit(self, target, scope):  # 2
        print("Hello, world!")
        return target

And now let's put it to use!

from glom import glom

target = {'example': 'object'}

glom(target, HelloWorldSpec())  # 3
# prints "Hello, world!" and returns target

There are a few things to note from this example:

  1. Specifier types do not need to inherit from any type. Just implement the glomit method.
  2. The glomit signature takes two parameters, target and scope. The target should be familiar from using :func:`~glom.glom`, and it's the scope that makes glom really tick.
  3. By convention, instances are used in specs passed to :func:`~glom.glom` calls, not the types themselves.

The glom Scope

The :ref:`glom scope<scope>` is also used to expose runtime state to the specifier type. Let's take a look inside a scope:

from glom import glom
from pprint import pprint

class ScopeInspectorSpec(object):
    def glomit(self, target, scope):
        return target

glom(target, ScopeInspectorSpec())

Which gives us:

{T: {'example': 'object'},
<function glom at 0x7f208984d140>: <function _glom at 0x7f208984d5f0>,
<class 'glom.core.Path'>: [],
<class 'glom.core.Spec'>: <__main__.ScopeInspectorSpec object at 0x7f208bf58690>,
<class 'glom.core.Inspect'>: None,
<class 'glom.core.TargetRegistry'>: <glom.core.TargetRegistry object at 0x7f208984b4d0>}

As you can see, all glom's core workings are present, all under familiar keys:

To learn how to use the scope's powerful features idiomatically, let's reimplement at one of glom's standard specifier types.

Specifiers by example

While we've technically created a couple of extensions above, let's really dig into the features of the scope using an example.

:class:`~glom.Sum` is a standard extension that ships with glom, and it works like this:

from glom import glom, Sum

glom([1, 2, 3], Sum())
# 6

The version below does not have as much error handling, but reproduces all the same basic principles. This version of Sum() code also contains comments with references to explanatory notes below.

from glom import glom, Path, T
from glom.core import TargetRegistry, UnregisteredTarget  # 1

class Sum(object):
   def __init__(self, subspec=T, init=int):  # 2
       self.subspec = subspec
       self.init = init

   def glomit(self, target, scope):
       if self.subspec is not T:
           target = scope[glom](target, self.subspec, scope)  # 3

           # 4
           iterate = scope[TargetRegistry].get_handler('iterate', target, path=scope[Path])
       except UnregisteredTarget as ut:
           # 5
           raise TypeError('can only %s on iterable targets, not %s type (%s)'
                           % (self.__class__.__name__, type(target).__name__, ut))

           iterator = iterate(target)
       except Exception as e:
           raise TypeError('failed to iterate on instance of type %r at %r (got %r)'
                           % (target.__class__.__name__, Path(*scope[Path]), e))

       return self._sum(iterator)

   def _sum(self, iterator):  # 6
       ret = self.init()

       for v in iterator:
           ret += v

       return ret

Now, let's take a look at the interesting parts, referencing the comments above:

  1. Specifier types often reference the :class:`TargetRegistry`, which is not part of the top-level glom API, and must be imported from glom.core. More on this in #4.
  2. Specifier type __init__ methods may take as many or as few arguments as desired, but many glom specifier types take a first parameter of a subspec, meant to be fetched right before the actual specifier's operation. This helps readability of glomspecs. See :class:`~glom.Coalesce` for an example of this idiom.
  3. Specifier types should not reference the :func:`~glom.glom()` function directly, instead use the :func:`~glom.glom` function as a key to the scope map to get the currently active glom(). This ensures that the extension type is compatible with advanced specifier types which override the glom() function.
  4. To maximize compatiblity with new target types, glom allows :ref:`new types and operations to be registered <setup-and-registration>` with the TargetRegistry. Specifier types should respect this by contextually fetching these standard operators as demonstrated above. At the time of writing, the primary operators used by glom itself are "get", "iterate", "keys", "assign", and "delete".
  5. In the event that the current target does not support your Specifier type's desired operation, it's customary to raise a helpful error. Consider creating your own exception type and inheriting from :class:`~glom.GlomError`.
  6. Specifier types may have other methods and members in addition to the primary glomit() method. This _sum() method implements most of the core of our custom specifier type.

Check out the implementation of the real :class:`glom.Sum()` specifier for more details.

Summing up

glom Specifier Types are more than just add-ons; the extension architecture is how most of glom itself is implemented. Build knowing that the paradigm is as powerful as anything built-in.

If you need more examples, another simple one can be found in :ref:`this snippet <lisp-style-if>`. glom's source code itself contains many specifiers more advanced than the above. Simply search the codebase for glomit() methods and you will find no shortage.

Happy extending!