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Steps to install Jenkins on an Ubuntu machine

  • Create an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine.

  • Jenkins runs as a standalone application.

  • The Jenkins WAR file bundles Winstone, a Jetty

    • Winstone:
    • Jetty:
  • Install using Docker:

# Pull LTS Jenkins image
docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11

# Create a bridged network for Jenkins using Docker
docker network create jenkins

# Run Docker container DiND
docker run \
  --name jenkins-docker \
  --rm \
  --detach \
  --privileged \
  --network jenkins \
  --network-alias docker \
  --env DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs \
  --volume jenkins-docker-certs:/certs/client \
  --volume jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home \
  --publish 2376:2376 \
  docker:dind \
  --storage-driver overlay2

# What is dind?

# Create a dockerfile for the jenkins image
# Build the image as below
docker build -t myjenkins-blueocean:2.375.3-1 .
# The image is just a Jenkins image with docker installed on it

Steps to create a Jenkins machine on Linode

  • Go to Linode > Marketplace > Search for Jenkins

  • Choose the image, region, and plan for the server

Access Jenkins

# SSH into the server 
ssh root@<ip or host name>

# Get the inital token for jenkins
cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

# Open jenkins in browser
# http://<ip or host name>:8080/
# Copy the initail token to log int the server

Guided tour

Guided tour uses Blue Ocean

  • Blue Ocean as it stands, provides easy-to-use Pipeline visualization.
  • Blue Ocean will not receive additional functionality or enhancement updates. (Reference)
  • We may want to consider alternative options such as the Pipeline: Stage View and Pipeline Graph View plugins.

Install suggested plugins, and create credentials.

Follow guide. (Link)

Jenkins Pipeline

  • Jenkins Pipeline (or simply "Pipeline") is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.

Create your first pipeline:

  • Install the Docker Pipeline plugin (Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins).
  • Write your Jenkinsfile and push it to your repository.
  • Go to Jenkinks > Create a new item > Name the pipeline.
  • Choose the pipeline type:
    • Freestyle project: Totally ad-hoc. Combines any SCM with any build system.
    • Pipeline: Orchestrate long-running and complex activities.
    • Multi-configuration project: Suitable for working with different environments with different configurations.
    • Folder: Provides more organization for projects to be in different namespaces instead of just relying on filters.
    • Multibranch Pipeline: Suitable for dealing with and detecting multiple in one single SCM repo
    • Organization Folder: Organizes multibranch projects in separate folders.
  • We will choose "Multibranch Pipeline" and press "OK"
  • Go to "Branch Sources" to add your repo info.
  • Jenkins will automatically detect any new Branches or Pull Requests that are created in your repository and start running Pipelines for them.


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