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JS/TS based Playwright framework

Commands used in this project

  • npm innit - creates node project
  • npm install playwright - installs playwright framework
  • npm install playwright-test - install playwright-test library
  • npm install prettier - installs prettier (styling) framwork
  • npx playwright test - runs tests in headless mode
  • npx playwright test -headed - runs tests in browser headed mode (visual test run)
  • npx playwright test --project=chromium - runs tests in a specific browser
  • npx playwright test --project=all - runs tests in a all browsers
  • npx test path-to-test/test-file.spec.ts - runs test from a specific test file
  • npx playwright test --grep @myTag - use grep to run tests which have a custom tag. Need to be added in test description section (@ symbol required): ie test("description of test @myTag")
  • npx playwright test --grep=invert @myTag - runs all text except for the specified tests specified in @myTag tag
  • npx playwright test --config=playwright.config.ts = runs tests against specific configuration file
  • npx playwright test --project=Chromium = runs tests against specific browser
  • npx playwright test --reporter=line = enables line reporting, which is minimal reporting. Not recommended
  • npx playwright test --reporter=list = enables list reporting, which is set by default by Playwright. Gives a list of tests run including path & describe description, test line number as, test description as well duration of test
  • npx playwright test --reporter=dot = enables dot reporting, shows green or red dots... green for pass and red for fail.
  • npx playwright test --reporter=junit = enables junit reporting, test details in xml format within terminal.
  • npx playwright test --reporter=html = enables html reporting, test details in html format and stored within playwright-report directory.

Best practices

  • Use .ts (typescript) file extensions


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