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Ross Muir edited this page Jun 13, 2014 · 18 revisions

MaidSafe-RUDP wiki


Implementation of Reliable UDP.

TCP is a reliable connection oriented protocol that cannot traverse NAT routers (with any real capability) UDP is an unreliable connectionless protocol that can traverse many NAT routers with ease.

MaidSafe-RUDP is a reliable pseudo connected protocol that can traverse more NAT routers than plain UDP when used in conjunction with MaidSafe-Routing. It is impervious to 'man in the middle' attacks with no requirement for a key exchange protocol to exist at the network level.


  • Implements hundreds / thousands of connections per computer (depending on hardware)
  • Provides encrypted communications (keys can be passed into API per connection)
  • Used in conjunction with MaidSafe-Routing this library implements a network that is entirely resistant to 'man in the middle' attacks
  • Used in conjunction with MaidSafe-Routing this library implements a network that can traverse even symmetric NAT routers
  • Capable of multiplexing multiple RUDP connections to single UDP port (increasing connection capabilities)


This library is considered BETA quality and is provided with a full test suite and QA suite. This can be considered for use in production quality systems at this time. There is currently a limit on message size that requires attention at the earliest convenience.