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SeleniumSharper is a powerful, lightweight tool that makes working with Selenium much easier. By offering a set of useful extensions and tools, it enhances the experience of working with Selenium.



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SeleniumSharper is a powerful, lightweight tool that makes working with Selenium much easier. By offering a set of useful extensions and tools, it enhances the experience of working with Selenium.

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You should install SeleniumSharper with NuGet:

Install-Package SeleniumSharper

Or via the .NET Core command line interface:

dotnet add package SeleniumSharper

Either commands, from Package Manager Console or .NET Core CLI, will download and install SeleniumSharper and all required dependencies.


Wait conditions

var title = driver.Wait(30)
    .Until(ctx => ctx.Title)
    .Satisfies(title => title.Equals("My awesome title"));


Here is an example of how to use WebDriverManager to setup a specific type of driver with a custom configuration:

var webDriverPath = WebDriverManager
    .With(config =>
        config.VersionResolveStrategy = VersionResolveStrategy.SpecificVersion;
        config.Version = "113.0.5672.24";

You can also use the default configuration if you don't need to set any custom options:

var webDriverPath = WebDriverManager


I would like to give credit to the following resources that have inspired this project.

The idea for automatically downloading and installing driver binaries was inspired by the repository WebDriverManager.Net. However, this project uses a slightly different approach by creating a driver manager that returns the instance of the IWebDriver, making it even easier to work with it.

The idea for implementing an enhanced methodology to wait for conditions to be satisfied in Selenium was inspired by the repository DotNetSeleniumExtras. Fascinated by the concept, I developed my own implementation. The waiting methods included in this library are designed to resemble a sentence and are capable of accepting Func<> delegates, thereby increasing their flexibility and variety.


SeleniumSharper is a powerful, lightweight tool that makes working with Selenium much easier. By offering a set of useful extensions and tools, it enhances the experience of working with Selenium.






