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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 7, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Getting Started

Manual Dependencies

Almost all dependnecies are listed in devDependencies. However, still depends on

  • Install yarn (< 1) globally (npm i -g yarn)
  • Install now globally (npm i -g now).
  • To deploy the server using Google Cloud, follow the steps in


In the root directory, run yarn install.

Starting the dev server

To start the client and backend dev servers, run

yarn server gulp start // server on localhost:8080
yarn client gulp start // client on localhost:3000

These commands will likely fail until you have setup the configuration correctly (see below).

Node version when developing on Linux

On many Linux distros, running the above command may yield compile errors for about Array.flatMap and Object.fromEntries not being functions. This issue has been observed here and here. The root problem (documented here) is that Nodejs v10 (default on Unix) does not support Object.fromEntries and Array.flatMap. The solution is to use a more recent version of Node (^v12). The easiest way for me was to use nvm. This error does not arise in OSX.


Running the app requires some configuration setting. All of those are exported in env/env.js. It has two dependencies that are not checked into source control:

  • Dev Overrides: will generally work out of the box. To run the backend services, you will want to override the existing configuration.

  • Application Secrets: secrets.nogit.json: The secrets can be made empty strings (they must be defined for the server to work). You can set them as you need to

Configuration Details

Below are the settings that need to be set to get an environment to work.

  • Mailgun: You only need these to send emails (last step in signup flow). It's easy to get set up for free. Since you don't have access to our domain records, you will probabyl want to set your emails to be sent from the sanbox domain that mailgun sets up automatically when you sign up.

  • Twilio: You only need these to send faxes (last step in signup flow). It's easy to get set up for free.

  • Incoming fax numbers: To test Twilio, we setup an incoming fax number. (FaxBurner) offers a free temporary one. Set RECEIVE_FAX_NUMBER to this number.

  • Dev Firestore Access: Goto the Firebase Console and generate a new key and place it in packages/server/secrets/[...].json. Then make sure env.js has GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS set to ./secrets/[...].json (override using developmentRaw).

  • Google OAuth: (development of organizer-facing pages only) Following the instructions here:

    1. Enable Google+ API from the Console
    2. Once you have done the above, you should be able to turn on the OAuth Conset screen
    3. Once you have done the above, you should be able to create OAuth Credentials

    Download and save these credentials for dev, prod, and staging. Thes eare the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET fields.

For more details, check out here.

Testing Individual services

To experiment with or verify an individual service, you can call the "prototype" files from the command line for the individual services, (e.g.):

yarn server gulp script --script src/service/mg.proto.ts --env development

To find a list of prototype calls, run:

git ls-files | grep proto

Google Maps API

You will have to enable Google Maps geolocation and geocoding APIs, then set GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY in order to do the ZIP code to state and address to election official lookups. Instructions here.

Express session secrets

Set SESSION_SECRET to a random string of your choice to encrypt sessions.

Repo Structure

The code is a lerna repo split into three packages:

  • packages/client
  • packages/server
  • packages/common shared code symlinked between above to

Each package has it's own gulpfile.js.

Running tasks

To invoke the grunt file, run commands like

yarn server gulp script --env development --file src/script/fetchData.ts

The command yarn server gulp and yarn client gulp run their respective gulpfiles. Check out the gulpfiles for more commands.

Checking repo

To check if the repo is working run the following four commands

yarn bootstrap && yarn build && yarn lint && yarn test

Please do this before you submit a PR.

Adding a State

To add a new state, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Increment version number and publish a new version of the elections official data, if you need updated data.

  2. Match the version number in the environment variable ELECTIONS_OFFICIALS_VERSION, if you need updated data.

  3. Add the state to availableStates and implementedStates const arrays in common. This should start generating type errors from incomplete switch statements when you run

    yarn build

    Fixing those errors by pattern matching should get you a new state. Becareful to follow the state-by-state regulations for VBM signup. For reference, here are the core commits adding Arizona and New York.

    Some states require us to fill out and submit their PDF form for the signup. This means determining the X/Y coordinates for each input box. Use the file packages/server/src/service/pdfForm.proto.ts as a test harness for laying out the application (see New Hampshire for an example).

Notes on Submitting Code

Please submit code via pull requests, ideally from this repo if you have access or from your own fork if you do not.


The best way to showcase changes to your site is to host your own staging instance. Each instance has its own configuration (e.g. production or staging) and can be edited via the gulpfile via --env production. To add your own, copy and modify the contents the staging object in env/env.js using your own namespace (e.g. your GithubID).

Now (Client Hosting)

The client is hosted by Vercel, which is also called Zeit and Now. If you create and deploy to your own zeit hosting instance and point it to the dev or staging backend instance, you should be able to experiment / show off your own front-end.

App Engine (Server Hosting)

To get started, goto AppEngine Getting Started and follow the prompts.

Don't forget to set indexes. To do this, run the command resulting from

yarn server gulp deploy-index --env [environment]

(see the gulp file server's gulpfile.js).

Secrets in deployed App Engine

Configuration environment variables (and hence secrets) in Google Appengine is through app.yaml. We do not store this in git so that secrets are not exposed. Instead, we store app.tmpl.yaml without secrets and fill in the environment variables in app.yaml dynamically via gulp:

yarn server gulp appsubst --env staging [environment]

This is automatically run as a part of

yarn server gulp deploy --env staging [environment]

Alternative (not used): follow this SO answer, put all secrets in a special file that is not stored in source control.

Web Data






Markdown Library

We're using Marked, which has more dependents, downloads, and is smaller than Showdown. The documentation on how to run it in node is available here


We're using Toast for notifications. The general style is to not report success, occasionally report queries about loading, and always report errors.

Elections Resources

From Vote at Home Insitute

About Us

This repository is for, a National Vote at Home Institute project.
