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1st draft of SpamBayes based auto-classification of mail
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BjarniRunar committed Dec 27, 2013
1 parent 0af5213 commit beebd50
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
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sudo apt-get install python-imaging python-lxml python-jinja2 pep8 \
rubygems ruby-dev yui-compressor python-nose
rubygems ruby-dev yui-compressor python-nose \
sudo gem install therubyracer less

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# These are the plugins we ship/import by default
__all__ = [
'search', 'tags', 'contacts', 'compose', 'groups',
'dates', 'sizes',
'dates', 'sizes', 'autotag',
'setup_magic', 'networkgraph', 'exporters',
'vcard_carddav', 'vcard_gnupg', 'vcard_gravatar', 'vcard_mork',
BUILTIN = (__all__[:] + [

# These are plugins which we consider required
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# This is an auto-tagging plugin that invokes external tools.

import math
import time
import datetime
from gettext import gettext as _

import mailpile.plugins
import mailpile.config

##[ Configuration ]###########################################################

mailpile.plugins.register_config_section('prefs', 'autotag', ["Auto-tag",
'command': ['Shell command to invoke', str, ''],
'match_tag': ['Tag we are adding to automatically', str, ''],
'unsure_tag': ['If unsure, add to this tag', str, ''],
'ignore_kws': ['Ignore messages with these keywords', str, []],
}, {}])

##[ Keywords ]################################################################

def filter_hook(session, msg_mid, msg, keywords):
"""Classify this message."""
config = session.config.prefs.autotag

# FIXME: Iterate through all the autotag config options, invoke
# the external command and interpret the response.

return keywords

# We add a filter post-hook with a high (late) priority, to maximize
# the amount of data we are feeding to the classifier.
mailpile.plugins.register_filter_hook_post('90-autotag', filter_hook)
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@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# This is an auto-tagging plugin that uses SpamBayes to classify messages.
# We feed the classifier the same terms as go into the search engine,
# which should allow us to actually introspect a bit into the behavior
# of the classifier.

import math
import time
import datetime
from gettext import gettext as _

from spambayes.classifier import Classifier

import mailpile.config
import mailpile.plugins
from mailpile.commands import Command
from mailpile.mailutils import Email

##[ Configuration ]###########################################################

mailpile.plugins.register_config_section('prefs', 'autotag_sb', ["Spambayes",
'match_tag': ['Tag we are adding to automatically', str, ''],
'unsure_tag': ['If unsure, add to this tag', str, ''],
'exclude_tags': ['Tags on messages we should never match (ham)', str, []],
'ignore_kws': ['Ignore messages with these keywords', str, []],
'corpus_size': ['How many messages do we train on?', int, 1000],
'threshold': ['Size of the sure/unsure ranges', float, 0.1],
}, []])

def SaveClassifier(config, match_tag):
'autotag_sb.%s' % match_tag)

def LoadClassifier(config, match_tag):
if not hasattr(config, 'autotag_sb'):
config.autotag_sb = {}
if match_tag not in config.autotag_sb:
cfn = 'autotag_sb.%s' % match_tag
config.autotag_sb[match_tag] = config.load_pickle(cfn)
except IOError:
config.autotag_sb[match_tag] = Classifier()
SaveClassifier(config, match_tag)
return config.autotag_sb[match_tag]

mailpile.config.ConfigManager.load_sb_classifier = LoadClassifier;
mailpile.config.ConfigManager.save_sb_classifier = SaveClassifier;

##[ Commands ]################################################################

class AutoTagCommand(Command):
ORDER = ('Tagging', 9)

def _get_keywords(self, e):
idx = self._idx()
kws, snippet = idx.read_message(self.session,
int(e.get_msg_info(field=idx.MSG_DATE), 36)
return kws

# - Add a command for retraining a particular tag, or all tags.
# - Should collect N messages for training, prefer messages
# that are interesting - having been read, replied to, tagged
# by hand or placed in the "ham" corpus.
# - Pad up to corpus_size with random selection biased towards
# recent mail?
class Retrain(AutoTagCommand):
SYNOPSIS = (None, 'autotag_sb/retrain', None, '[<tags>]')

def command(self):
session, config, idx = self.session, self.session.config, self._idx()
tags = self.args or [asb['match_tag']
for asb in config.prefs.autotag_sb]
tids = [config.get_tag(t)._key for t in tags if t]

session.ui.mark(_('Retraining SpamBayes autotaggers'))
if not hasattr(config, 'autotag_sb'):
config.autotag_sb = {}

# Find all the interesting messages! We don't look in the trash,
# but we do look at interesting spam.
# Note: By specifically stating that we DON'T want trash, we
# disable the search engine's default result suppression
# and guarantee these results don't corrupt the somewhat
# lame/broken result cache.
no_trash = ['-in:%s' % t._key for t in config.get_tags(type='trash')]
interest = {}
for ttype in ('replied', 'read', 'tagged'):
interest[ttype] = set()
for tag in config.get_tags(type=ttype):
interest[ttype] |=,
['in:%s' % tag.slug] + no_trash
session.ui.notify(_('Have %d interesting %s messages'
) % (len(interest[ttype]), ttype))

retrained = []
for asb in config.prefs.autotag_sb:
asb_tag = config.get_tag(asb.match_tag)
if asb_tag and asb_tag._key in tids:
session.ui.mark('Retraining: %s' %

yn = [(set(), set(), 'in:%s' % asb_tag.slug, True),
(set(), set(), '-in:%s' % asb_tag.slug, False)]

# Get the current message sets: tagged and untagged messages
# excluding trash.
for tset, mset, srch, which in yn:
mset |=, [srch] + no_trash).as_set()

# If we have any exclude_tags, they are particularly
# interesting, so we'll look at them first.
interesting = []
for etagid in asb.exclude_tags:
etag = config.get_tag(etagid)
if etag._key not in interest:
srch = ['in:%s' % etag._key] + no_trash
interest[etag._key] =, srch
interesting.extend(['replied', 'read', 'tagged'])

# Go through the interest types in order of preference and
# while we still lack training data, add to the training set.
for ttype in interesting:
for tset, mset, srch, which in yn:
# FIXME: Is this a good idea? No single data source
# is allowed to be more than 50% of the corpus, to
# try and encourage diversity.
want = min(asb.corpus_size / 4,
max(0, asb.corpus_size / 2 - len(tset)))
if want:
if ttype:
adding = sorted(list(mset & interest[ttype]))
adding = sorted(list(mset))
adding = set(list(reversed(adding))[:want])
tset |= adding
mset -= adding

# Start with a fresh classifier
bayes = Classifier()
count_all = 0
for tset, mset, srch, which in yn:
count = 0
for msg_idx in tset:
e = Email(idx, msg_idx)
count += 1
count_all += 1
session.ui.mark(('Reading %s (%d/%d, %s=%s)'
) % (e.msg_mid(), count, len(tset),, which))
bayes.learn(self._get_keywords(e), which)

# We got this far without crashing, so save the result.
config.autotag_sb[asb_tag._key] = bayes

session.ui.mark(_('Retrained SpamBayes auto-tagging for %s'
) % ', '.join(retrained))
return {'retrained': retrained, 'read_messages': count_all}

class Classify(AutoTagCommand):
SYNOPSIS = (None, 'autotag_sb/classify', None, '<msgs>')
ORDER = ('Tagging', 9)

def _classify(self, emails):
session, config, idx = self.session, self.session.config, self._idx()
results = {}
for e in emails:
kws = self._get_keywords(e)
result = results[e.msg_mid()] = {}
for asb in config.prefs.autotag_sb:
asb_tag = config.get_tag(asb.match_tag)
bayes = config.load_sb_classifier(asb_tag._key)
prob, evidence = bayes.chi2_spamprob(kws, evidence=True)
result[asb_tag._key] = (prob, evidence)
return results

def command(self):
session, config, idx = self.session, self.session.config, self._idx()
emails = [Email(idx, mid) for mid in self._choose_messages(self.args)]
return self._classify(emails)

class AutoTag(Classify):
SYNOPSIS = (None, 'autotag_sb', None, '<msgs>')
ORDER = ('Tagging', 9)

def command(self):
session, config, idx = self.session, self.session.config, self._idx()
emails = [Email(idx, mid) for mid in self._choose_messages(self.args)]
scores = self._classify(emails)
tag = {}
for mid in scores:
for asb in config.prefs.autotag_sb:
asb_tag = config.get_tag(asb.match_tag)
score = scores[mid].get(asb_tag._key, (0, ))[0]

if score > (1.0 - asb.threshold):
if asb.match_tag not in tag:
tag[asb.match_tag] = [mid]

elif asb.unsure_tag and score >= asb.threshold:
if asb.unsure_tag not in tag:
tag[asb.unsure_tag] = [mid]

for tid in tag:
idx.add_tag(session, tid, msg_idxs=[int(i, 36) for i in tag[tid]])

return tag

mailpile.plugins.register_commands(Retrain, Classify, AutoTag)

##[ Cron jobs ]###############################################################

# FIXME: We should periodically retrain?

##[ Keywords ]################################################################

def filter_hook(session, msg_mid, msg, keywords):
"""Classify this message."""
config = session.config
for asb in config.prefs.autotag_sb:
asb_tag = config.get_tag(asb.match_tag)
bayes = config.load_sb_classifier(asb_tag._key)
score = bayes.chi2_spamprob(keywords)
if score > (1 - asb.threshold):
if 'autotag' in config.sys.debug:
session.ui.debug(('Autotagging %s with %s (score=%.3f)'
) % (msg_mid,, score))
keywords.add('%s:tag' % asb_tag._key)
elif asb.unsure_tag and score >= asb.threshold:
unsure_tag = config.get_tag(asb.unsure_tag)
if 'autotag' in config.sys.debug:
session.ui.debug(('Autotagging %s with %s (score=%.3f)'
) % (msg_mid,, score))
keywords.add('%s:tag' % unsure_tag._key)
except (KeyError, AttributeError, ValueError):

return keywords

# We add a filter pre-hook with a high (late) priority. Late priority to
# maximize the amount of data we are feeding to the classifier, but a
# pre-hook so normal filter rules will override the autotagging.
mailpile.plugins.register_filter_hook_post('90-autotag_sb', filter_hook)
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Expand Up @@ -702,6 +702,9 @@ def _loader(p):
keywords.extend(['%s:email' % e for e in emails])
if 'list' in key_lower:
keywords.extend(['%s:list' % t for t in words])
if not msg[key]:
keywords.append('missing:%s' % key)

for extract in plugins.get_meta_kw_extractors():
keywords.extend(extract(self, msg_mid, msg, msg_size, msg_ts))
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STOPLIST = set(['an', 'and', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'from',
'has', 'http', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'mailto', 'og', 'or',
're', 'so', 'the', 'to', 'was'])
'has', 'http', 'https', 'i', 'in', 'is', 'it',
'mailto', 'me',
'og', 'or', 're', 'so', 'the', 'to', 'was', 'you'])

BORING_HEADERS = ('received', 'date',
'content-type', 'content-disposition', 'mime-version',
'dkim-signature', 'domainkey-signature', 'received-spf')

EXPECTED_HEADERS = ('from', 'to', 'subject', 'date')

B64C_STRIP = '\n='

B64C_TRANSLATE = string.maketrans('/', '_')
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