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An UnrealEngine plugin for the Sentry crash reporting service (

Sentry plugin for the sentry-native sdk

This plugin implements crash handling using sentry. It also exposes blueprint functions to communicate with the native sdk


This plugin is supported on Windows and Linux. For other platforms, the plugin provides a dummy implementation.


the usual environment variables such as SENTRY_DSN can be used. In addition command line flags can be used, such as -SENTRY_DSN=https://foo

An .ini file can be used as well. The priority is (lowest to highest):

  • Builtin values
  • .ini file
  • Env var
  • command line flag.

The .ini file is DefaultSentry.ini (or other Sentry.ini files according to the usual platform/role precedence of UE4 ini files) under the key following key:


The current list of config keys:

.ini file Environment variable Command line flag

All take a value, such as

export SENTRY_RELEASE=GoldMaster3000




For crash handling on Windows, UnrealEngine 5.1 or later must be used. This version allows the plugin to take over crash handling from the engine's own handlers.

For an older engine, a patch needs to be applied to the engine source code. There is a Pull Request for UnrealEngine which accomplishes this: If your engine is patched in that way, you can #define HAVE_CRASH_HANDLING_THING 1 in the file SentryClientModule.cpp

Run-time requirements

The crashpad backend used for Linux requires C++ runtime to be installed. Use apt install libc++ or similar to install it. Currently the sentry-native package does not support static linking of this executable.

Updating the sentry-native binaries

The sentry-native sdk is a submodule at SentryClient/Source/ThirdParty/sentry-native. The binaries and header are built from this and placed in SentryClient/Binaries/ThirdParty/sentry-native.

  • You may want to update the submodule to a new release tag. Be sure to update the submodule and initialize all submodules recursively.
  • You now need to rebuild the binaries and install the sdks in the proper folder.
    • Follow the instructions for each platform below
    • install to the proper place, e.g. SentryClient/Binaries/ThirdParty/sentry-native/Win64

The sentry-native SDK uses CMake and this needs to be installed, along with any necessary platform build tools and dependencies, mentioned below.

We build the static version of the sdk, with none transport, since the plugin provides its own http transport via the unreal engine.

Building for Windows

We must use the RelWithDebInfo configuration because the Debug configuration links with the Debug windows CRT, which is incompatible with UE. UnrealEngine 4.26 uses VisualStudio 2017 as the official code generator. Newer versions of VisualStudio create code that cannot be linked with an engine built with 2017.

  1. Install cmake, e.g. using choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System' (see for the choco installer)
  2. Open a command shell and enter the Source/ThirdParty/sentry-native folder
  3. Delete any pre-existing build folder
  4. Run cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64" -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DSENTRY_TRANSPORT=none to configure cmake
  5. Run cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo to build the binaries (do not specify --parallel, it will only build the Debug config)
  6. Run cmake --install build --prefix ../../../Binaries/ThirdParty/sentry-native/Win64 --config RelWithDebInfo

A batch file which performs the above steps is available in Source/ThirdParty/build_win.cmd A separate one, build_win-bp.cmd configures and builds the breakpad in-process crash handler for games that need that. Note that this handler will only upload crashes the next time the game is launched.

Building for Linux

This follows much the same steps as above, except that the install folder should be Linux instead of Win64 You need a minimum version of CMake 3.12 for this to work. In case of problems running the first step, try upgrading cmake. We will use the crashpad backend for linux, instead of the default breakpad since the crashpad handler is out of process and uploads immediately, rather than during the next run. This is important for linux servers, particulary in containers, where the server may not be run again in the same place (and thus, the delayed uploading of the crash will not occur.)

  1. Install compilation prerequisites, such as build-essential along with other libs: zlib-dev,libssl-dev, libc++-dev, libc++abi-dev, clang. This varies according to your distro.
  2. cd to Source/ThirdParty/sentry-native
  3. Delete any pre-existing build-linux folder
  4. Run cmake -B build-linux -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DSENTRY_TRANSPORT=none \ -DSENTRY_BACKEND=crashpad \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="clang++" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
  5. Run cmake --build build-linux --config RelWithDebInfo --parallel
  6. Run cmake --install build-linux --prefix ../../../Binaries/ThirdParty/sentry-native/Linux --config RelWithDebInfo

A shell script which performs the above is available in Source/ThirdParty/


An UnrealEngine plugin for the Sentry crash reporting service







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