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Creatica 2020 Submission: A website that allows users to find college preparatory information and commonly asked questions in the college process.

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Welcome to College Cloud

Your Project

A website that allows users to find college preparatory information and commonly asked questions in the college process.


In some cases, students may not be able to afford intensive counseling and have access to resources that can guide them through middle school and high school. I have seen first-hand students who have given up on going to college because of a lack of guidance. They have explained that college is too expensive and they don’t have the money to do so. In thinking this way, they ended middle school with the idea that college will not be in their future. Our goal is to help less-fortunate students attend a community college or a four-year university through college preparatory information and commonly asked questions. We hope to inspire and guide students to fulfilling their full potential.

What it does

College Cloud is an essential tool for students to use. Students who may not know where to start, when it comes to college, can find all the resources they need: from links to study tools to sample pathways for each grade, starting from middle school.

How we built it

College Cloud is a seamlessly functioning site with a navigation bar always at the top of the screen for users to maneuver. The pages are filled with links, photos, and dropdown buttons that make for a captivating and interactive experience. Moreover, its design remains consistent throughout each page; we chose different fonts for the website name, page titles, and text bodies that remain constant on each page in an effort to unify the site in its entirety. Each page contains a simple floral footer with orange accents that became a key background color on various pages, once again aimed at unifying the College Cloud website.

Challenges we ran into

We attempted a type of layout we never tried before on our testing page. We wanted our text to be side by side with photos, but we had no idea how to go about it. After a lot of trial and error, and discussing with a mentor, we were successful!

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're proud of how much we were able to complete in such a short span of time. We are semi-experienced coders, but this was the most complex website we've all created. We're all proud of the amount of work we put into every page, including all of the content we wrote. We're proud of our testing page for its layout, our FAQ page for the dropdown menus we experimented with, and our activities page for the in-depth information we provided.

What we learned

Being that Creatica is our first hackathon, we wanted to push ourselves and create something memorable! We have a decent understanding of a few languages, as well as some experience creating websites, but none were as complex as College Cloud. Our team dealt with several hiccups in the road that required foreign solutions, such as creating a table to increase text responsiveness.

What's next for College Cloud

In the future, we hope for College Cloud to include chat sections both for users to interact with one other, and for users to communicate with the site's creators. This way, students can receive support regarding their personal concerns in conjunction with general guidelines. We also hope to improve the responsiveness of our website, so users will be able to view our website comfortably on all devices.

Built With

HTMl CSS JavaScript


Creatica 2020 Submission: A website that allows users to find college preparatory information and commonly asked questions in the college process.






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