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Building and Loading

!!! note As of version 2.4.X, the phg utilizes a new version of anchorwave(1.2.3). This changes how ASM coordinates are handled.
If you are using old MAF files generated either from anchorwave 1.2.2 or from PHGv2 version 2.3 or earlier, please use the --legacy-maf-file flag for create-maf-vcf. It is recommended that you remove your phgv2-conda Conda environment and rerun the setup-environment command.

In this document, we will discuss the steps needed to:

  1. Set up a working Conda environment containing the required external software
  2. Initialize a TileDB-VCF instance
  3. Build VCF data
  4. Loading data into TileDB-VCF instances

Quick start

  • Set up the PHGv2 Conda environment:

    phg setup-environment
  • Initialize TileDB instances:

    phg initdb \
        --db-path /path/to/dbs
  • Update FASTA headers with sample information:

    phg prepare-assemblies \
        --keyfile /path/to/keyfile \
        --output-dir /path/to/updated/fastas \
        --threads 10
  • Create BED file from GFF for reference range coordinates:

    phg create-ranges \
        --reference-file /path/to/updated/fastas/ref.fasta \
        --gff /path/to/my.gff \
        --boundary gene \
        --pad 500 \
        --range-min-size 500 \
        -o /path/to/ranges.bed
  • Align assemblies:

    phg align-assemblies \
        --gff /path/to/my.gff \
        --reference-file /path/to/updated/fastas/ref.fasta \
        --assembly-file-list /path/to/assemblies_list.txt \
        -o /path/to/maf_files
  • Compress FASTA files

    phg agc-compress \
        --db-path /path/to/dbs \
        --reference-file /path/to/updated/fastas/ref.fasta \
        --fasta-list /path/to/assemblies_list.txt
  • Create VCF files

    # Reference VCF
    phg create-ref-vcf \
        --bed /path/to/ranges.bed \
        --reference-file /path/to/updated/ref.fasta \
        --reference-name B73 \
        --db-path /path/to/dbs
    # MAF alignments to VCF
    phg create-maf-vcf \
        --db-path /path/to/dbs \
        --bed /path/to/ranges.bed \
        --reference-file /path/to/updated/ref.fasta \
        --maf-dir /path/to/maf_files \
        -o /path/to/vcf_files
  • Load data into DBs

    phg load-vcf \
        --vcf-dir /path/to/vcf_files \
        --db-path /path/to/dbs \
        --threads 10

Detailed walkthrough


For the following steps, I will first make an example directory to house our toy input data. The overall structure of the directory looks like the following

├── data
└── output

For the following steps, I will be using example small sequence data from the PHGv2 GitHub repository. This is a collection of small raw sequence files that we use for pipeline testing. These will be placed in the data subdirectory while files created by this pipeline will be placed in the output subdirectory. Here, I have downloaded the following FASTA files:

  • Ref.fa
  • LineA.fa
  • LineB.fa

...and have renamed and placed them (which is needed to highlight the functionality of the "Prepare Assembly FASTA Files" section later) in the data/ directory.

Additionally, I have downloaded a GFF file called anchors.gff which will be used for the "Create Reference Ranges" and "Align Assemblies" steps. Overall, my example working directory now looks like the following:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
└── output

This documentation will also assume that the PHGv2 application is placed in your system's PATH variable (see the installation documentation for further details).

Set up Conda environment

Once you have downloaded the latest release of PHGv2 and have Conda installed (see the installation documentation), you will first need to set up a Conda environment to accommodate the necessary pieces of software for alignment, compression, and storage. Here is a list of essential pieces of software that will be installed in your Conda environment:

Software Purpose
agc Performant FASTA genome compression
AnchorWave Sensitive aligner for genomes with high sequence diversity
bcftools Utilities for indexing VCF data
samtools bgzip compression for VCF data
TileDB Performant storage core for array data
TileDB-VCF API for storing and querying VCF data

Instead of setting this up manually, we can use the setup-environment command which will automate this process. To run, use the following command:

phg setup-environment

By using the prior default example, the setup-environment command will extract an internal Conda environment file with the necessary libraries and programs (see following code block for example file). Optionally, if you want to add additional libraries and programs to your PHGv2 Conda environment, you may specify the optional parameter, --env-file. This will be a path to a local Conda environment file. You can create the file from scratch (for example, I will call mine phg_environment.yml) and copy over the contents in the following block:

name: phgv2-conda
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - tiledb
  - python=3.8
  - tiledb-py=0.22
  - tiledbvcf-py=0.25
  - anchorwave=1.2.3
  - bcftools
  - samtools
  - agc

Another option is to pull in the environment file directly from the GitHub repository:

curl -o phg_environment.yml

Once the local YAML file is made, we can pass it to the --env-file parameter:

phg setup-environment --env-file phg_environment.yml

After the setup step is complete, we can activate our environment using the following conda command:

conda activate phgv2-conda

!!! note It is imperative the Conda environment you create is named phgv2-conda. This is the default environment name that PHGv2 uses when executing shell commands from within the software.

!!! note This environment will change as new versions of the software are released. It is recommended to delete any existing phgv2-conda environments and recreate it using the setup-environment command. In particular with PHGv2.4, anchorwave is updated to 1.2.3 which represents a fundamental shift in how ASM coordinates are handled.

If we look in our example project directory, you will also see two new logging (.log) files which will record all the logging and error output from the PHGv2 command steps:

  • condaCreate_error.log
  • condaCreate_output.log

!!! note If you need or want to have the Conda environment setup in a non-default location, you must run the conda env create command manually using the --prefix option to specify the name and location of the environment. This created location should then be passed as the conda-env-prefix parameter for all PHGv2 commands that have this optional parameter. For this scenario, the .yml file should not contain the name: section. An example of the command to create the environment in a non-default location is:

conda env create --prefix /path/to/new/conda/env --file phg_environment.yml

Running phg commands

PHGv2 has several commands that specify an output directory. This is depicted as either -o or --output-dir for the parameter names. Please make sure that these directories exist in your project before running any commands that require the -o or --output-dir field!

Additionally, the --db-path parameter shows up in many of the PHGv2 commands. It is the path to the directory where the TileDB datasets are stored. This parameter is an optional parameter for all commands in which it appears. If a folder is not specified for the --db-path, the software will use the current working directory. When TileDB datasets are required for processing, the --db-path parameter value will be verified to ensure the required datasets are present. If they are not present in the --db-path folder (or in the current working directory) the software with throw an exception.

Finally, several commands have the optional parameter `conda-env-prefix'. This parameter is used to specify the location of the conda environment when it is not in the default location and/or is named differently than the default name of 'phgv2-conda'. If you are using the default conda environment name and location, you do not need to specify this parameter.

Initialize TileDB instances

In PHGv2, we leverage TileDB and TileDB-VCF for efficient storage and querying of VCF data. For downstream pipelines, we will need to initialize 2 databases for storing different VCF information: (1) haplotype (hVCF) and (2) genomic variant (gVCF) information.

Similar to setting up our Conda environment from the prior section, we can automate this process using the initdb command:

./phg initdb \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --gvcf-anchor-gap 1000000 \
    --hvcf-anchor-gap 1000 \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env

This command takes one required parameter, --db-path which is the path or subdirectory to where we want to place our databases. In this example project, I will initialize the hVCF and gVCF database folders in a subdirectory called vcf_dbs.

Three optional parameters may also be set.

Parameters --gvcf-anchor-gap and --hvcf-anchor-gap define the distance between anchors in the two TileDB-VCF sparse arrays. Smaller values enable faster data retrieval. However, if there are non-symbolic variants that span many anchors (for example, very large deletions), then the load-vcf command will require a large amount of RAM to process variant information for each assembly. More information can be found in the TileDB-VCF docs.

Optional parameter --conda-env-prefix is the path to the Conda env directory that contains the conda environment needed to run phg. This parameter is used when the conda environment to activate does not reside in the default location.

After initialization is complete, we will have two empty TileDB-VCF instances and a temp directory in our vcf_dbs subdirectory:

Directory Purpose
gvcf_dataset Genomic variant (gVCF) database storage
hvcf_dataset Haplotype variant (hVCF) database storage
temp Creation output and error logging files

For reference, my example working directory now looks like this:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
└── vcf_dbs *
    ├── gvcf_dataset/ *
    ├── hvcf_dataset/ *
    └── temp/ *

Prepare Assembly FASTA files

Before we begin our alignment and VCF creation steps, we must first process our "raw" FASTA files. This section will accomplish two goals:

  1. Copy and rename FASTA files via user-provided sample name IDs.
  2. Add a sample name tag to the ID lines of each FASTA file.

!!! warning Updated assembly and reference FASTA files will need to be used as input for all downstream commands that take assembly or reference FASTA files as input (e.g., agc-compress, align-assemblies, etc.). This ensures consistent sample names across the pipeline!

To better explain the first goal, let's use an example. A file named Zm-CML52-NAM-1.0.fa would be copied to a new one named CML52.fa. This action is based on a keyfile (which we will discuss later in the parameters section) provided by the user. The keyfile would list "CML52" as the sample name for this FASTA shown below:

## A keyfile example (disregard '#' comments for your actual keyfile):

# file name           # new name
Zm-CML52-NAM-1.0.fa   CML52

The reason for this change is the AGC compression tool stores the file name (minus extension) as the sample name when creating the compressed file. This keeps the AGC sample name consistent with sample names that are stored in the VCF files. With consistent sample names, sequence and variants may be associated.

For the second goal: As of the current date of this document, the return methods of AGC will not keep track of sample IDs when returning sequence information from the compressed file unless you explicitly state the sample information in the header lines of the FASTA files you wish to compress for the PHGv2 databases.

To explain this further, let's imagine that we have two FASTA files: LineA.fa and LineB.fa. These files contain information for only chromosome 1 and have a simple header that denotes this sequence name (e.g. chr1):

$ head LineA.fa

$ head LineB.fa

After we compress this information using the agc-compress command, we will have a file called assemblies.agc. PHGv2 leverages this compressed sequence file when creating VCF data (see the "Create VCF files" section for further details). The issue arrives when we query the compressed data using AGC's getctg command. When we query this example archive, we will get the following information:

$ agc getctg assemblies.agc chr1@LineA chr1@LineB > queries.fa

$ cat queries.fa

As you can see from the above example output, we now have no means to efficiently track where each sequence is coming from due to the lack of header information from our prior FASTA files. We can remedy this by adding sample information to the headers:

$ head LineA.fa
>chr1 sampleName=LineA

$ head LineB.fa
>chr1 sampleName=LineB

Now, when we compress and query using AGC, we get enhanced sample ID tracking:

$ ./agc getctg assemblies_new_headers.agc chr1@LineA chr1@LineB > queries.fa

$ head queries.fa
>chr1 sampleName=LineA
>chr1 sampleName=LineB

While we can manually modify the header lines of our FASTA file, this can become tedious and prone to a new set of downstream errors. To automate this, PHGv2 provides a command to append sample information to the headers of each FASTA file called prepare-assemblies:

phg prepare-assemblies \
    --keyfile data/annotation_keyfile.txt \
    --threads 10 \
    -o output/updated_assemblies

This command takes 3 parameters:

  • --keyfile - A tab-delimited keyfile containing two columns:

    Column Value
    1 Path to FASTA file you would like annotated (this is similar to the text files used to point to the FASTA file paths in the agc-compress and align-assemblies commands).
    2 Name of the sample that will be (1) appended to each header line and (2) the name of the newly generated FASTA file.
    • My example annotation_keyfile.txt (which is placed in the data/ subdirectory) would look like this:

      data/Ref-v5.fa Ref
      data/LineA-final-01.fa   LineA
      data/LineB-final-04.fa   LineB
    • ⚠️ Warning
      All sample assemblies (including your reference assembly) that you would want processed need to be included in this keyfile.

  • --threads - Optional number of threads to update multiple FASTA files in parallel. Defaults to 1.

  • -o - Output directory for the newly updated FASTA files

!!! note FASTA input files can be either uncompressed or compressed. The output from the prepare-assemblies command will be new FASTA files that are uncompressed. While AGC accepts compressed FASTA files, the align-assemblies command uses AnchorWave which requires uncompressed FASTA files.

Once finished, this command will produce FASTA files with the name of the sample from the keyfile appended to each header line. For example, in our hypothetical FASTA files, our headers go from this:

$ head LineA.fa

to this:

$ head LineA.fa
>chr1 sampleName=LineA

!!! note This command will just append the name of a file to the end of the FASTA headers. For example, if we had a more detailed header:

chr1 pos=1:16

...the header would become:

chr1 pos=1:16 sampleName=LineA

Now that we are finished preparing samples, my example working directory looks like the following with a newly formed subdirectory called updated_assemblies under the output directory:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── annotation_keyfile.txt *
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── updated_assemblies *
│   │   ├── Ref.fa *
│   │   ├── LineA.fa *
│   │   └── LineB.fa *
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    └── temp/

For further steps, we will be using the updated assemblies from the output/updated_assemblies directory path.

Compress FASTA files

For optimal storage of sequence information, we can convert our "plain-text" FASTA files into a more compact representation using compression. For PHGv2, we can use a command called agc-compress, which is a wrapper for the Assembled Genomes Compressor (AGC). AGC provides performant and efficient compression ratios for our assembly genomes. Like AnchorWave, AGC is also installed during the Conda environment setup phase, so there is no need to install this manually.

To run the compression step, we can call the agc-compress command:

./phg agc-compress \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --fasta-list data/assemblies_list.txt \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env

This command takes in 3 parameters:

  • --db-path - path to directory storing the TileDB instances. The AGC compressed genomes will be placed here on completion.

!!! note The directory specified here should be the same directory used to initialize the TileDB instances in the database initialization (initdb) step.

  • --fasta-list - List of annotated assembly FASTA genomes to compress.

!!! note The list specified in --fasta-list should be the list of FASTA files output from the prepare-assemblies command (see the "Prepare Assembly FASTA files" section for further details).

  • --reference-file - Reference FASTA genome processed with the prepare-assemblies command.

In addition, conda-env-prefix is an optional parameter that specifies the path to the Conda directory that contains the conda environment needed to run phg. If not set, conda env phgv2-conda in the defauilt location will be used.

After compression is finished, we can navigate to the directory containing the TileDB instances. In my case, this would be the subdirectory, vcf_dbs. Here, you will see a new file created: assemblies.agc. This is the compressed AGC file containing our assemblies. This file will be used later to query for haplotype sequence regions and composite genome creation. Our example working directory now looks like this:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── annotation_keyfile.txt
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   └── updated_assemblies
│       ├── Ref.fa
│       ├── LineA.fa
│       └── LineB.fa
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc *
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    └── temp/

When running the agc-compress command, the software will determine if the "create" or "append" AGC command should be used. If the assemblies.agc file is not present in the db-path directory, the software will use the "create" command to compress and load the FASTAs. If the assemblies.agc file is present in the db-path directory, the software will use the "append" command to compress and load the FASTAs to the existing assemblies.agc file. It skips FASTA files whose "name" portion (file name without extension) is already represented as a sample name in the assemblies.agc file, adding only the new FASTAs to this file.

Create reference ranges

Next, we must define ordered sequences of genic and inter-genic ranges across the reference genome. These ordered ranges, which we will call "reference ranges", are used to specify haplotype sequence coordinate information for the haplotype and genomic variant call format data. These genomic positions are structured using the BED format.

Generally, this data is not readily available as BED files. PHGv2 can generate this file directly from GFF-formatted data using the create-ranges command:

./phg create-ranges \
    --gff data/anchors.gff \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --boundary gene \
    --pad 500 \
    --range-min-size 500 \
    -o output/ref_ranges.bed

This command uses several parameters:

  • --gff - Our reference GFF file of interest. Since reference ranges are usually established by genic/intergenic regions, we can leverage coordinate and feature information from GFF files.

  • --reference-file - Our reference genome in FASTA format. This is needed for determining the intergenic regions near the ends of chromosomes.

  • --boundary - How do you want to define the boundaries of the reference ranges. Currently, these can be defined as either gene or cds regions:

    • In the above figure, if --boundary is set to gene, the start and end positions are at the UTR regions for each gene feature from the GFF file, while cds will begin and end at the open reading frame. By default, the cds option will try to identify the transcript with the longest open reading frame if there are multiple transcript "children" for a gene "parent" in the GFF file.
  • --pad - The number of base pairs you would like to flank regions:

    • For example, if we were to set the --pad parameter to 500, we would extend the region 500 base pairs upstream and downstream of the defined boundary (in this case, gene).

!!! note There is a possibility that overlaps of regions will occur. If this does happen, create-ranges will identify any overlapping regions and merge regions together:

[---Overlap 1----]
           [-------Overlap 2-------]
[---------Merged overlap-----------]
  • --range-min-size - The minimum size for each range in the BED file. This parameter is optional with a default of 500 base pairs. For example, if we were to set the --range-min-size parameter to 500, any region that is less than 500 base pairs in length will be merged with the previous region on that contig. If the first region of a contig is less than the specified minimum size, it will be merged with the next region on that contig. This merging is done in create-ranges after the gene or CDS region has been created and padding has been applied.
  • -o - Name for the output BED file.

In the above example, I am using test data from the PHGv2 GitHub repository. After the command is finished, we have produced a BED file (which in my case, is located in a subdirectory labelled output). This BED file contains 6 columns of information:

Column Value
1 Sequence name
2 Start position (bp)
3 End position (bp)
4 Range ID
5 Score (always 0)
6 Strand information

!!! note Column 4 will either be gene or cds name depending on the boundary input. If regions overlapped and were merged, the name is a comma separated string of all the genes/CDS features included in this BED region.

!!! note While a BED file of reference ranges is required for this pipeline, it does not have to be created via the create-ranges command as long as it is reflective of the features found within the reference genome used in the pipeline:

* Same contig/chromosome IDs
* Coordinates are [**0-based, inclusive/exclusive**](
* Coordinates do **not** exceed contig boundaries
* Coordinates do **not** overlap
* Contains the first three BED columns:
    + `1` - Sequence name
    + `2` - Start position (bp)
    + `3` - End position (bp)

While we only need the first three columns, columns `4` through
`6` provide additional biologically relevant information that
you _may_ also want to include!

Now that we have a BED file, our example working directory now looks like the following:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── annotation_keyfile.txt
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed *
│   └── updated_assemblies
│       ├── Ref.fa
│       ├── LineA.fa
│       └── LineB.fa
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    └── temp/

Align assemblies

Next, we must align our collection of genome assemblies against a single reference genome in order to have a common coordinate system across all genomes within our PHG databases. While whole genome alignment can be performed in a multitude of ways, PHGv2 provides an opinionated wrapper to AnchorWave, which uses an Anchored Wavefront alignment approach for genomes with high sequence diversity, extensive structural polymorphism, or whole-genome duplications. Since this software is already set up during the Conda environment step, there is no need to install this manually.

!!! note For best results with imputation and rare allele calling pipelines, please use high quality assemblies that have been run through the prepare-assemblies command.

To run the aligner step, we can call the align-assemblies command:

./phg align-assemblies \
    --gff data/anchors.gff \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --assembly-file-list data/assemblies_list.txt \
    --total-threads 20 \
    --in-parallel 2 \
    -o output/alignment_files \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env

!!! note The following example workflow is for users who have access to a single machine. If you are running this on an HPC system that leverages the SLURM job scheduler, please follow the guidelines found in the "SLURM Usage" documentation to maximize computational efficiency.

Align-assemblies parameters

This align-assemblies command uses several required parameters:

  • --gff - GFF file for the reference genome. This is used to identify full-length coding sequences to use as anchors

  • --reference-file - The reference genome in FASTA format.

    • ℹ️ Note
      The path to the reference genome should be the updated version that was created during the prepare-assemblies command.

  • --assembly-file-list Or --assembly-file - Either a single annotated file may be specified, or a text file containing a list of annotated assembly genomes (see the "Prepare Assembly FASTA files" section for further details). The single assembly or the contents of the assembly list file should be either full or relative paths to each uncompressed assembly you would like to align. For example, since I am using the example data found on the PHGv2 GitHub repository, I can create a text file called assemblies_list.txt (placed in the data/ subdirectory) and populate it with the following lines:


    Here, I am planning on aligning two genomes called LineA and LineB. Since these are created with the prepare-assemblies command and the output is located in a subdirectory called output/updated_assemblies/ relative to my working directory, I will also add that to the path.

    • ⚠️ Warning
      This text list should not contain the path to the reference genome since this is recognized in the --reference-file flag.

  • -o - The name of the directory for the alignment outputs.

Align-assemblies optional parameters

In addition to the above parameters, there are several optional parameters. When values are not specified for these parameters, default values are calculated by the software based on the system processor and memory configuration:

  • --total-threads - How many threads would you like to allocate for the alignment step? More information about this step and the --in-parallel step can be found in the following Details - threads and parallelization section.
  • --in-parallel - How many genomes would you like to run in parallel? More information about this step and the --total-threads step can be found in the following "Details - threads and parallelization" section.
  • --conda-env-prefix - Specifies the path to the Conda directory that contains the Conda environment needed to run the PHG software. If not set, a Conda environment labelled phgv2-conda will be used in the default location.
  • --just-ref-prep - Specifies whether to run only the preliminary steps of aligning the reference genome to the GFF CDS, creating the reference-sam and reference-cds-fasta files needed for aligning the individual assemblies. This is desirable when a list of assembly files will be run through a SLURM job, and we don't want to unnecessarily create these 2 files multiple times. If set to true, the software stops after creating these two files, which will be written to the user supplied output directory. The default value is false. More information about these parameters can be found in the supplemental "SLURM Usage" documentation.
  • --reference-sam - If this is specified, the parameter --reference-cds-fasta must also be supplied. When both are supplied, the software skips the creation of these files and uses those supplied by the user. This is desirable when the user is running multiple assembly alignments from a SLURM data-array option and does not wish to realign the reference multiple times. If specified, but --reference-cds-fasta is not, the software will throw an exception. More information about these parameters can be found in the supplemental "SLURM Usage" documentation.
  • --reference-cds-fasta - If this is specified, the parameter --reference-sam must also be supplied. When both are supplied, the software skips the creation of these files and uses those supplied by the user. This is desirable when the user is running multiple assembly alignments from a SLURM data-array option and does not wish to realign the reference multiple times. If specified, but --reference-sam is not, the software will throw an exception. More information about these parameters can be found in the supplemental "SLURM Usage" documentation.

!!! warning The directory that you specify in the output (-o) section must be an existing directory.

Once alignment is finished, and you have navigated into the output directory (in my case, this would be output/alignment_files), you will see several different file types. In addition to various logging files (.log) for the AnchorWave procedures, you will notice that each assembly will have a collection of different file types:

File extension Property
.sam sequence alignment map (SAM) file
.maf multiple alignment format (MAF) file
.anchorspro alignment blocks between reference and assembly genomes (used for dot plot generation)

The MAF files from this output will be used in the VCF creation step. Additionally, dot plots will be generated for each sample/reference alignment as .svg files. Now that alignment is completed, our example working directory looks as follows (NOTE: I will collapse alignment_files for future steps):

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── annotation_keyfile.txt
│   ├── assemblies_list.txt *
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files
│   │   ├── anchorwave_gff2seq_error.log *
│   │   ├── anchorwave_gff2seq_output.log *
│   │   ├── LineA.maf *
│   │   ├── LineA.sam *
│   │   ├── LineA.svg *
│   │   ├── LineA_Ref.anchorspro *
│   │   ├── LineB.maf *
│   │   ├── LineB.sam *
│   │   ├── LineB.svg *
│   │   ├── LineB_Ref.anchorspro *
│   │   ├── minimap2_LineA_error.log *
│   │   ├── minimap2_LineA_output.log *
│   │   ├── minimap2_LineB_error.log *
│   │   ├── minimap2_LineB_output.log *
│   │   ├── minimap2_Ref_error.log *
│   │   ├── minimap2_Ref_output.log *
│   │   ├── proali_LineA_outputAndError.log *
│   │   ├── proali_LineB_outputAndError.log *
│   │   ├── ref.cds.fasta *
│   │   └── Ref.sam *
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   └── updated_assemblies
│       ├── Ref.fa
│       ├── LineA.fa
│       └── LineB.fa
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    └── temp/

Internal AnchorWave and minimap2 commands

While PHGv2 is flexible in terms of how data is processed, we have taken several opinionated steps with how the AnchorWave aligner runs in the align-assemblies command. If you are interested with what parameters are utilized, search for ProcessBuilder() methods within our AlignAssemblies.kt source code or review the following code blocks:

  • Run AnchorWave's gff2seq command:
    # Get the longest full-length CDS for each gene
    anchorwave gff2seq \
        -r <'--reference-file' parameter> \
        -i <'--gff' parameter> \
        -o ref.cds.fasta # directed to '-o' path
  • Run minimap2
    # AnchorWave liftover steps (ref CDS to query)
    minimap2 \
        -x "splice" \
        -t < '--total-threads' parameter > \
        -k 12 \ 
        -a \
        -p 0.4 \
        -N 20 \
        <'--reference-file' parameter OR sample in '--assemblies' parameter> \
        ref.cds.fasta \      # from prior 'gff2seq' step
        -o <sample_name>.sam # directed to '-o' path
  • Run AnchorWave's proali command:
    anchorwave proali \
        -i <'--gff' parameter> \
        -r <'--reference-file' parameter> \
        -as ref.cds.fa \
        -a <assembly_sample.sam> \
        -ar <ref_assembly.sam> \
        -s <assembly_sample.fa> \
        -n <assembly_ref.anchorspro> \
        -R 1 \    # manually set via --ref-max-align-cov
        -Q 1 \    # manually set via --query-max-align-cov
        -t <'--total-threads' / '--in-parallel' parameter> \
        -o <assembly_sample.maf>

!!! note In the above proali command, the maximum reference genome alignment coverage (-R) and maximum query genome coverage (-Q) can be manually set using the --ref-max-align-cov and --query-max-algin-cov commands, respectively. If these are not set, they will both default to the value of 1 as shown in the prior -R and -Q parameters.

Details - threads and parallelization

Aligning with AnchorWave is memory intensive and can be slow. Processing speed may be increased by using multiple threads for each alignment, and/or by running multiple alignments in parallel. The amount of memory each thread takes is dependent on the processor type. The table below shows the memory usage for a single alignment based on processor type:

Processor peak memory (GB) wall time
SSE2 20.1 26:47:17
SSE4.1 20.6 24:05:07
AVX2 20.1 21:40:00
AVX512 20.1 18:31:39
ARM 34.2 18:08:57

The --total-threads parameter indicates the total number of threads available for system use. The --in-parallel parameter controls the number of alignments run in parallel. When these values are not specified, the software will compute the optimal values based on the system processor and memory configuration.

The number of threads that may be run in parallel is limited by the amount of memory available. The system is queried for memory and processor information. The number of threads that may be run in parallel is determined by "system memory" / "peak memory" from the table above. To generalize the calculation, we divide memory available (GiB) by 21 and round down to the nearest integer.

For example, if the system has 512 GB of memory, 80 processors and 5 assemblies that need aligning, the maximum number of threads that could be run in parallel is 24 (512/21). The number of potential parallel alignments with the threads allocated for each is shown in the table below:

Alignments in parallel Threads per alignment
5 4
4 6
3 8
2 12
1 24

The software will select a pairing that maximizes the number of alignments run in parallel while utilizing multiple threads, opting for a value in the middle. In the case above with 5 assemblies and a possibility of 24 concurrent threads, the system will choose to run 3 alignments in parallel with 8 threads each. The total number of threads used will be 24 (3 * 8).

User defined values for in-parallel and total-threads are considered along with the number of assemblies to align and system capacities, when determining the AnchorWave setup.

Create VCF files

Now that we have (1) created alignments of our assemblies against a single reference genome and (2) created compressed representations of our assembly genomes, we can now create VCF information to populate our TileDB instances. This process is performed using two commands:

  1. Create hVCF data from reference genome:
phg create-ref-vcf \
    --bed output/ref_ranges.bed \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --reference-name Ref \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env
  1. Create hVCF and gVCF data from assembly alignments against reference genome:
phg create-maf-vcf \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --bed output/ref_ranges.bed \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --maf-dir output/alignment_files \
    -o output/vcf_files \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env
  1. (OPTIONAL!) Create hVCF from existing PHGv1 created gVCF files. Use instead of create-maf-vcf if you have previously created gVCF files from PHGv1 and want to create hVCF files:
phg gvcf2hvcf \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --bed output/ref_ranges.bed \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --gvcf-dir output/gvcf_files 

!!! tip For more information about the haplotype VCF (hVCF) specification, please refer to the hVCF specification documentation.

VCF creation is split up into two separate commands since the reference genome and aligned assemblies require different sets of input data. An additional optional command is available to convert existing PHG created gVCF files to hVCF files:

Inputs for the create-ref-vcf command

  • --bed - a BED file containing ordered reference ranges (see the "Create reference ranges" section for further details). This is used to define the positional information of the VCF.
  • --reference-file - processed reference FASTA genome (from prepare-assemblies) used for creating MD5 hashes of sequence information guided by reference range positional data from the BED file used in the --bed parameter.
  • --reference-name - the name of the reference sample.
  • --db-path - path to PHG database directory for VCF storage.

OPTIONAL parameters: There are 2 optional parameters to create-ref-vcf:

  • --reference-url - URL where the reference FASTA file can be downloaded. This will be added to the VCF header information.
  • --conda-env-prefix - path to the Conda directory that contains the conda environment needed to run phg. If not set, env phgv2-conda in the defauilt location will be used.

Once the command is complete, and you have navigated into the --db-path parameter directory (in my case, vcf_dbs/), you will see a subfolder named hvcf_files with two files:

File Description
<ref_name>.h.vcf.gz compressed reference haplotype VCF (hVCF) file
<ref_name>.h.vcf.gz.csi coordinate sorted index (CSI) of the reference hVCF file

Here, <ref_name> is the name of the reference genome provided using the --reference-name parameter. Since I defined this parameter as Ref in the above example, my two files would be:

  • Ref.h.vcf.gz
  • Ref.h.vcf.gz.csi

There will also be a subdirectory named reference with two files. The bed file used to create the reference hVCF and the reference FASTA are stored here for future reference.

File Description
<ref_name>.bed BED file used to create the reference hVCF
<ref_name>.fa reference FASTA file

In addition to creating the files, the create-ref-vcf command will load the reference hVCF file to the hvcf_dataset TileDB instance.

Inputs for the create-maf-vcf command

  • --db-path - Path to the directory containing the TileDB instances. This is needed to access the AGC compressed assembly genome information found in the assemblies.agc file (see the "Compress FASTA files" section for further details).
  • --bed - A BED file containing ordered reference ranges (see the "Create reference ranges" section for further details). This is used to define the positional information of the VCF in relation to the reference genome.
  • --reference-file - Reference FASTA genome used for creating MD5 hashes of sequence information guided by reference range positional data from the BED file used in the --bed parameter. hashed sequence data will place in the ##ALT tag's RefRange key.
  • --maf-dir - Directory containing the MAF files generated using the align-assemblies command (see the "Align assemblies" section for further details).
  • -o - Output directory for the VCF data.

create-maf-vcf provides two optional parameters for metrics data (see the "QC Metrics" documentation for further information):

  • --metrics-file - Name of the output file for the VCF metrics table if left blank, the table will be written to the output directory and will be named VCFMetrics.tsv.
  • --skip-metrics - If this flag is set, QC metrics will not be calculated

In addition, --conda-env-prefix is an optional parameter that specifies the path to the Conda directory that contains the conda environment needed to run phg. If not set, conda env phgv2-conda in the defauilt location will be used.

There is also an optional parameter: --legacy-maf-file. This flag can be added to the command to be able to process MAF files created from anchorwave 1.2.2 or earlier. If this is not set and an old file is being processed, the Assembly coordinates in the GVCF will be incorrect.

Once the command is complete, and you have navigated into the output directory (in my case, output/vcf_files), you will see a collection of different file types for each sample:

File Description
<sample_name>.h.vcf.gz compressed reference haplotype VCF (hVCF) file
<sample_name>.h.vcf.gz.csi coordinate sorted index (CSI) of the reference hVCF file
<sample_name>.g.vcf.gz compressed reference genomic VCF (gVCF) file
<sample_name>.g.vcf.gz.csi coordinate sorted index (CSI) of the reference gVCF file

Here, <sample_name> would be the name of each sample that was aligned to the reference genome.

Inputs for the gvcf2hvcf command (OPTIONAL!)

!!! note The gvcf2hvcf command should only be used if you have preexisting gVCF data created from historic PHGv1 steps!

  • --db-path - Path to the directory containing the TileDB instances. This is needed to access the AGC compressed assembly genome information found in the assemblies.agc file (see the "Compress FASTA files" section for further details).
  • --bed - A BED file containing ordered reference ranges (see the "Create reference ranges" section for further details). This is used to define the positional information of the VCF in relation to the reference genome.
  • --reference-file - Reference FASTA genome used for creating MD5 hashes of sequence information guided by reference range positional data from the BED file used in the --bed parameter. hashed sequence data will place in the ##ALT tag's RefRange key.
  • --gvcf-dir - Directory containing gVCF files generated from either a PHGv1 MAFToGVCFPlugin command or a BioKotlin MAFToGVCF.createGVCFfromMAF() command.

Now that we have created our hVCF and gVCF files using the create-ref-vcf and create-maf-vcf commands, our directory structure now looks like the following:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── annotation_keyfile.txt
│   ├── assemblies_list.txt
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   └── vcf_files *
│       ├── LineA.h.vcf.gz *
│       ├── LineA.h.vcf.gz.csi *
│       ├── LineA.g.vcf.gz *
│       ├── LineA.g.vcf.gz.csi *
│       ├── LineB.h.vcf.gz *
│       ├── LineB.h.vcf.gz.csi *
│       ├── LineB.g.vcf.gz *
│       ├── LineB.g.vcf.gz.csi *
│       └── VCFMetrics.tsv *
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files *
    │   ├── Ref.h.vcf.gz *
    │   └── Ref.h.vcf.gz.csi *
    ├── reference *
    │   ├── Ref.bed *
    │   └── Ref.fa *
    └── temp/

Load VCF data into DBs

After VCF files are created, we can finally load the information into our empty TileDB instances. Instead of manually performing this action, we can use the load-vcf command to automatically load hVCF and gVCF files into their respective TileDB directories:

./phg load-vcf \
    --vcf-dir output/vcf_files \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --threads 10 \
    --conda-env-prefix /path/to/conda/env

This command takes three parameters:

  • --vcf-dir - Directory containing h.vcf.gz and/or g.vcf.gz files made from the create-ref-vcf and create-maf-vcf commands (see the "Create VCF files" section for further details). In my example case this is a subdirectory called output/vcf_files.
  • --db-path - Path to the directory containing the TileDB instances.
  • --threads - Number of threads for use by the TileDB loading procedure.

Optional Parameter:

  • --conda-env-prefix - path to the Conda directory that contains the conda environment needed to run phg. If not set, env phgv2-conda in the defauilt location will be used.

After VCF files have been loaded, the directory containing the TileDB instances (in our case, vcf_dbs/) can be compressed for backups

Where to go from here?