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Maizzle edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 2 revisions

Maizzle PHP uses Jigsaw's config.php files to allow for environment-specific project settings. These are PHP arrays with key-value pairs that define certain options, and can even include functions.

This gives you the freedom to define distinct settings for any build scenario you need, ranging from quick local development, to staging builds or production-ready emails.

Default Config

Maizzle PHP's config.php is just a well-commented PHP array.


Use environment configurations and NPM scripts to define settings and compile emails for different scenarios.

Think of them like this:

When I run this command, should X happen? Should CSS be inlined? Should my HTML be minified? Do I need some data to be available for the templates?

Environment-based configurations are supported out of the box by Jigsaw, and can be defined by simply duplicating the default config.php to include the desired environment in the file name. (Jigsaw docs)


config.php is for local development. No CSS is purged from your final emails and no inlining takes place, so that you can quickly prototype emails with all of Tailwind's classes at your disposal, for tinkering in the browser.

This one has the fastest build time, since almost no post-processing takes place.


Use config.staging.php to configure build settings for emails that you share with other humans. This one enables post-processing similar to production builds, but it prettifies code so that people see nicely-formatted, readable code.


Finally, Maizzle PHP also provides a config.production.php file, which enables the most transformations, such as CSS inlining, unused CSS purging, and even email-optimised HTML minification.

Custom Environments

You can go even further, and create your own, custom environments.

For example, you could create an environment config for a certain client or brand, like config.mystore.php or config.someclient.php - all with their own settings.

As the Jigsaw docs mention, custom environment configurations are merged on top of the default config.php ones. This means that for a custom environment you only need to specify the variables that you are changing.

Let's have a look at all the default options Maizzle comes with.

Note: you can override all of these keys for each page in particular, with Front Matter variables. See Jigsaw docs.


'extends' => '_layouts.master',

Maizzle PHP uses "master" pages, called Layouts.

A layout tipically contains the base HTML of a site (or, in our case, an email): things like the <head> tag, the <body> tag, and the main content wrapper.

Instead of always having to write it for each page, you simply extend it from a page, thus reusing the same layout file. Learn more in the Laravel Blade docs and Jigsaw docs.

Blade-Markdown automatic extends

Normally with Jigsaw, your templates each need to specify what layout they extend, either with a Blade @@extends(), or through a Front Matter variable.

The extends key is provided in the default Maizzle PHP config so that, if you use files, they will extend _layouts.master automatically. No need to extend with Front Matter for each email 🤙


'doctype' => 'html',

By default, Maizzle PHP sets a HTML 5 doctype for your emails. This is used in the master.blade.php layout, and will default to html if it's not set in the config:

<!DOCTYPE {!! $page->doctype ?? 'html' !!}>

You can, of course, set this for each email template, through Front Matter:

doctype: html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""
title: Confirm your email
preheader: Please verify your email address with us


'language' => 'en',

The language key is used to define a content language for your emails. Maizzle PHP uses it in the lang="" attribute on the <html> tag inside the master.blade.php layout file, and it defaults to en:

<html lang="{{ $page->language ?? 'en' }}" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Specifying it in Front Matter will change it only for that email:

language: ro
title: Verificare adresă de email
preheader: Te rugăm să ne confirmi adresa de email


'charset' => 'utf8',

This option is used to set the default character encoding, defaulting to UTF-8:

<meta charset="{{ $page->charset ?? 'utf8' }}">

Most likely, you won't need to change this.


'title' => 'Maizzle - Build HTML emails fast, with Tailwind CSS and Jigsaw',

Used to enable the <title></title> tag in your email template. If empty, the tag will not be inserted:

@if($page->title)<title>{{ $page->title }}</title>@endif

As you saw in the previous examples, each email can specify the title in Front Matter.

For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you always add a title. As a bonus, if you're using the same email for your newsletter's 'web version', the browser tab will be informative.

Google Fonts

The 'googleFonts' key is an array with Google Fonts font names in Google's specific string formatting, that Maizzle PHP should pull into your template.

Open Sans and Merriweather are provided as examples:

'googleFonts' => [

If this array is empty, the <link> tag containing the Google Fonts import will not be added:

  <!--[if !mso]><!--><link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $page->googleFontsString() }}"><!--<![endif]-->

The $page->googleFontsString() in the code above is a helper method that is also defined in config.php. It simply collects all Google Fonts you've specified, and returns a formatted string that we can use in the <link> tag:

'googleFontsString' => function($page) {
    return collect($page->googleFonts)->transform(function($item, $key) {
        return str_replace(' ', '+', $item);

Note: read more about helper methods in Jigsaw's docs.


The screenshots array contains settings for the Screenshots functionality.

You can use any device descriptors that Puppeteer knows about, and you can specify the screenshot file type and quality (quality applicable only to JPG).

'screenshots' => [
    'devices' => [
        'iPad Mini',
        'iPhone 6',
    'type' => 'png',
    'quality' => 100,

Note: the more devices you add, the longer it will take to process all the screenshots.


Transformers control how the email magic happens: they enable various post-processing scripts that optimise your HTML for email clients.

The following examples show all options, but will vary between environments.


'baseImageURL' => '',

When set to a valid URL, all image paths in your email (both inline and background images) will have this URL prepended. Useful if you already host your images somewhere, so you don't have to write the full URL every time when developing.

Note: if you use a trailing slash, make sure your image src="" doesn't start with one.


'inlineCSS' => [
    'enabled' => true,
    'styleToAttribute' => [
        'background-color' => 'bgcolor',
        'background-image' => 'background',
        'text-align' => 'align',
        'vertical-align' => 'valign',
    'applySizeAttribute' => [
        'width' => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
        'height' => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
    'excludedProperties' => [],

Uses Automattic's Juice library to inline CSS.

You can toggle this with the enabled boolean. When enabled, you can also define if Juice should remove the original <style></style> tags after (possibly) inlining the CSS from them, through 'removeStyleTags', as shown below.


This option has been removed from the configs in v1.1.0, because it was set to true in all environments. It now defaults to true in the JS post-processing script, but you can opt-out by setting it to false in your config:

'inlineCSS' => [
    'enabled' => true,
    'removeStyleTags' => false,
    // [...]

Note: removeStyleTags works together with preserveMediaQueries behind the scenes, so that any @media queries will not be removed from your <style> tags.


This option contains an array of rules that map CSS properties to HTML attributes. These are used by the Juice inliner to duplicate inline CSS as HTML attributes on table tags:

'inlineCSS' => [
    'styleToAttribute' => [
        'background-color' => 'bgcolor',
        'background-image' => 'background',
        'text-align' => 'align',
        'vertical-align' => 'valign',
    // ...

Opt-out by design

By default, Maizzle PHP production configs include the styleToAttribute key, and populate it with Juice's defaults. This is on purpose, for better email client compatibility.

However, if you specify a single mapping, Juice will only convert that to an attribute, keeping any other properties as inline CSS-only:

'inlineCSS' => [
    'enabled' => true,
    'styleToAttribute' => [
        'background-color' => 'bgcolor',

With the code above, only the CSS background-color will be added as bgcolor="" to HTML elements - background-image, text-align and vertical-align will remain as inlined CSS.


This allows you to specify an array of elements that should receive width="" and height="" attributes. These elements will be passed to the Juice inliner, which will add any inline width and height CSS rules it finds as HTML attributes, but only for these elements.


The excludedProperties option allows you to define an array of CSS properties that should be excluded from the CSS inlining process by Juice:

'inlineCSS' => [
    'enabled' => true,
    // ...
    'excludedProperties' => [],

Maizzle PHP sets this to an empty array in the production environment configs.

Property names are considered unique, so you need to specify each one you'd like to exclude. For example:

'excludedProperties' => ['padding', 'padding-left'],

Classes will be removed

Corresponding classes that these CSS properties are derived from (i.e. pl-2) will still be removed from your HTML if removeUnusedCss is enabled. To prevent this, you could add 'removeStyleTags' => false, in the inlineCSS options array.


This key contains settings that you can use to clean up your email's code.

Do use it in production

Cleaning up your HTML email results in smaller file sizes, which translate to faster email sendouts, faster opens (think slow 3G), and snappier rendering times (DOM parsing). Also, Gmail will clip your email around 102KB, so anything past that mark won't even be in the DOM (which can lead to unexpected results like tracking pixel not loaded or, worse, hidden unsubscribe links).


These options are passed to email-comb in order to safely remove unused CSS in your email. You can also define whether certain HTML comments should be removed, and if your CSS class names should be uglified so that they're much shorter (helps reduce HTML size):

'removeUnusedCss' => [
    'enabled' => true,
    'whitelist' => [
    'backend' => [
        'heads' => "{{",
        'tails' => "}}",
    'removeHTMLComments' => [
        'enabled' => false,
        'preserve' => ['if', 'endif', 'mso', 'ie'],
    'uglifyClassNames' => false,

It is recommended to have removeUnusedCss enabled for production builds, as it reduces file size considerably.

Also, if you are just documenting your code, please note that you can use {{-- Blade comments --}} instead of <!-- regular HTML comments -->.

Blade comments are not rendered in your compiled emails.


'cleanup' => [
    'keepOnlyAttributeSizes' => [
        'width' => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
        'height' => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
    // ...

You can specify for which elements should the inline CSS width and height be removed. As you can see, Maizzle defaults to the same elements as in the applySizeAttribute option.

Note: Removing the entire keepOnlyAttributeSizes key will leave any inline CSS widths and heights untouched.

Providing an empty array to one of its keys will not remove the corresponding CSS property for that key on any element. So if you do this:

'cleanup' => [
    'keepOnlyAttributeSizes' => [
        'width' => [],
        'height' => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'IMG', 'VIDEO'],
    // ...

... then any inline CSS width will be left untouched, while inline CSS height will be removed for all those elements specified in the array.


'preferBgColorAttribute' => true,

This will remove the inline background-color: #...... CSS from tables, so they only use the HTML bgcolor="" attribute. Set to false if you want background colours set with both CSS and HTML attributes.

Prefer CSS-only background colors?

If you only want to use CSS for your background colours, you can remove the 'background-color' => 'bgcolor', mapping from styleToAttribute, so that Juice does not duplicate this CSS as an HTML attribute.


'prettify' => true,

When true, Maizzle PHP will use pretty to beautify your email's HTML. It indents your code and makes it more readable - useful before sending it to another human.


'minify' => [
    'minifyCSS' => false,
    'maxLineLength' => false,
    'preserveLineBreaks' => false,
    'collapseWhitespace' => false,
    'conservativeCollapse' => false,

Uses html-minifier to minify your email's HTML:

minifyCSS - whether to minify the embedded CSS in your <style> tag

maxLineLength - set a maximum line length. Some email clients have issues with lines of code that exceed a certain amount of characters. Defaults to a conservative 500 in the production config.

preserveLineBreaks - always collapse to 1 line break (never remove it entirely) when whitespace between tags include a line break. Requires collapseWhitespace to be true.

collapseWhitespace - collapses white space that contributes to text nodes in a document tree (read more)

conservativeCollapse - always collapse to one space, never fully remove it

Note: Sometimes, after inlining and cleaning up CSS, it can happen that you end up with empty style="" attributes. The minifier has an option called 'removeEmptyAttributes' that will always remove any such empty attributes. Maizzle PHP doesn't expose this option, but it's enabled by default.


'sixHex' => true,

Uses color-shorthand-hex-to-six-digit to ensure your HEX colour codes are written in full, with 6 digits.

Some email clients don't support shorthand HEX, so we recommend leaving this enabled for production.


'altText' => true,

Uses html-img-alt to make sure that all your <img> tags have an alt="" attribute defined.

If an image already includes the attribute, it'll leave it alone. If the attribute is missing, it will add an empty one.


'plaintext' => true,

Set this option to true, to have Maizzle PHP generate a plaintext version for every email template. The .txt file will be placed in the same directory as the HTML it's based on, and it will also have the same name.

By default, plaintext generation is enabled only in the production config.


'browsersync' => [
    'tunnel' => false,
    'listing' => false,

Basic settings for the BrowserSync plugin, that Maizzle PHP will use when you develop locally with npm run watch.


This enables localhost tunneling in Browsersync (through, so you can live-share a URL to an email that you're working on right now, with a colleague or a client.

Both parties see the same thing, so if you change a color and save, it will automatically refresh the page and update on their screen as well. Scrolling is synced, too.

You can also use a string instead of a boolean - for example 'tunnel' => 'mybrand'. In this case, BrowserSync will attempt to use a custom subdomain for the URL, i.e.

If that subdomain is unavailable, you will be allocated a random name as usual.


When running the npm run watch command with this setting enabled, BrowserSync will open a file explorer in your browser, starting at the root of the build directory.

If you set this to false, the page opened by BrowserSync will be blank, and you'll need to manually navigate to your emails directory.

Tip: if using the tunneling option to do a demo for a client, you might want to use 'listing' => false, so that they can't freely browse all your emails by going to the root URL.


Your config can also contain PHP helper methods that you can use to manipulate data or page variables. Maizzle PHP comes with a 'googleFontsString' method that formats the Google Fonts names you have defined and appends them to the URL in the <link> tag.

Learn more about helper methods in the Jigsaw docs.

Jigsaw build

These are Jigsaw core settings, like output file base URL, pretty permalinks, or source and destination directories for the build process.


'pretty' => false,

Setting the 'pretty' key to true will have Jigsaw output each file as index.html, inside a folder named after the original source file.

Maizzle PHP disables it by default in all environments.

More on pretty permalinks, in the Jigsaw docs.

build {#build-source-destination .font-mono .text-base}

'build' => [
    'source' => 'source',
    'destination' => 'build_staging',

source defines the path to the source directory where Jigsaw should look for files to be compiled.

destination defines the path to the directory where Jigsaw should output the generated files.

Source and destination can be used with build environments

Imagine you have a folder named /spacecogs that represents a client, and it contains a bunch of emails.

You can create a config specifically for this client, and change source and destination so that when you build for this environment, Jigsaw will only build the emails for this client, instead of all emails in the /source directory:

// config.spacecogs.php

'build' => [
    'source' => 'source/spacecogs',
    'destination' => 'spacecogs',

Of course, you'll need to define the NPM script:

// package.json

"scripts": {
    "spacecogs": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --env=production --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",

Note: Jigsaw always looks for _layouts and partials relative to the source folder specified here. If you set it to a custom path like shown above, you will need to have the layouts and any other partials duplicated inside this new directory.

Warning: Be very careful how you change these paths: upon build, the destination folder is deleted.

Tailwind CSS

Maizzle PHP uses Tailwind's default configuration, customized for email development.


  • all units are pixels or percentages
  • some utilities that aren't supported in email have been disabled
  • important is set to true, so that responsive utilities can actually override inline CSS
  • although darn cool, the : separator which allows for classes like hover:bg-blue doesn't work in some email clients (ex. Gmail). It has been replaced with -
  • for the same reason, classes such as w-1/2 have been renamed to w-1-2

Tailwind plugins

Starting with v1.1.0, Maizzle PHP comes with custom Tailwind CSS plugins.

Background gradients plugin

A plugin that generates CSS background gradients, forked from @benface's plugin.

You can define the gradients in your tailwind.js config, just like with any other module:

let gradients = {
  'grey-dark': ['#b8c2cc', '#8795a1'],
  'red-dark': ['#e3342f', '#cc1f1a'],
  'orange-dark': ['#f6993f', '#de751f'],
  'yellow-dark': ['#ffed4a', '#f2d024'],
  'green-dark': ['#38c172', '#1f9d55'],
  'teal-dark': ['#4dc0b5', '#38a89d'],
  'blue-dark': ['#3490dc', '#2779bd'],
  'indigo-dark': ['#6574cd', '#5661b3'],
  'purple-dark': ['#9561e2', '#794acf'],
  'pink-dark': ['#f66d9b', '#eb5286'],

Those are the default ones Maizzle PHP comes with, and they're based on Tailwind's default color palette. Of course, Tailwind's config() function can be used instead of hardcoding HEX values.

You can add your own gradients, with as many color stops as you need:

let gradients = {
  // ...

  'hydrogen': ['#667db6', '#0082c8', '0082c8', '667db6'],

If you define a single color instead of an array, the resulting gradient will start from transparent and move towards the color you defined:

let gradients = {
  // ...

  'black': '#22292f',

... will generate classes like:

.bg-gradient-to-top-black {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to top, transparent, #22292f);

Of course, the generated classes cover all four directions. With the example above, you'd get:

.bg-gradient-to-top-black {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to top, transparent, #22292f);
.bg-gradient-to-right-black {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, transparent, #22292f);
.bg-gradient-to-bottom-black {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, #22292f);
.bg-gradient-to-left-black {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to left, transparent, #22292f);

Just like with any module, you can control which variants are generated. Maizzle PHP only enables the hover variant by default, but you can use any of the variants, or set it to false to not generate any background gradients:

modules: {
  // ...
  gradients: ['hover'],
 // ...

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