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Majd Alfhaily edited this page May 27, 2023 · 13 revisions

Frequently asked questions

Why am I being prompted for a 2FA code?

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your Apple ID designed to ensure that you’re the only one who can access your account — even if someone knows your password.

If you have enabled two-factor authentication for your Apple ID, you will need to provide a 2FA code when authenticating using ipatool. You can follow the guide provided by Apple for obtaining a 2FA code on your iOS or macOS device.

Are my Apple ID credentials stored safely?

The tool does not store your credentials on any remote server and only communicates with Apple servers directly. Feel free to go through the source code.

Will my Apple ID get flagged for using this tool?

Maybe, but probably not. While this tool communicates with iTunes and the App Store directly, mimicking the behavior of iTunes running on macOS, I cannot guarantee its safety. I recommend using a throwaway Apple ID. Use this tool at your own risk.

Can I use this tool to download paid apps without paying for them?

No. This is is not a piracy tool; you can only download apps that you own. Essentially, your account must have a license for the app you are trying to download.

Can I use this tool to sideload unsupported iOS apps on Apple Silicon Macs?

While it was previously possible to download ipa files using this tool and install them on Macs running on Apple Silicon, this is no longer the case as of recently. Apple stopped serving macOS compatible sinf data for the app package. You could, however, use this tool to get a copy of the iOS app and use a jailbroken iOS device to strip any codesigning requirements then codesign the app again using an adhoc signature to run on Apple Silicon.