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Code and experiment data for ICDM'19 paper, tabular cell classification using pre-trained cell embeddings. Note that the code and data is cleaned for release and is not the exact version used in the paper, and may not produce exact results.


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Pre-trained Cell Embeddings for Cell Classification


python libraries

The code is in Python 3, and tested in Conda environment. First create a fresh conda environment:

conda create -n cell_emb python=3.7

After successfully creating the environment, activate it using the source activate cell_emb command. Then install the required packages using the requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

GLOVE word vectors

Download and unzip GLoVe embeddings:

cd deploy
mkdir GloVe
curl -Lo GloVe/
unzip GloVe/ -d GloVe/

Infersent source code

git clone

Infersent pre-trained model

curl -Lo InferSent/infersent1.pkl

Input format

The code expects the tables to be in json line format. Each json object represents a single table. For example a spreadsheet in an excel file, will be a single table. The table objects are identified by the file path (and the sheet name in case of excel file), and shoul contains the following fields:

- annotations: 2D list of cell labels, or None
- directory: path to the file (excel/csv)
- feature_array: 3D list of cell stylistic features
- feature_names: list of feature names (in the same order appearing in feature_array)
- file_name: file name (excel/csv)
- num_cols: number of table cols
- num_rows: number of table rows
- table_array: 2D list of cell content strings
- table_id: sheet name (excel) / Xpath (html) / None (csv)
- url: url to the page with table (html)

Supported formats

Currently, excel files are supported and tools for converting excel files to this json line format are available. The libraries are in code/src/ TODO: put a script, given a folder produes a dataset for training.

Using pre-trained models

We have pre-trained some models using both stylistic features, and cell embeddings, trained on our cius dataset. These models are available in the Google Drive link below:

You can use deploy/ python script for generating predictions for a given excel sheet. The script usage is as follows:

usage: [-h] [--file FILE] [--ce_model CE_MODEL]
                         [--fe_model FE_MODEL] [--cl_model CL_MODEL]
                         [--w2v W2V] [--vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE]
                         [--infersent_model INFERSENT_MODEL]
                         [--infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE] [--out OUT]

processing inputs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE           path to the .xls spreadsheet.
  --ce_model CE_MODEL   path to the trained cell embedding model.
  --fe_model FE_MODEL   path to the trained feature encoding model.
  --cl_model CL_MODEL   path to the trained classification model.
  --w2v W2V             path to the glove embeddings.
  --vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE
                        w2v vocab size.
  --infersent_model INFERSENT_MODEL
                        path to the infersent model.
  --infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE
                        path to the infersent source code.
  --out OUT             path to the output json file.

Training your own models

To train your own models, you should first create a .jl.gz file containing the tables in your dataset. For training the cell_embeddings and feature_encoding models you do not need annotations and can use unlabeled tables. To train classification_model however, you need a dataset where annotations field of the table json objects are populated. We explain how you can annotate your own tables and use the tools in this repo to create such dataset.

In addition to the annotated tables, a json file containing the needed configurations for the training codes is necessary. Please refer to the the example in example folder of this repo for more details.

Train cell embedding model

To train a cell embedding model using unlabeled tables, use the script. This scripts needs the path to the model specification file (in json formatt), and the path to the folder in which you have cloned the InferSent code.

usage: [-h] [--spec_path SPEC_PATH]
                   [--infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --spec_path SPEC_PATH
  --infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE

Train stylistic features encoding model

To train a cell stylistic features auto-encoder model using unlabeled tables, use the script. The input arguments to this script is similar to

usage: [-h] [--spec_path SPEC_PATH]
                   [--infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --spec_path SPEC_PATH
  --infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE

Train cell classification model

To train a cell stylistic features auto-encoder model using unlabeled tables, use the script. The input arguments to this script is also similar to Note that this script can only be run after the previous two scripts run successfully and generate the cell embedding, and stylistic feature encoding models.

usage: [-h] [--spec_path SPEC_PATH]
                   [--infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --spec_path SPEC_PATH
  --infersent_source INFERSENT_SOURCE

Reference and citation

Please cite our ICDM'19 paper.

  title={Tabular Cell Classification Using Pre-Trained Cell Embeddings},
  author={Gol, Majid Ghasemi and Pujara, Jay and Szekely, Pedro},
  booktitle={2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)},


Code and experiment data for ICDM'19 paper, tabular cell classification using pre-trained cell embeddings. Note that the code and data is cleaned for release and is not the exact version used in the paper, and may not produce exact results.







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