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add memory network baseline
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Makarand Tapaswi committed Oct 24, 2016
1 parent fcf59ab commit 10bc614
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Showing 4 changed files with 774 additions and 7 deletions.
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions
Expand Up @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ We evaluate different options here including answering based on:
### Searching Student
Answer questions by searching for the best matching (set) of story sentences to the question and answer option.
We evaluate different options here such as:
(i) story sources: split_plot, subtitle, script, dvs
(ii) representations: tfidf, word2vec, skipthought
(iii) window size for the story
(i) story sources: split_plot, subtitle, script, dvs;
(ii) representations: tfidf, word2vec, skipthought; and
(iii) window size for the story.

<code>python -h</code>

Expand All @@ -60,14 +60,19 @@ coming soon

This needs to be run several times. We pick the method that performs best on the internal dev set and then evaluate on the val set. Apparently the initialization of the model is very critical and shows wide variations in performance.
This needs to be run several times. We pick the method that performs best on the internal dev set and then evaluate on the val set. Apparently the initialization of the model is very critical and shows wide variations in performance.


### Modified Memory Networks
coming soon
Answer questions using a modified version of the End-To-End Memory Network [arXiv]( The modifications include use of a fixed word embedding layer along with a shared linear projection, and the ability to pick one among multiple-choice multi-word answers. The memory network supports answering in all sources. The main options to run this program are:
(i) story sources: split_plot, subtitle, script, dvs;
(ii) number of memory layers (although this did not affect performance much); and
(iii) training parameters: batch size, learning rate, #epochs.

For more details please refer to:

<code>python -h</code>


Expand All @@ -81,8 +86,12 @@ Still working on updating this.
- Word2Vec: Python installation using <code>pip install word2vec</code>
- SkipThoughts: [Github repo](
- Theano: [Github repo](, tested on some versions of Theano-0.7 and 0.8.
- scikit-learn (PCA)
- python-gflags
- optparse
- nltk
- scipy
- numpy

277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
"""End-to-End Memory Networks (
Modified heavily to work with MovieQA dataset.
- Can take multiple answer options.
- Are not end-to-end! Cannot learn embeddings for 13k+ words!
- Completely shared linear projection layer.

# General imports
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Theano imports
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from theano.ifelse import ifelse as ifel
#from theano.compile.nanguardmode import NanGuardMode

theano.config.floatX = 'float32'
theano.config.exception_verbosity = 'high'

def init_linear_projection(rng, nrows, ncols, pca_mat=None):
""" Linear projection (for example when using fixed w2v as LUT """
if nrows == ncols:
P = np.eye(nrows)
print "Linear projection: initialized as identity matrix"
assert([nrows, ncols] == pca_mat.shape, 'PCA matrix not of same size as RxC')
P = 0.1 * pca_mat
print "Linear projection: initialized with 0.1 PCA"

return P.astype(theano.config.floatX)

class MemoryLayer(object):
Single layer of the memory network.

def __init__(self, layer_opts):
"""Setup layer options.
self.T_w2v = layer_opts['T_w2v']

def make_layer(self, n_params, T_u, T_story, T_mask, rng):
network params (n_params)
question vector (T_u)
story tensor (T_story)
Outputs: output vector (T_o)

# ------ Encode encoder story data
T_w2v_out = self.T_w2v[T_story] * T_mask[T_story]
T_m = T.sum(T_w2v_out, axis=2)
T_m_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_m ** 2, axis=2))
T_m = T_m / (T_m_norm.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + 1e-6)
T_m =, n_params['T_B'])

# ------ Encode decoder story data
T_w2v_out = self.T_w2v[T_story] * T_mask[T_story]
T_c = T.sum(T_w2v_out, axis=2)
T_c_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_c ** 2, axis=2))
T_c = T_c / (T_c_norm.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + 1e-6)
T_c =, n_params['T_B'])

# ------ Sentence picker: tensor3-matrix product
T_p = T.nnet.softmax(T.batched_dot(T_m, T_u))

# ------ Sum over story decoder
T_p_2 = T_p.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
T_o = T.sum(T_p_2 * T_c, axis=1)

# Collect
return T_o, T_p

class MemoryNetwork(object):
"""End-to-End Memory Network (modified for MovieQA).

def __init__(self, opts, rng):
"""Copy options.

self.rng = rng = opts['num_mem_layers']
self.d_lproj = opts['d_lproj']
self.w2v = opts['w2v']
self.d_w2v = opts['d-w2v']

print "Initializing MemoryNetwork - Text"
print "Using Word2Vec for Look-Up-Table, and a linear projection layer."
print "#Memory Layers:",
print "d-Linear proj:", self.d_lproj

def setup_model_configuration(self, v2i, story_shape):
"""Setup some configuration parts of the model.

self.v2i = v2i
self.vs = len(v2i)

# define Look-Up-Table mask
np_mask = np.vstack((np.zeros(self.d_w2v), np.ones((self.vs - 1, self.d_w2v))))
self.T_mask = theano.shared(np_mask.astype(theano.config.floatX), name='LUT_mask')

# setup Look-Up-Table to be Word2Vec
self.pca_mat = None
print "Initialize LUTs as word2vec and use linear projection layer"

LUT = np.zeros((self.vs, self.d_w2v), dtype='float32')
found_words = 0
for w, v in self.v2i.iteritems():
if w in self.w2v.vocab: # all valid words are already in vocab or 'UNK'
LUT[v] = self.w2v.get_vector(w)
found_words += 1
# LUT[v] = np.zeros((self.d_w2v))
LUT[v] = self.rng.randn(self.d_w2v)
LUT[v] = LUT[v] / (np.linalg.norm(LUT[v]) + 1e-6)

print "Found %d / %d words" %(found_words, len(self.v2i))

# word 0 is blanked out, word 1 is 'UNK'
LUT[0] = np.zeros((self.d_w2v))

# if linear projection layer is not the same shape as LUT, then initialize with PCA
if self.d_lproj != LUT.shape[1]:
pca = PCA(n_components=self.d_lproj, whiten=True)
self.pca_mat = pca.fit_transform(LUT.T) # 300 x 100?

# setup LUT!
self.T_w2v = theano.shared(LUT.astype(theano.config.floatX))

def build_model(self):
"""Build the memory network pipeline.
- define memory layer instance
- define input data
- encode question
- add memory layers
- decode output
- compute metrics
- collect paramters, results

# ------ Define Memory Layer instance
mem_layer_opts = {'T_w2v': self.T_w2v}
mem_layer = MemoryLayer(mem_layer_opts)

# ------ Create Theano parameter holders
self.t_params = OrderedDict()
self.t_inputs = OrderedDict()
self.t_outputs = OrderedDict()

# ------ Input Data
T_story = T.itensor3('story') # batch-size X sentences X words
T_q = T.imatrix('q') # batch-size X words
T_y = T.ivector('y_gt') # batch-size ('single': word index, 'multi_choice': correct option)
T_z = T.itensor3('z') # batch-size X multiple options X words
T_lr = T.scalar('lr') # learning rate
self.t_inputs.update({'T_story': T_story})
self.t_inputs.update({'T_q': T_q})
self.t_inputs.update({'T_y': T_y})
self.t_inputs.update({'T_z': T_z})
self.t_inputs.update({'T_lr': T_lr})

# ------ Encode question
T_w2v_out = self.T_w2v[T_q] * self.T_mask[T_q]
T_u = T.sum(T_w2v_out, axis=1)
T_u_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_u ** 2, axis=1))
T_u = T_u / (T_u_norm.dimshuffle(0, 'x') + 1e-6)

T_B = theano.shared(init_linear_projection(self.rng, self.d_w2v, self.d_lproj, self.pca_mat), name='B')
T_u =, T_B)

# ------ Layers of memory and attention interaction
for n in range(
# Add one layer of memory
T_o, T_p = mem_layer.make_layer(self.t_params, T_u, T_story, self.T_mask, self.rng)
T_u = T_u + T_o

self.out_debug = T_p

# ------ Encode multiple choice answers
T_w2v_out = self.T_w2v[T_z] * self.T_mask[T_z]
T_g = T.sum(T_w2v_out, axis=2)
T_g_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_g ** 2, axis=2))
T_g = T_g / (T_g_norm.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + 1e-6)
T_g =, T_B)

# ------ Normalize representations before doing dot product
T_g_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_g ** 2, axis=2))
T_g2 = T_g / (T_g_norm.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') + 1e-6)

T_u_norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(T_u ** 2, axis=1))
T_u2 = T_u / (T_u_norm.dimshuffle(0, 'x') + 1e-6)

# ------ Prediction
# compute matching score between normalized question (o+u) and answer (g)
T_h = T_u2.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1) * T_g2
T_s = T.sum(T_h, axis=2)

# ------ Cost: SoftMax, CrossEntropy
T_yhat = T.nnet.softmax(T_s)
T_y_pred = T.argmax(T_yhat, axis=1)

T_lp = T.log(T_yhat)
T_ll = T_lp[T.arange(T_y.shape[0]), T_y]
T_cost = T.mean(- T_ll)

# ------ Collect all results
self.out_pnorm = T.stack([T.sqrt(T.sum(p ** 2)) for p in self.t_params.values()]) # parameter norms
print "Model inputs:", self.t_inputs.keys()
print "Trainable parameters:", self.t_params.keys()
self.t_outputs.update({'T_cost': T_cost, 'T_yhat': T_yhat, 'T_y_pred': T_y_pred})

def gradients_and_updates(self, grad_normalize):
"""Compute gradients (t_gparams) using cost and trainable weights (t_params).

# ------ Compute gradient parameters
self.t_gparams = OrderedDict({'g_' + k: theano.grad(cost=self.t_outputs['T_cost'], wrt=p)
for k, p in self.t_params.iteritems()})

# ------ Compute norm and stack it like a vector (to analyze outside)
# self.out_debug = self.t_gparams['g_T_B']
self.out_gnorm = T.stack([T.sqrt(T.sum(gp ** 2)) for gp in self.t_gparams.values()])

# ------ Normalize gradients
self.g_norm = {}
if grad_normalize.has_key('max_norm'): # maximum gradient norm limited
mn = grad_normalize['max_norm']
for k in self.t_gparams.keys():
self.g_norm[k] = T.sqrt(T.sum(self.t_gparams[k] ** 2))
self.t_gparams[k] = ifel([k], mn),
mn * self.t_gparams[k] / (self.g_norm[k] + 1e-6),

# ------ Update parameters (SGD!)
self.update_params = []
for k in self.t_params.keys():
self.t_params[k] - self.t_inputs['T_lr'] * self.t_gparams['g_' + k]])

def train_function(self):
"""Theano function to train the model using a batch of data.

train_model = theano.function(inputs=[p for k, p in self.t_inputs.iteritems()],
outputs=[self.t_outputs['T_cost'], self.t_outputs['T_yhat'],
self.out_gnorm, self.out_pnorm],
# mode=theano.compile.DebugMode,
# mode=NanGuardMode(nan_is_error=True, inf_is_error=True, big_is_error=True),
# mode='FAST_COMPILE',
return train_model

def test_function(self):
"""Theano function to test the model on a batch of data.
ignore_inputs = ['T_lr', 'T_y']
test_model = theano.function(inputs=[p for k, p in self.t_inputs.iteritems() if k not in ignore_inputs],
return test_model

def save_model(self, save_filename):
"""Save model parameters.
""", self.t_params['T_B'].eval())

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