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Show authorizations of DSS contracts.

Screenshot from 2021-04-22 10-05-02

This script checks:

  • owner
  • authority
  • wards: deployer, logNote relies and event-emitting relies
  • buds: logNote kisses and event-emitting kisses

It can be used to check the authorities over a single contract by specifying its chainlog name or address, or it can also be used to check all the authorities in the system by starting from the Vat and hierarchically finding all the addresses that have authority over it.

Its outputs are a tree-style authorization hierarchy, and an interactive d3.js graph.


git clone
cd dss-ward


First, source your ethereum environment in order to have the ETH_RPC_URL and ETHERSCAN_API_KEY environment variables.

get authorities over a single contract

This is the simplest and fastest way this script can be used. It obtains all the addresses that have a certain authority over a contract you specify. Note, however, that this will not obtain the authorities that this specific contract has over other contracts in the system. In order to obtain these, check get permissions of a contract

In order to get the authorities over a specific contract, run

node src/ward.js MCD_SPOT

This will work with any contract that's in the chainlog. Otherwise, you can run

node src/ward.js 0xDa0FaB05039809e63C5D068c897c3e602fA97457

in order to get the authorities over an arbitrary address.

run checks for the VAT

In order to check the authorities in the VAT, run

node src/ward.js MCD_VAT

This will take a while. At the end, it will output all the addresses that have direct or indirect authority over the Vat, ordered hierarchically.

run checks for oracles

In order to get the authorities over the oracles, run

node src/ward.js --mode oracles

This will get all the PIPs in the chainlog, as well as their medianizers (either orbs or src) and get the authorities over each one of them.

run checks for the whole system

node src/ward.js --mode full

This command will run checks for the vat, the oracles, and any remaining addresses in the chainlog. Its result can be visualized as a graph. See graph visualization.

get permissions of a contract

The permissions of a contract are all the contracts where it is an authority. In other words, getting the permissions of a contract is the reverse operation from getting its authorities.

node src/ward.js --mode permissions MCD_SPOT

graph visualization


In order to visualize the whole system as a graph, first run a full check). Then run

node src/server.js

And finally open src/graph.html in a browser.