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Data backfills

Connor Mendenhall edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

Backfilling events

See more details in the repo documentation here.

Backfilling storage

See more details in the repo documentation here.

Backfilling urn data

The vdb-mcd-transformers repo contains a special script designed to backfill VatUrnInk and VatUrnArt storage values. Unlike a generic storage backfill, which loads all keys at each block, this script uses event data to find and backfill specific missing blocks associated with a dink or dart event, which means it is much faster. This can be used to recover urn data in case of a storage diff outage. This backfill script is not currently containerized, but could be containerized as an ECS task similar to event and storage backfills.

This script needs access to the database and an archive node. To run it, pass a starting block and DB/node configuration as arguments. It will search for frob, fork, and grab events and backfill forward to the head of the chain. If you are backfilling a specific set of blocks, it is safe to terminate once they are backfilled.

$ vdb-mcd-transformers backfillUrns --starting-block <starting block number>
                                    --database-name <db name>
                                    --database-port <db port>           
                                    --database-hostname <db hostname>
                                    --database-user <db user>
                                    --database-password <db password>
                                    --client-ipcpath <url to storage node RPC endpoint>