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A template project with Java and Spring Boot


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Library API

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Configuration
  3. Local Development
  4. Docker
  5. API
  6. Contributing
  7. License


Library API is a web backend application. It provides CRUD APIs to manage authors and books.

It uses

  • Gradle 8 for builds
  • Spring Boot 3 for web backend
  • Java 17 for programming language
  • spring-boot-crud for CRUD
  • PostgreSQL for database
  • Flyway for DB schema management
  • Spring Data JPA for database access
  • JUnit 5 for testing


Configuration can be modified via application.yml or following environment variables. The default values allow you to run Library API out-of-the-box.

Variable Name Data Type Description Required
LIBRARY_API_PORT Integer Port to bind in the host machine for the application No, defaults to 8080
LIBRARY_API_DB_HOST String Host address of application database No, defaults to localhost
LIBRARY_API_DB_PORT Integer Port of application database No, defaults to 5432
LIBRARY_API_DB_NAME String Name of application database No, defaults to library-api
LIBRARY_API_DB_USER String User of application database No, defaults to library-api
LIBRARY_API_DB_PASS String Password of application database No, defaults to library-api

Local Development

You can use Gradle tasks like clean, compileJava, compileTestJava and test for local development. To run the application:

gradle bootRun

If you don't have Gradle installed, you can replace gradle commands with ./gradlew to use Gradle wrapper.


Library API can be built and run in Docker along with its database. To build and run using Docker:

docker compose up -d --build

This will create database container, build the application image, create application container and run everything together in detached mode. Remove -d if you want to run them directly and follow the logs.

Docker builds can also be customized by environment variables so the application image that is built is configured by those environment variables. This way, when you run the stack as following:

LIBRARY_API_PORT=80 LIBRARY_API_DB_PORT=1234 docker-compose up -d --build

you'll be able to access the application at http://localhost:80 and the database at jdbc:postgresql://localhost:1234/library-api. Please note that configuring the ports will only affect the host side of the mapping. Inside the container, the default values will be used for the ports.

If you are running on a different host platform and get image related errors during build, you may need to change the base image in Dockerfile to an available Java 17 image for your platform.

API Docs

Library API provides OpenAPI documentation and a Swagger UI to browse them. After running the application, you may go to /swagger-ui.html to launch Swagger UI.


All contributions are welcome. Please feel free to send a pull request. Thank you.


Library API is licensed with MIT License.