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Open Service Broker API for an existing shared MySQL

Install the service broker on Cloud Foundry

wget -O target/shared-smysql-service-broker-0.0.3.jar
cf create-user-provided-service shared-mysql -p '{"url": "mysql://"}'
cf push
cf create-service-broker shared-mysql admin password https://shared-mysql-service-broker.<apps domain>
cf enable-service-access shared-mysql

Create and bind a service instance

cf create-service shared-mysql shared demo-db
cf bind-service your-app demo-db

Install the service broekr on Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f k8s/namespace.yml
cp k8s/secret.yml.old k8s/secret.yml
# Edit secret.yml for your environment
kubectl apply -f k8s/secret.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/cluster-service-broker.yml

Create and bind a service instance

kubectl apply -f k8s/sample/service-instance.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/sample/service-binding.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/sample/wordpress.yml