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Introducing Termpose! (To Scala)

mako yass edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 4 revisions

Happy to announce that Termpose is at a stage where I can recommend it to people as a fairly joyous thing to use, so long as you're a Scala dev. I have ported the parser to like 5 other languages, but those APIs only provide you with String => Term functionality. In this article, I'll be explaining the Iterator[Char]|File|String|Term => T functionality, that takes a term(or a term source) checks that it conforms to the specified representation of a certain type, then gives you a result of that type. ( If you're interested in helping to flesh these APIs out onto any of those other platforms, let's chat )

###What actually is Termpose Termpose is an extremely flexible markup language. Termpose takes the flexibility and regular semantics of S-Expressions and drops most of the parentheses, which also makes it an extremely pretty, minimal markup language. If you ever felt like S-Expressions had too many parens, to the point that they were noise, it turns out you were right to. Where proper indentation is present, parens are frequently redundant.

###Begin Tutorial A simple example:


		name mary shmidt
		projected_expiry 2032
		caste accounting
		name harry jordan
		projected_expiry 2067
		caste sales
	drone name(clarice wilkins) projected_expiry:2080 caste:advertising
	(drone  (name "jarae" "hillfolk")  (projected_expiry "2075")  (caste "web development"))


>Success((production_spire_A (drone (name mary shmidt) (projected_expiry 2032) (caste accounting)) (drone (name harry jordan) (projected_expiry 2067) (caste sales)) (drone (name clarice wilkins) (projected_expiry 2080) (caste marketing)) (drone (name jarae hillfolk) (projected_expiry 2075) (caste "web development"))))

The Termpose.parse method returns a Try[Term]. The term data structure is quite manageable. Each Term is either a Seqs or Stri, Seqs contains a nested sequence of terms, and Stri contain just a string. However, a lot of the time you're going to wish you could just tell Termpose to type check a structure of Terms and give you a strongly typed data structure of the stated type, so that you don't have to bother leafing through primitive S-Expression deserializations yourself and check for super banal requirements by hand.

Well ya can. Let's try an example where we type termpose into a Map[Int, Seq[Boolean]] for some reason.


11 (true)
2 (false)
3 (true false)
4 ()
hammersmith (eighty eighty)
import Termpose.{TypingSuccess, TypingFailure}
	import Termpose.dsl._
	map(int, seq(bool))
}.checkFile("file.terms") match {
	case TypingSuccess(misbs:Map[Int,Seq[Boolean]])=> println(misbs(11)(0)) //prints `true` :DD
	case tf:TypingFailure=> //or at least, it would have printed `true`, if it wern't for lines 4 and 6, which are of course type errors according to the typer we composed
		println(tf.toString) //prints`
		//line:4 column:0. this needs to be a (int list(bool)) pair, but it's a leaf term
		//line:6 column:0. this needs to be a int
		//line:6 column:12. this needs to be a bool
		//line:6 column:18. this needs to be a bool

As you can see, the typer tries to report every error it can. Rather than just hurling an inscrutable exception on arriving at the first one, which is assuredly the way a programmer would implement their type checking, in a shameful fit of laziness and despair, if they didn't have Typer combinators.

There are also combinators that ignore errors, or transform trees with errors into options, for instance

import Termpose.dsl._
seqAgreeable(int).check("1 2 dogs 3 4").get == Seq(1,2,3,4)
import Termpose.dsl._
seq(optional(property("a", string))).check("(a:hogs a:hags b:hors)").get ==
Seq(Some("hogs"), Some("hags"), None)

The dsl I have here is already surprising me with its flexibility, however, there's a ways to go yet. Future plans include:

  • Macros for generating Typers for user defined classes
  • Typers for combining results into tuples or passing them through a given lambda. Also seems like it'll require macros to do properly(effectively requires variadic type parameters).
  • Making Typers bidirectional. It seems that in most cases a Typer should be able to translate T => Term just as easily as it reads from Term => TyperResult[T]

Till then, Sincerely, Mako

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