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Platform detection: NodeJS? React? ReactNative? Expo? etc.


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Which platform am I on?

Do you need to run platform specific code?

If you need to (programmatically) find the answer to one of the following questions then this package is for you:

  • "is my app a react frontend?"
  • "is my app a nextjs app?"
  • "is my app a PWA standalone (installed) app?"
  • "is my app a react-native app?"
  • "is my app an expo app?"
  • "is my react-native or expo app running on ios, android or web?"
  • "is my app a plain node server?"
  • etc.

This package is extending the functionality of react-device-detect, by additionally detecting which 'platform' your code is running on and other things.

Live demos

Using who-am-i-now in an expo app

Using who-am-i-now in a react app

Using who-am-i-now in a next.js app


Via npm:

npm i who-am-i-now --save

Via yarn:

yarn add who-am-i-now


import WhoAmINow, { Who } from "who-am-i-now";

const who: Who = WhoAmINow();

// Example result:
// who = {
//     isMobile: true,
//     isBrowser: false,
//     isReactNativeApp: true,
//     isReactNativeAppIOS: true,
//     isReactNativeAppAndroid: false,
//     isReactNativeAppWeb: false,
//     isExpoApp: true,
//     isReactApp: false,
//     isNextApp: false,
//     isTWA: false,
//     isPWAStandalone: false,
//     isServerApp: false,
//     ... and many others - check section below for details
// }


The result of calling whoAmINow() is an object holding various selectors/booleans/values. Every prop is either

  • inheriting the behaviour from the original react-device-detect library (entries marked with **), or
  • having a different behaviour compared to the original react-device-detect library (entries marked with *), or
  • completely new (entries in table without asterisks)
selector type explanation
isReactNativeApp boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app (with and without expo)
isReactNativeAppIOS boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app (with and without expo) and if the platform is ios
isReactNativeAppAndroid boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app (with and without expo) and if the platform is android
isReactNativeAppWeb boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app (with and without expo) and if the platform is web (Note that this will be false if code is running in a plain react web app!)
isExpoApp boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app via expo
isExpoAppRunningInGo boolean | undefined returns true if code is running in expo Go, returns false otherwise, if it is still an expo app, and returns undefined in every other case
isExpoSnack boolean | undefined returns true if code is running in an expo snack, returns false otherwise, if it is still an expo app, and returns undefined in every other case
isReactApp boolean returns true if code is running in a react app
isNextApp boolean returns true if code is running in a nextjs app
isTWA boolean returns true if code is running as part of an android trusted web activities app
isPWAStandalone boolean returns true if code is running as part of a progressive web app / PWA in standalone mode, meaning in an installed way (for instance, after user decided to "add app to homescreen" etc.)
isServerApp boolean returns true if code is running in a plain node "server" app (imagine a classical express api/server for instance)
isCI boolean returns true if code is running as part of a continuous integration / CI pipeline (since version 2.1.0 it relies on the is-ci package)
isTestRun boolean returns true if code is running as part of a test run (for instance jest unit tests, etc. - it relies on the environment to set the variable NODE_ENV=test)
isJestTestRun boolean returns true if code is running as part of a jest test run
isCypressTestRun boolean returns true if code is running as part of a cypress test run
isBrowser* boolean returns true if code is running in a browser - the behaviour from react-device-detect was slightly changed
isMobile* boolean returns true if code is running in a react-native app (with and without expo) but not in web browser (via react-native-web)
isDesktop* boolean returns true if code is NOT running in a react-native app (with and without expo) - in other words, this is the opposite of isMobile above
isMobileOnly** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isTablet** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isSmartTV** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isWearable** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isConsole** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isEmbedded** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isAndroid** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isWinPhone** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIOS** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isChrome** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isFirefox** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isSafari** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isOpera** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIE** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isEdge** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isYandex** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isChromium** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isMobileSafari** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isSamsungBrowser** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
osVersion** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
osName** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
fullBrowserVersion** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
browserVersion** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
browserName** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
mobileVendor** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
mobileModel** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
engineName** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
engineVersion** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
getUA** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
deviceType** string returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIOS13** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIPhone13** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIPad13** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isIPod13** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isElectron** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isEdgeChromium** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isLegacyEdge** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isWindows** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns
isMacOs** boolean returns the same value react-device-detect returns


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