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Project description

Practical project for CSCB024

Tech Stack


ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API


React 16.0.0


MySQL Server 8.0.22



Controller URL Method Body type Result type Description Status
UserController user/{email} GET - User Get a user by email DONE
UserController user POST CreateUserRequest User Create new user record DONE
UserController user/{email} PUT UpdateUserRequest User Update an existing user record DONE
TextEntryController textEntry GET - IEnumerable Gets a list of all texts DONE (Samuela)
CategoryController category GET - IEnumerable Gets a list of all categories DONE (Tsveti)
SurveyController user/{email}/survey POST CreateSurveyRequest Survey Create new survey record DONE (Samuela)
SurveyController user/{email}/survey GET - IEnumerable Get specific survey by id DONE (Samuela)
SurveyController user/{email}/survey/{id} GET - Survey Get specific survey by id DONE (Tsveti)
SurveyController user/{email}/survey/{id} PUT UpdateSurveyRequest Survey Updates the survey record, for example when the survey is submitted DONE (Tsveti)
MappingController user/{email}/survey/{id}/map GET - IEnumerable Get all category-text mappings for a survey DONE (kterziev)
MappingController user/{email}/survey/{id}/map/{id} GET - Mapping Get a category-text mapping by id DONE (kterziev)
MappingController user/{email}/survey/{id}/map/{id} DELETE - - Delete a category-text mapping DONE (kterziev)
MappingController user/{email}/survey/{id}/map POST CreateMappingRequest - Create a category-text mapping DONE (kterziev)

The Postman collection with the first three working endpoints can be found here: [Postman](/docs/Survey API.postman_collection.json)

Database Setup

  1. Install MySQL Server version 8.0.22
  2. Install MySQL Workbench version 8.0.22
  3. Open MySQL Workbench and select to rescan for local MySQL instances
    • The installed MySQL instance should be listed
  4. Open the SurveyApp.sln solution in Visual Studio
  5. In the SurveyApp.Web, find the appsettings.json
  6. Replace the user, pass, and port according to your current MySQL instance setup
  7. Still in Visual Studio, open the Package Manager Console (Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console)
  8. Run

    Update-Database -Project SurveyApp.Data If you refresh the db in MySql Workbench, you should see the newly created surveydatabase

If you want to run the Web project, right-click on it and select "Set as startup project).

Ctrl + F5 to start it without debugging, F5 starts debugging.

Enums in the database (Entity Framework Core does not support enums as tables directly, so they are saved as ints in the db)


  • 0 = Male
  • 1 = Female
  • 2 = NotSpecified


  • 0 = NoProficiency
  • 1 = ElementaryProficiency
  • 2 = LimitedWorkingProficiency
  • 3 = ProfessionalProficiency
  • 4 = FullProfessionalProficiency
  • 5 = NativeOrBilingualProficiency


CSCB024 practical project.






No releases published



Contributors 4
