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Plant iCLIP-seq workflow

This workflow describes complete step-by step instructions to obtain reproducibility tested, genome-wide binding sites from sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana iCLIP reads.


System requirements:

Depending on the internet connection the complete setup and installation of required software requires about one hour on a current Desktop PC.

Minimal setup

  • 4 CPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 250 GB disk space

<!> Note: Larger plant genomes require more RAM and disk space. The minimal setup was tested soley for Arabidopsis genomes. <!>

Recommended setup

  • 24 CPUs
  • 16+ GB RAM
  • 500GB disk space

OS requirements:

For Deskop PCs we recommend the Long Term Support (LTS) version of Ubuntu 22.04.2 (Jammy Jellyfish) which can be downloded from .

Software dependencies:

  • AWK - mawk 1.3.4 (installed with 22.04.2)
  • FastQC - 0.11.9 (apt)
  • Flexbar, SeqAn - 3.5.0, 2.4.0 (apt)
  • samtools - 1.13.4 (apt)
  • bedtools - 2.30.0 (apt)
  • STAR - 2.7.3.a (binary download)
  • PureCLIP - 1.3.1 (binary download)
  • umi_tools - 1.1.4 (pip3)
  • bioawk - via conda
  • R - 4.3.0 (download)
    • R-package: BindingSiteFinder - 1.7.2 via Bioconductor

Installation Guide:

Operating System

After the installation of Ubuntu 22.04.2, login with your ID and update all packages by running the following commands in the shell:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Bioinformatics software

The packages FastQC, samtools, bedtools and Flexbar are installed using the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) which is available from start.

sudo apt install fastqc samtools bedtools flexbar


The umi_tools package requires the python package manager pip which needs to be installed beforehand. This version of Ubuntu comes with Python version 3.10 preinstalled.

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install umi_tools

After the installation the PATH variable needs to be modified so umi_tools can be run from the proper command:

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

For later uses this export is attached the users profile in the .bashrc file:

echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc

Binary downloads

Some tools are delivered as runnable binary versions. For this a source folder is created inside the user home and change into this directory. These tools only need to be unpacked and linked to /usr/bin/ for the bash to find them:

mkdir ~/sources
cd ~/sources


tar -xzf 2.7.3a.tar.gz 
sudo ln -s ~/sources/STAR-2.7.3a/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR /usr/bin/STAR


tar xfv PureCLIP-1.3.1-linux64-static.tar.gz 
sudo ln -s ~/sources/PureCLIP-1.3.1-linux64-static/pureclip /usr/bin/pureclip

Anaconda install

bash -b -p ~/anaconda
echo 'export PATH="~/anaconda/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
conda update conda 
# confirm with [yes]


conda install -c bioconda bioawk

Installing R

R is installed via source download and compilation but requires several linux packages from ATP:

sudo apt install libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev libssl-dev libx11-dev xorg-dev openjdk-19-jdk

Download R 4.3.0 sources and install to local folder:

cd ~/sources/
tar xvf R-4.3.0.tar.gz
cd R-4.3.0
make install

After compilation the necessary binaries for R and Rscript reside in the ~/sources/R-4.3.0/bin folder.

start R and install packages

Start a new R session


> install.packages("BiocManager")

> BiocManager::install(version='devel')

> BiocManager::install("BindingSiteFinder")
>> update all [a]

Workflow outline:

To access the workflow code, download the repository from github and copy the whole workflow folder to your home:

cd ~
git clone
cp -r Plant-iCLIPseq/workflow AtGRP7-iCLIP
cd AtGRP7-iCLIP/

The prepared workflow-folder should look as followed:

For the bash scripts (.sh files) to be executable the user permissions need to be modified. This is done using the chmod (change mode) command:

find . -type f | grep .sh | xargs chmod u+x

00 download of resources

At the start of the workflow the required gene annotation and reference genome need to be downloaded and saved in the corresponding folders (annotation/ and reference/). As a sample dataset we provide unprocessed reads from AtGRP7 iCLIP (SRR24391474) which can also be downloaded by executing the follwing script or alternatively via SRA Selector or the SRA-toolkit (


For the sample workflow the read file needs to be present in the 00_raw_fastq under the name AtGRP7-GFP.fastq.gz.

After the download has finished the integrity of the zipped sample FASTQ file is assessed by:

cd 00_raw_fastq
md5sum -c md5sums_fasq.txt

And should display the following message, if the downloaded file (AtGRP7-GFP.fastq.gz) is not corrupted:

AtGRP7-GFP.fastq.gz: OK

The corresponding sample barcodes are provided in the barcodes-rc.fa file in FASTA format. The read quality of the downloaded sample and experimental barcode distribution is obtained by executing:


Screenshot of FastQC read quality and adapter content statistics:

Bar chart of barcode the ten most frequent barcode tetramers:

Full FastQC reports will reside in the folder 00_initial_FQC/ and a distribution of sequences at the barcode coordinates in 01_barcode_QC/. The reports FastQC reports (.html) can be inspected with the available webbrowser (e.g. firefox).

01 deadapt and demultiplex

As the sequenced sample is provided in multiplexed state, the reads need to be assigned to the correct experimental barcode and into separated files (demultiplexing). In the same step 3'end adapters are removed from using Flexbar and reads with length shorter than 15 are discarded:


After demultiplexing, the adapterless and demultiplexed reads undergo a second quality control step with with Flexbar:

cd 01_adapterless

Screenshot of FastQC read quality and adapter content after quality control:

Files are renamed for later use:


02 quality trim

Quality trimming with minimal length of 15 basepairs with flexbar:

Last read quality check with FastQC:

cd 02_QC_passed

Before mapping the random barcode-parts are transferred to the read id field and the read-files are stored in a separate folder:


After this step the reads are ready for genome mapping and saved in 02_QC_passed/01_correct_IDs.

03 mapping index generation

STAR requires a mapping index which is made from the genome FASTA file and a corresponding gene annotation file in GTF format:


The created index is stored in the STARindex folder.

04 read mapping

Reads are mapped uniquely to the genome with STAR and saved in the 04_mapped folder:


After mapping reads are indexed, deduplicated according to their mapping location an random barcode, and subsequently replicates are merged for peak-calling:

cd 04_mapped

Deduplicated reads are again indexed and data tracks are generated:

cd 01_deduped_BAMs

05 peak calling


06 binding site definition


The parameters for binding site definition are fixed in the script and need to be adapted according to the protein in focus. For a complete functional description of the BindingSiteFinder package visit

outputs of the workflow:

After the complete execution of the workflow the user is presented with the following data files:

  • iCLIP crosslink tracks for each strand and sample in BIGWIG format residing in 04_mapped/01_deduped_BAMs/beds/01_bigwigs/
  • Genome-wide binding sites of the Protein in BED Format reside in 06_binding_sites
  • Mapped unique iCLIP reads in BAM format residing in 04_mapped/01_deduped_BAMs

An example gene visualized in the interactive web-based tool SEQing:

The processing of the provided sample files took 3 hours on a DELL Latitude 3520 with 4 cores and 8 GB RAM. More samples with higher read counts increase the computing time accordingly.




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