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Release 0.1

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@mallardtheduck mallardtheduck released this 25 May 10:47
· 1340 commits to master since this release

First "installable" release. Includes support for ATAPI devices, ISO9660 filesystem, ports of GNU GRUB and GNU Parted and a basic rough-and-ready install application. Has been tested on QEMU, Bochs, VirtualBox and VMWare as well as limited testing on real hardware.

System requirements:
An i686-class CPU, at least 8MB RAM (128MB recommended), ATAPI optical drive and ATA hard drive (~110MB space required for installation), VGA-compatible graphics and PS/2 compatible keyboard and mouse.

Installation instructions:

  1. Boot from provided "Live CD".
  2. Use GNU Parted (type: "parted") to create a "msdos" partition table with a FAT/FAT32 partition.
  3. Reboot.
  4. Run "install" to install the OS and bootloader to the hard drive.
  5. Reboot.

(Type "startwm" to start the GUI environment, if desired).