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Avatar Service API v1

Mårten Thavenius edited this page Mar 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

Profile images in the dashboard can be accessed from other applications using the following URL format:

:username must match the username in the employee directory, e.g. jesbyl.

:format is a predefined image format (size). The following formats are available:

Name Format
xlarge 600x
large 300x
large_quadrat 300x300#
medium 180x
medium_quadrat 180x180#
small 120x
small_quadrat 120x120#
thumb_quadrat 60x60#
tiny_quadrat 46x46#
mini_quadrat 32x32#

The formats above are expressed with ImageMagick notation. Some of the formats have a dynamic width or height based on the original formats.

It’s allowed to scale down the images in HTML code if you need an intermediate size and for RWD rescaling. Do not scale up.

Example of an avatar URL:

HTTP Redirects

The API might use HTTP redirection. Clients should assume that any request may result in a redirection. Receiving an HTTP redirection is not an error and clients should follow that redirect.

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