A framework for creating browser-based interactive artwork in ClojureScript. mondrian is unique in that it encourages exploratory, interactive development of your art projects. You start with a blank canvas and then gradually add state and rendering components until you have realized your vision.
You can also just write a bunch of code and reload the web page, but I find that the REPL-oriented flow is a lot more fun.
I used mondrian to create La vie en cloj, my collection of browser-based art demos. The first such demo, Epitrochoids in ClojureScript, is described in an article on my blog.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[mondrian "0.1.1"]
(In the meantime, see my article on interactive development with mondrian for a complete walkthrough of the mondrian framework.)
Copyright © 2013, Michael Alyn Miller
Distributed under the three-clause BSD license.