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A module to do wifi/custom data provisioning to ESP IDF.


npm install react-native-esp-idf-ble-provisioning-rn

Minimum SDK Version

This module requires a minimum sdk version of 23 or higher. Look this page if you need help to do this:


The permissions needed for use this module are: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, BLUETOOTH, BLUETOOTH_ADMIN. Please check them before. Useful link:


Example of usage with comments.

import EspIdfBleProvisioningRn from "react-native-esp-idf-ble-provisioning-rn";

// This method initialize the provision manager, it
// Important: this should be the first method to be called, before all others

// This method returns an array of objects representing the BLE devices detected by the phone
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.scanBleDevices("PREFIX_").then(res => {
    // res is the array of devices
}).catch(e => {

// This method allow you to connect with the device
// Call this method before the next methods
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.connectToBLEDevice(uuid).then(res => {
    // res will be {"success":true}
}).catch(e => {

// This method allow you to set pop on device

// To get the pop of device call this method
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.getProofOfPossession().then((pop) => {
    // pop is a string
}).catch((e) => {

//This method return an array of detected networks with SSID, RSI, Security type and Password (often empty)
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.scanNetworks().then(res => {
    // res is an array of detected networks
}).catch(e => {

// This method is used when is required to provision custom data to custom endpoints
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.sendCustomData("custom-endpoint", "data").then(resp => {
    // res will be {"success":true}
}).catch(e => {

// This method is used when is required to provision custom data to custom endpoints
// with the special cavieat that React-Native's bridges to Native can destroy binary data
// encoded as UTF-8 strings. See Example for details. Convert string to JS's Uint8Array, then to an array 
// of strings where each string has the hexidecimal representation of its corresponding byte
// there is a walk through in ./example/App.js
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.sendCustomDataWithByteData("custom-endpoint",["0", "FF", "52"]).then(resp => {
    // this is worth tweaking, but I have found that the data response
    // is wrapped in some other packaging I have to strip away from
    // the beginning and then JSON parsing works. The Native Backend manages
    // encryption at the session level. ESPRESSIF's libraries default to security_1 (as opposed to 0)
    const data = JSON.parse(;
        'Custom data with byte accuracy provisioned successfully',
    console.log(data); // data, likely in 
}).catch(e => {

// This method is used to provision new wifi credentials on the device
EspIdfBleProvisioningRn.provisionNetwork("SSIS", "PASS").then(resp => {
    // resp will be {"success":true}
}).catch(e => {

Example app

You can find an useful example in this link: Example app here


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