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Releases: mangodager/smartx-dotnet

smartx-dotnet 3.2.0f version release

25 Oct 07:33
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smartx-dotnet 3.2.0f version release

smartx-dotnet 2.1.0b version release

13 Apr 13:06
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smartx-dotnet 2.1.0b version release

smartx-dotnet 1.5.3c version release

11 Dec 12:39
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Smartx-dotnet-1.5.3c release

  1. This is an important version
  2. The version can merge the lonely chain caused by selfish mining or network splitting into the main chain
  3. Improved internal management of HTTP interface request speed

smartx-dotnet 1.5.3b version release

03 Dec 12:46
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  1. Multi Ctrip synchronization block, the speed is several times faster than the 1.5.3a version
  2. Optimize CPU and memory usage

smartx-dotnet 1.5.3a version release

16 Nov 09:34
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fix sync block
fix smart contract
fix rules remove long time don't generate block

smartx-dotnet 1.5.2 version release

14 Nov 13:48
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smartx-dotnet version 1.5.0

smartx-dotnet 1.5.1 version release

14 Nov 08:45
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smartx-dotnet 1.5.0 version release

14 Nov 07:14
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Support smart contract and contract store 1.4 version release

09 Nov 12:51
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  1. Pulling block
  2. Broadcasting
  3. Developer page
  4. Problems in transfer of account book of mine pool
  5. Delete private key command
  6. Node broadcast must confirm broadcast arrival

smartx-dotnet 1.3 public

27 Oct 18:19
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  1. Upgraded smart contract code
  2. Improved P2P network