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Python algorithms for processing MDEventWorkspaces

1. Motivation

Labeling neutron scattering events (or groups of neutrons) with several parameters (such as Q components, energy trasfer, temperature, etc) are the closest thing to physical models that we can provide in Mantid. Scientists would likely express most of their problems in terms of such multi-dimensional coordinates, rather than time of flight and detector coordinates. For quick prototyping and for bespoke algorithms and data analysis scripts, we should provide a simple and intuitive Python api for MD events, and MDEventWorkspaces. While the rest of the document exemplifies this using reactor based experiments, this is a more general and urgent problem.

A majority of the new instruments at reactor sources do not have the time-of flight structure of the data that instruments at spallation sources have. Trying to use matrix workspaces (either workspace2D or event workspaces) to store the raw data will cause confusion and complications down the line. Here are some examples:

  • Suppose that data is stored in a matrix workspace, one event or one bin corresponding to each scan point, with the X coordinate given by the scan index. It is possible to add two workspaces together using Plus algorithm for two scans with the same length. If two points corresponding to the same X coordinate have been measured at different conditions (say different detector orientation), the sum might not have a physical meaning.
  • Assume a multi detector diffractometer, where the detectors can move during the scan (HB2A at HFIR). At some point in the processing, data will be stored in a matrix workspace with all detectors in one spectra, and the X coordinate being the theta angle of the particular detector. It is likely that the best option would be to store it as events, as to be able to add contributions from detectors at same or close scattering angles. The correlation between each event and the scan configuration is then lost (which event originated in which detector).
  • For triple axis one would need to store more than one coordinate. It is possible to store each scan point as an event, with a corresponding "wallclock time", and all coordinates to be stored in the run object as time series properties. The regular algorithms, such as Plus would be confusing, since the coordinate that we are interested is not the X axis, but a log value.

2. Advantages of storing as MD events

A possible solution would be to store each scan point as an MD event with several coordinated (such ad scattering angle or H, K, L, E), the detector information, and a corresponding experiment info. Each scan point will have a different ExperimentInfo that stores any additional parametrers, such as temperature. It is possible in this way to either display the MDevents as a function of one of the coordinates (plot a scan as a function of theta for diffraction, where all the detectors are shown). It is, in principle possible to write an algorithm to sort through these MDevents, and group by detector number. One can then generate an instrument view. PlusMD should just append data points and experimentInfos from multiple scans. Changing the step size of a plot, with overlapping contributions from different detectors is done using BinMD.

Neutron experiments at reactor source can be seen as a collection of measurment points. Each measurement point contains the counts of all detectors for a certain amount of time and the corresponding sample environemnt logs' value. The index of such measuring point can be mapped to the class variable 'run' of an MDEvent. By using 'run', an equivalence of event filtering operation can be applied to MDWorkspace.

3. Unsolved problems

In either case (matrix workspace or MDEvent workspace) new algorithms need to be written. All exsting algorithms need to be checked if they work with reactor based instruments. It would help if some of the workload can be done by software scientists at ILL/Ulich or even instrument scientists at the reactor sources.

The most basic algorithm would be a ConvertUnits equivalent. This would be easy to do as a python algorithm for a matrix workspace, with a correct storage solution, but such a storage solution would run into the problems exposed in the motivation section. For MDEvent workspace choice, writing python algorithms is virtually impossible at the moment, since accessing MDEvents or their coordinates is not exposed to python. In fact, what is somehow confusing even in C++ is that we don't have a way to loop over all MDEvents, but instead we loop over the MDBox structure first.

4. Possible solution

I propose that we develop a simple python interface to MDEvent workspaces and MDAlgorithms that would enable people with less programming skills to develop/prototype algorithms and reduction/analysis procedures. Here are some of the requirements:

  1. It should expose MDEvents from a workspace directly, as a python list. One needs to somehow check if we can safely do this in memory (people should not attempt to run a for loop over all the events in a 24 hour white beam measurement on TOPAZ)
  2. Related to the previous point, dealing with the box structure should be optional for the potential programmer. The new python MD algorithm class should have a method to quicly loop over the events and to recalculate the box structure. Advanced users should have the option of overloading this function, such as to improve speed
  3. Here is a snippet of what I would like to do to change from theta to d-spacing:
import numpy as np
#data,norm are MDEvent workspaces. The MDevents in
#data and norm have only one dimension "theta", and each
#MDevent in data has a corresponding weight, at the same
#coordinate, in norm
for event,monitor in zip(data.getEventList(),norm.getEventList()):
    dpacing=wl/(2*np.sin(0.5*theta)  #2 d sin(th/2)= lam

Another example would be to calculate |Q| from a triple axis experiment. This will go from 4 dimensions (H, K, L, E) to one. It should be forbidden to write inplace a workspace if one changes dimensionality.

for event,newevent in zip(data.getEventList(),newWS.getEventList()):
  1. Usually the first step to load reactor-source experiment data is to create an MDWorkspace real space. The number of MDEvents and their coordinates are determined by the number of mearurement points and the position of the detectors at each measurement points. Thus it can be convenient to program in python script, if a set of APIs are defined and implemented to (1) construct an MDWorkskpace by detectors positions and then (2) modify the detectors' counts by index measurement point and detector ID.

5. Implementation

Following feedback from the TSC, we found several ways to implement this.

  1. Create iterators over the event array, and expose them to Python. As a first step, this could be a read-only iterator. We need to expose accessors to the events themselves, to read gignal, error, coordinates, experiment info, and detector. Subsequent steps would involve read/write access. Ome should be able to add/delete MDevents. This seems like the easiest approach. It has the disadvantage that looping over large arrays in Python is slow.
  2. Expose a copy of the whole MDevent array as a list or numpy array. An alternative is to expose arrays for signal, error, each coorinate, etc. separately. Any of these options might be very memory intensive
  3. Study how numpy functions are implemented, and see if we can replicate that in Mantid. This would be an ideal choice, but we are not sure yet how to do it.

For now, it seems like the first approach is something we can implement in Mantid relatively fast.