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refs #8060 should have Ansatz function defined.
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abuts committed Feb 26, 2014
1 parent 5ab90a8 commit 004e119
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ namespace Mantid
class DLLExport MullerAnsatz : public ForegroundModel
enum ChainDirection
enum MagneticFFDirection
/// String name of the model
std::string name() const { return "MullerAnsatz"; }
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/// Calculates the intensity for the model for the current parameters.
double scatteringIntensity(const API::ExperimentInfo & exptDescr, const std::vector<double> & point) const;

/// Twin type attribute
int m_twinType;
/// MultEps attribute
bool m_multEps;
ChainDirection m_ChainDirection;
MagneticFFDirection m_FFDirection;


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Expand Up @@ -14,42 +14,57 @@ namespace Mantid

using Kernel::Math::BoseEinsteinDistribution;

namespace // anonymous
struct AnsatzParameters
p(1) A, the intensity scale factor in the Mueller Ansatz formalism.
! p(2) J (maximum of lower bound is at pi*J/2)
! p(19) = 1,2,3 for chains along a*, b*, c* respectively
! Default is along c* if any other value given
! p(20) = 0 isotropic magnetic form factor
! = 1,2,3 "dx2-y2" form factor, normal to plane of orbital being a*, b*, c* respectively
! Default is isotropic form factor
/// Enumerate parameter positions
enum { Seff = 0, J1a = 1, J1b = 2, J2 = 3, SJc = 4, GammaSlope = 5 };
enum {Ampliture,J_bound};

/// Number of parameters
const unsigned int NPARAMS = 6;
enum{NPARAMS = 2};
/// Parameter names, same order as above
const char * PAR_NAMES[NPARAMS] = { "Seff", "J1a", "J1b", "J2", "SJc", "GammaSlope" };
static char * PAR_NAMES[NPARAMS];
/// N attrs
const unsigned int NATTS = 2;
enum {NATTS = 2};
/// Attribute names
const char * ATTR_NAMES[NATTS] = { "MultEps", "TwinType" };
static char * ATTR_NAMES[NATTS];

/// 2 \pi
const double TWO_PI = 2.*M_PI;
//static const double TWO_PI = 2.*M_PI;

char* AnsatzParameters::PAR_NAMES[AnsatzParameters::NPARAMS] = {"Amplitude","J_boundLimit"};
char* AnsatzParameters::ATTR_NAMES[AnsatzParameters::NATTS] = {"Chain Direction","MagneticFF Direction"};
* Initialize the model
void MullerAnsatz::init()
// Default form factor. Can be overridden with the FormFactorIon attribute

// Declare parameters that participate in fitting
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NPARAMS; ++i)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < AnsatzParameters::NPARAMS; ++i)
declareParameter(PAR_NAMES[i], 0.0);
declareParameter(AnsatzParameters::PAR_NAMES[i], 0.0);

// Declare fixed attributes
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NATTS; ++i)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < AnsatzParameters::NATTS; ++i)
declareAttribute(ATTR_NAMES[i], API::IFunction::Attribute(1));
declareAttribute(AnsatzParameters::ATTR_NAMES[i], API::IFunction::Attribute(1));

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void MullerAnsatz::setAttribute(const std::string & name, const API::IFunction::Attribute& attr)
if(name == ATTR_NAMES[0])
if(name == AnsatzParameters::ATTR_NAMES[0])
m_multEps = (attr.asInt() > 0);
m_ChainDirection = ChainDirection(attr.asInt());
else if(name == ATTR_NAMES[1])
else if(name == AnsatzParameters::ATTR_NAMES[1])
m_twinType = attr.asInt();
m_FFDirection = MagneticFFDirection(attr.asInt());
else ForegroundModel::setAttribute(name, attr); // pass it on the base
ForegroundModel::setAttribute(name, attr); // pass it on the base

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double MullerAnsatz::scatteringIntensity(const API::ExperimentInfo & exptSetup, const std::vector<double> & point) const

const double qx(point[0]), qy(point[1]), qz(point[2]), eps(point[3]);
const double qsqr = qx*qx + qy*qy + qz*qz;
const double epssqr = eps*eps;
// const double qsqr = qx*qx + qy*qy + qz*qz;
// const double epssqr = eps*eps;

// Transform the HKL only requires B matrix & goniometer (R) as ConvertToMD should have already
// handled addition of U matrix
// qhkl = (1/2pi)(RB)^-1(qxyz)
// // Transform the HKL only requires B matrix & goniometer (R) as ConvertToMD should have already
// // handled addition of U matrix
// // qhkl = (1/2pi)(RB)^-1(qxyz)
const Geometry::OrientedLattice & lattice = exptSetup.sample().getOrientedLattice();
const Kernel::DblMatrix & gr =;
const Kernel::DblMatrix & bmat = lattice.getB();

// Avoid doing inversion with Matrix class as it forces memory allocations
// M^-1 = (1/|M|)*M^T
double rb00(0.0), rb01(0.0), rb02(0.0),
rb10(0.0), rb11(0.0), rb12(0.0),
rb20(0.0), rb21(0.0), rb22(0.0);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
rb00 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][0];
rb01 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][1];
rb02 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][2];
double weight(0);
! Orientation of the chain:
iaxis = nint(p(19))
if (iaxis .eq. 1) then
qchain = qh
elseif (iaxis .eq. 2) then
qchain = qk
elseif (iaxis .eq. 3) then
qchain = ql
qchain = ql
rb10 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][0];
rb11 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][1];
rb12 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][2];
! Orientation of the hole orbital
iorient = nint(p(20))
qsqr = qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2
if (iorient .eq. 1) then
cos_beta_sqr = (qh*arlu(1))**2 / qsqr
elseif (iorient .eq. 2) then
cos_beta_sqr = (qk*arlu(2))**2 / qsqr
elseif (iorient .eq. 3) then
cos_beta_sqr = (ql*arlu(3))**2 / qsqr
! Get spectral weight
wl = piby2*p(2)*abs(sin(twopi*qchain))
wu = pi*p(2)*abs(sin(pi*qchain))
if (eps .gt. (wl+small) .and. eps .le. wu) then
if (iorient .ge. 1 .and. iorient .le. 3) then
weight = p(1)*(sigma_mag/pi)* (bose(eps,temp)/eps) *
& (amff_cu3d(qsqr,cos_beta_sqr))**2 / sqrt(eps**2-wl**2)
weight = p(1)*(sigma_mag/pi)* (bose(eps,temp)/eps) * (form_table(qsqr))**2 / sqrt(eps**2-wl**2)
weight = 0.0d0

rb20 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][0];
rb21 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][1];
rb22 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][2];
// 2pi*determinant. The tobyFit definition of rl vector has extra 2pi factor in it
const double twoPiDet= TWO_PI*(rb00*(rb11*rb22 - rb12*rb21) -
rb01*(rb10*rb22 - rb12*rb20) +
rb02*(rb10*rb21 - rb11*rb20));

const double qh = ((rb11*rb22 - rb12*rb21)*qx + (rb02*rb21 - rb01*rb22)*qy + (rb01*rb12 - rb02*rb11)*qz)/twoPiDet;
const double qk = ((rb12*rb20 - rb10*rb22)*qx + (rb00*rb22 - rb02*rb20)*qy + (rb02*rb10 - rb00*rb12)*qz)/twoPiDet;
const double ql = ((rb10*rb21 - rb11*rb20)*qx + (rb01*rb20 - rb00*rb21)*qy + (rb00*rb11 - rb01*rb10)*qz)/twoPiDet;

// Lattice parameters
double ca1 = std::cos(lattice.beta1());
double ca2 = std::cos(lattice.beta2());
double ca3 = std::cos(lattice.beta3());
double sa1 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta1()));
double sa2 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta2()));
double sa3 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta3()));

const double factor = std::sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*(ca1*ca2*ca3) - (ca1*ca1 + ca2*ca2 + ca3*ca3));
const double arlu1 = (TWO_PI/lattice.a())*(sa1/factor); // Lattice parameters in r.l.u
const double arlu2 = (TWO_PI/lattice.b())*(sa2/factor);
const double arlu3 = (TWO_PI/lattice.c())*(sa3/factor);

const double tempInK = exptSetup.getLogAsSingleValue("temperature_log");
const double boseFactor = BoseEinsteinDistribution::np1Eps(eps,tempInK);
const double magFormFactorSqr = std::pow(formFactor(qsqr), 2);

const double s_eff = getCurrentParameterValue(Seff);
const double sj_1a = getCurrentParameterValue(J1a);
const double sj_1b = getCurrentParameterValue(J1b);
const double sj_2 = getCurrentParameterValue(J2);
const double sj_c = getCurrentParameterValue(SJc);
const double sjplus = sj_1a + (2.0*sj_2);
const double sk_ab = 0.5*(std::sqrt(std::pow(sjplus+sj_c, 2) + 10.5625) - (sjplus + sj_c));
const double sk_c = sk_ab;
const double gam = eps*getCurrentParameterValue(GammaSlope);

// Avoid doing some multiplication twice
const double fourGammaEpsSqr = 4.0*std::pow((gam*eps), 2);
const double fourGammaBose = 4.0*gam*boseFactor;

double weight(0.0);
if(m_twinType >= 0) // add weight of notional crystal orientation
const double a_q = 2.0*( sj_1b*(std::cos(M_PI*qk)-1) + sj_1a + 2.0*sj_2 + sj_c ) + (3.0*sk_ab+sk_c);
const double a_qsqr = a_q*a_q;
const double d_q = 2.0*( sj_1a*std::cos(M_PI*qh) + 2.0*sj_2*std::cos(M_PI*qh)*std::cos(M_PI*qk) + sj_c*std::cos(M_PI*ql) );
const double c_anis = sk_ab - sk_c;

const double wdisp1sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q+c_anis,2));
const double wdisp1 = std::sqrt(wdisp1sqr);
const double wdisp2sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q-c_anis,2));
const double wdisp2 = std::sqrt(wdisp2sqr);

const double wt1 = fourGammaBose*wdisp1/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp1sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
const double wt2 = fourGammaBose*wdisp2/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp2sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
const double s_yy = s_eff*((a_q-d_q-c_anis)/wdisp1)*wt1;
const double s_zz = s_eff*((a_q-d_q+c_anis)/wdisp2)*wt2;

weight += 291.2 * magFormFactorSqr*((1.0 - std::pow(qk*arlu2, 2)/qsqr)*s_yy + (1.0 - std::pow(ql*arlu3,2)/qsqr)*s_zz);
if(m_twinType <= 0)
const double th =-qk*arlu2/arlu1; // actual qk (rlu) in the twin
const double tk = qh*arlu1/arlu2; // actual qk (rlu) in the twin
const double a_q = 2.0*( sj_1b*(std::cos(M_PI*tk)-1.0) + sj_1a + 2.0*sj_2 + sj_c ) + (3.0*sk_ab + sk_c);
const double a_qsqr = a_q*a_q;
const double d_q = 2.0*( sj_1a*std::cos(M_PI*th) + 2.0*sj_2*std::cos(M_PI*th)*std::cos(M_PI*tk) + sj_c*std::cos(M_PI*ql) );
const double c_anis = sk_ab - sk_c;

const double wdisp1sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q+c_anis,2));
const double wdisp1 = std::sqrt(wdisp1sqr);
const double wdisp2sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q-c_anis,2));
const double wdisp2 = std::sqrt(wdisp2sqr);

const double wt1 = fourGammaBose*wdisp1/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp1sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
const double wt2 = fourGammaBose*wdisp2/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp2sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
const double s_yy = s_eff*((a_q-d_q-c_anis)/wdisp1)*wt1;
const double s_zz = s_eff*((a_q-d_q+c_anis)/wdisp2)*wt2;

weight += 291.2 * magFormFactorSqr*((1.0 - std::pow(tk*arlu2,2)/qsqr)*s_yy + (1.0 - std::pow(ql*arlu3, 2)/qsqr)*s_zz);
// // Avoid doing inversion with Matrix class as it forces memory allocations
// // M^-1 = (1/|M|)*M^T
// double rb00(0.0), rb01(0.0), rb02(0.0),
// rb10(0.0), rb11(0.0), rb12(0.0),
// rb20(0.0), rb21(0.0), rb22(0.0);
// for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
// {
// rb00 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][0];
// rb01 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][1];
// rb02 += gr[0][i]*bmat[i][2];

weight *= eps;
// rb10 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][0];
// rb11 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][1];
// rb12 += gr[1][i]*bmat[i][2];

// rb20 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][0];
// rb21 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][1];
// rb22 += gr[2][i]*bmat[i][2];
// }
// // 2pi*determinant. The tobyFit definition of rl vector has extra 2pi factor in it
// const double twoPiDet= TWO_PI*(rb00*(rb11*rb22 - rb12*rb21) -
// rb01*(rb10*rb22 - rb12*rb20) +
// rb02*(rb10*rb21 - rb11*rb20));

// const double qh = ((rb11*rb22 - rb12*rb21)*qx + (rb02*rb21 - rb01*rb22)*qy + (rb01*rb12 - rb02*rb11)*qz)/twoPiDet;
// const double qk = ((rb12*rb20 - rb10*rb22)*qx + (rb00*rb22 - rb02*rb20)*qy + (rb02*rb10 - rb00*rb12)*qz)/twoPiDet;
// const double ql = ((rb10*rb21 - rb11*rb20)*qx + (rb01*rb20 - rb00*rb21)*qy + (rb00*rb11 - rb01*rb10)*qz)/twoPiDet;

// // Lattice parameters
// double ca1 = std::cos(lattice.beta1());
// double ca2 = std::cos(lattice.beta2());
// double ca3 = std::cos(lattice.beta3());
// double sa1 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta1()));
// double sa2 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta2()));
// double sa3 = std::abs(std::sin(lattice.beta3()));

// const double factor = std::sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*(ca1*ca2*ca3) - (ca1*ca1 + ca2*ca2 + ca3*ca3));
// const double arlu1 = (TWO_PI/lattice.a())*(sa1/factor); // Lattice parameters in r.l.u
// const double arlu2 = (TWO_PI/lattice.b())*(sa2/factor);
// const double arlu3 = (TWO_PI/lattice.c())*(sa3/factor);

// const double tempInK = exptSetup.getLogAsSingleValue("temperature_log");
// const double boseFactor = BoseEinsteinDistribution::np1Eps(eps,tempInK);
// const double magFormFactorSqr = std::pow(formFactor(qsqr), 2);

// const double s_eff = getCurrentParameterValue(Seff);
// const double sj_1a = getCurrentParameterValue(J1a);
// const double sj_1b = getCurrentParameterValue(J1b);
// const double sj_2 = getCurrentParameterValue(J2);
// const double sj_c = getCurrentParameterValue(SJc);
// const double sjplus = sj_1a + (2.0*sj_2);
// const double sk_ab = 0.5*(std::sqrt(std::pow(sjplus+sj_c, 2) + 10.5625) - (sjplus + sj_c));
// const double sk_c = sk_ab;
// const double gam = eps*getCurrentParameterValue(GammaSlope);

// // Avoid doing some multiplication twice
// const double fourGammaEpsSqr = 4.0*std::pow((gam*eps), 2);
// const double fourGammaBose = 4.0*gam*boseFactor;

// double weight(0.0);
// if(m_twinType >= 0) // add weight of notional crystal orientation
// {
// const double a_q = 2.0*( sj_1b*(std::cos(M_PI*qk)-1) + sj_1a + 2.0*sj_2 + sj_c ) + (3.0*sk_ab+sk_c);
// const double a_qsqr = a_q*a_q;
// const double d_q = 2.0*( sj_1a*std::cos(M_PI*qh) + 2.0*sj_2*std::cos(M_PI*qh)*std::cos(M_PI*qk) + sj_c*std::cos(M_PI*ql) );
// const double c_anis = sk_ab - sk_c;

// const double wdisp1sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q+c_anis,2));
// const double wdisp1 = std::sqrt(wdisp1sqr);
// const double wdisp2sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q-c_anis,2));
// const double wdisp2 = std::sqrt(wdisp2sqr);

// const double wt1 = fourGammaBose*wdisp1/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp1sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
// const double wt2 = fourGammaBose*wdisp2/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp2sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
// const double s_yy = s_eff*((a_q-d_q-c_anis)/wdisp1)*wt1;
// const double s_zz = s_eff*((a_q-d_q+c_anis)/wdisp2)*wt2;

// weight += 291.2 * magFormFactorSqr*((1.0 - std::pow(qk*arlu2, 2)/qsqr)*s_yy + (1.0 - std::pow(ql*arlu3,2)/qsqr)*s_zz);
// }
// if(m_twinType <= 0)
// {
// const double th =-qk*arlu2/arlu1; // actual qk (rlu) in the twin
// const double tk = qh*arlu1/arlu2; // actual qk (rlu) in the twin
// const double a_q = 2.0*( sj_1b*(std::cos(M_PI*tk)-1.0) + sj_1a + 2.0*sj_2 + sj_c ) + (3.0*sk_ab + sk_c);
// const double a_qsqr = a_q*a_q;
// const double d_q = 2.0*( sj_1a*std::cos(M_PI*th) + 2.0*sj_2*std::cos(M_PI*th)*std::cos(M_PI*tk) + sj_c*std::cos(M_PI*ql) );
// const double c_anis = sk_ab - sk_c;

// const double wdisp1sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q+c_anis,2));
// const double wdisp1 = std::sqrt(wdisp1sqr);
// const double wdisp2sqr = std::abs(a_qsqr - std::pow(d_q-c_anis,2));
// const double wdisp2 = std::sqrt(wdisp2sqr);

// const double wt1 = fourGammaBose*wdisp1/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp1sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
// const double wt2 = fourGammaBose*wdisp2/(M_PI*(std::pow(epssqr - wdisp2sqr,2) + fourGammaEpsSqr));
// const double s_yy = s_eff*((a_q-d_q-c_anis)/wdisp1)*wt1;
// const double s_zz = s_eff*((a_q-d_q+c_anis)/wdisp2)*wt2;

// weight += 291.2 * magFormFactorSqr*((1.0 - std::pow(tk*arlu2,2)/qsqr)*s_yy + (1.0 - std::pow(ql*arlu3, 2)/qsqr)*s_zz);
// }

// if(m_multEps)
// {
// weight *= eps;
// }
return weight;
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