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Initial commit of Spencer's algorithm
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Refs #11188
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DanNixon committed Feb 26, 2015
1 parent caf7118 commit 084e1a8
Showing 1 changed file with 364 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, AlgorithmFactory, MatrixWorkspaceProperty
from mantid.kernel import StringListValidator, Direction, logger
from mantid import config
import math, numpy as np

class FlatPaalmanPingsCorrection(PythonAlgorithm):

_sample_ws_name = None
_sample_chemical_formula = None
_sample_number_density = None
_sample_thickness = None
_sample_angle = 0.0
_usecan = False
_can_ws_name = None
_can_chemical_formula = None
_can_number_density = None
_can_thickness1 = None
_can_thickness2 = None
_can_scale = 1.0
_number_wavelengths = 10
_emode = None
_efixed = 0.0
_interpolate = 'Linear'
_output_ws_name = None

def category(self):
return "Workflow\\MIDAS;PythonAlgorithms"

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty('SampleWorkspace', '', direction=Direction.Input),
doc="Name for the input Sample workspace.")
self.declareProperty(name='SampleChemicalFormula', defaultValue='', doc = 'Sample chemical formula')
self.declareProperty(name='SampleNumberDensity', defaultValue='', doc = 'Sample number density')
self.declareProperty(name='SampleThickness', defaultValue='', doc = 'Sample thickness')
self.declareProperty(name='SampleAngle', defaultValue=0.0, doc = 'Sample angle')

self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty('CanWorkspace', '', direction=Direction.Input),
doc="Name for the input Can workspace.")
self.declareProperty(name='CanChemicalFormula', defaultValue='', doc = 'Can chemical formula')
self.declareProperty(name='CanNumberDensity', defaultValue='', doc = 'Can number density')
self.declareProperty(name='CanThickness1', defaultValue='', doc = 'Can thickness1 front')
self.declareProperty(name='CanThickness2', defaultValue='', doc = 'Can thickness2 back')
self.declareProperty(name='CanScaleFactor', defaultValue='1.0', doc = 'Scale factor to multiply can data')

self.declareProperty(name='NumberWavelengths', defaultValue='10', doc = 'Number of wavelengths for calculation')
self.declareProperty(name='Emode', defaultValue='Elastic', validator=StringListValidator(['Elastic','Indirect']),
doc='Emode: Elastic or Indirect')
self.declareProperty(name='Efixed', defaultValue=0.0, doc = 'Efixed - analyser energy')

self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty('OutputWorkspace', '', direction=Direction.Output),
doc='The output corrections workspace.')

def PyExec(self):


name = self._output_ws_name
ass_ws = name + '_ass'
SetSampleMaterial(self._sample_ws_name , ChemicalFormula=self._sample_chemical_formula,
sample = mtd[self._sample_ws_name].sample()
sam_material = sample.getMaterial()
# total scattering x-section
sigs = [sam_material.totalScatterXSection()]
# absorption x-section
siga = [sam_material.absorbXSection()]
size = [self._sample_thickness]
density = [self._sample_number_density]
ncan = 0

if self._usecan:
SetSampleMaterial(InputWorkspace=self._can_ws_name, ChemicalFormula=self._can_chemical_formula,
can_sample = mtd[self._can_ws_name].sample()
can_material = can_sample.getMaterial()

# total scattering x-section for can
# absorption x-section for can
ncan = 2

dataA1 = []
dataA2 = []
dataA3 = []
dataA4 = []

number_angles = len(self._angles)

for n in range(number_angles):
angles = [self._sample_angle, self._angles[n]]
(A1, A2, A3, A4) = self._flatAbs(ncan, size, density, sigs, siga, angles, self._waves)

logger.information('Angle ' + str(n+1) + ' : ' + str(self._angles[n]) + ' successful')

dataA1 = np.append(dataA1, A1)
dataA2 = np.append(dataA2, A2)
dataA3 = np.append(dataA3, A3)
dataA4 = np.append(dataA4, A4)

sample_logs = {'sample_shape': 'flatplate', 'sample_filename': self._sample_ws_name,
'sample_thickness': self._sample_thickness, 'sample_angle': self._sample_angle}
dataX = self._waves * number_angles

# Create the output workspaces
ass_ws = name + '_ass'
assc_ws = name + '_assc'
acsc_ws = name + '_acsc'
acc_ws = name + '_acc'

CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=ass_ws, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataA1,
NSpec=number_angles, UnitX='Wavelength')
self._addSampleLogs(ass_ws, sample_logs)

CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=assc_ws, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataA2,
NSpec=number_angles, UnitX='Wavelength')
self._addSampleLogs(assc_ws, sample_logs)

CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=acsc_ws, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataA3,
NSpec=number_angles, UnitX='Wavelength')
self._addSampleLogs(acsc_ws, sample_logs)

CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=acc_ws, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataA4,
NSpec=number_angles, UnitX='Wavelength')
self._addSampleLogs(acc_ws, sample_logs)

if self._usecan:
workspaces = [ass_ws, assc_ws, acsc_ws, acc_ws]
AddSampleLog(Workspace=ass_ws, LogName='can_filename', LogType='String', LogText=str(self._can_ws_name))
AddSampleLog(Workspace=assc_ws, LogName='can_filename', LogType='String', LogText=str(self._can_ws_name))
AddSampleLog(Workspace=acsc_ws, LogName='can_filename', LogType='String', LogText=str(self._can_ws_name))
AddSampleLog(Workspace=acc_ws, LogName='can_filename', LogType='String', LogText=str(self._can_ws_name))
workspaces = [ass_ws]

GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=workspaces.join(','), OutputWorkspace=name)

def _setup(self):
self._sample_ws_name = self.getPropertyValue('SampleWorkspace')
self._sample_chemical_formula = self.getPropertyValue('SampleChemicalFormula')
self._sample_number_density = float(self.getPropertyValue('SampleNumberDensity'))
self._sample_thickness = float(self.getPropertyValue('SampleThickness'))
self._sample_angle = float(self.getPropertyValue('SampleAngle'))

self._can_ws_name = self.getPropertyValue('CanWorkspace')
if self._can_ws_name == '':
self._usecan = False
self._usecan = True
if self._usecan:
self._can_chemical_formula = self.getPropertyValue('CanChemicalFormula')
self._can_number_density = float(self.getPropertyValue('CanNumberDensity'))
self._can_thickness1 = float(self.getPropertyValue('CanThickness1'))
self._can_thickness2 = float(self.getPropertyValue('CanThickness2'))
self._can_scale = self.getPropertyValue('CanScaleFactor')

self._number_wavelengths = int(self.getPropertyValue('NumberWavelengths'))
self._emode = self.getPropertyValue('Emode')
self._efixed = float(self.getPropertyValue('Efixed'))
self._output_ws_name = self.getPropertyValue('OutputWorkspace')

def _getAngles(self):
num_hist = mtd[self._sample_ws_name].getNumberHistograms()
source_pos = mtd[self._sample_ws_name].getInstrument().getSource().getPos()
sample_pos = mtd[self._sample_ws_name].getInstrument().getSample().getPos()
beam_pos = sample_pos - source_pos
angles = [] # will be list of angles
for index in range(0, num_hist):
detector = mtd[self._sample_ws_name].getDetector(index) # get index
two_theta = detector.getTwoTheta(sample_pos, beam_pos) * 180.0 / math.pi # calc angle
angles.append(two_theta) # add angle
self._angles = angles

def _waveRange(self):
from mantid.simpleapi import mtd, ExtractSingleSpectrum
self._wave_range = '__WaveRange'
ExtractSingleSpectrum(InputWorkspace=self._sample_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=self._wave_range, WorkspaceIndex=0)
Xin = mtd[self._wave_range].readX(0)
wave_min = mtd[self._wave_range].readX(0)[0]
wave_max = mtd[self._wave_range].readX(0)[len(Xin) - 1]
number_waves = self._number_wavelengths
wave_bin = (wave_max - wave_min)/(number_waves-1)
waves = []
for l in range(0,number_waves):
self._waves = waves
if self._emode == 'Elastic':
self._elastic = waves[int(number_waves / 2)]
if self._emode == 'Indirect':
self._elastic = math.sqrt(81.787/self._efixed) # elastic wavelength
logger.information('Elastic lambda : ' + str(self._elastic))

def _addSampleLogs(self, ws, sample_logs):
Add a dictionary of logs to a workspace.
The type of the log is inferred by the type of the value passed to the log.
@param ws - workspace to add logs too.
@param sample_logs - dictionary of logs to append to the workspace.

for key, value in sample_logs.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, bool):
log_type = 'String'
elif isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
log_type = 'Number'
log_type = 'String'

AddSampleLog(Workspace=ws, LogName=key, LogType=log_type, LogText=str(value))

def _flatAbs(self, ncan, thick, density, sigs, siga, angles, waves):
FlatAbs - calculate flat plate absorption factors
For more information See:
- MODES User Guide:
- C J Carlile, Rutherford Laboratory report, RL-74-103 (1974)
@param sigs - list of scattering cross-sections
@param siga - list of absorption cross-sections
@param density - list of density
@param ncan - =0 no can, >1 with can
@param thick - list of thicknesses: sample thickness, can thickness1, can thickness2
@param angles - list of angles
@param waves - list of wavelengths
PICONV = math.pi/180.

#can angle and detector angle
tcan1, theta1 = angles
canAngle = tcan1 * PICONV
theta = theta1 * PICONV

# tsec is the angle the scattered beam makes with the normal to the sample surface.
tsec = theta1-tcan1

nlam = len(waves)

ass = np.ones(nlam)
assc = np.ones(nlam)
acsc = np.ones(nlam)
acc = np.ones(nlam)

# case where tsec is close to 90 degrees. CALCULATION IS UNRELIABLE
if (abs(abs(tsec)-90.0) < 1.0):
#default to 1 for everything
return ass, assc, acsc, acc
#sample & can scattering x-section
sampleScatt, canScatt = sigs[:2]
#sample & can absorption x-section
sampleAbs, canAbs = siga[:2]
#sample & can density
sampleDensity, canDensity = density[:2]
#thickness of the sample and can
samThickness, canThickness1, canThickness2 = thick

tsec = tsec*PICONV

sec1 = 1. / math.cos(canAngle)
sec2 = 1. / math.cos(tsec)

#list of wavelengths
waves = np.array(waves)

#sample cross section
sampleXSection = (sampleScatt + sampleAbs * waves / 1.8) * sampleDensity

#vector version of fact
vecFact = np.vectorize(self._fact)
fs = vecFact(sampleXSection, samThickness, sec1, sec2)

sampleSec1, sampleSec2 = self._calcThicknessAtSec(sampleXSection, samThickness, [sec1, sec2])

if (sec2 < 0.):
ass = fs / samThickness
ass= np.exp(-sampleSec2) * fs / samThickness

useCan = (ncan > 1)
if useCan:
#calculate can cross section
canXSection = (canScatt + canAbs * waves / 1.8) * canDensity
assc, acsc, acc = self._calcFlatAbsCan(ass, canXSection, canThickness1, canThickness2, sampleSec1, sampleSec2, [sec1, sec2])

return ass, assc, acsc, acc

def _fact(self, xSection, thickness, sec1, sec2):
S = xSection * thickness * (sec1 - sec2)
F = 1.0
if S == 0.:
F = thickness
S = (1 - math.exp(-S)) / S
F = thickness*S
return F

def _calcThicknessAtSec(self, xSection, thickness, sec):
sec1, sec2 = sec

thickSec1 = xSection * thickness * sec1
thickSec2 = xSection * thickness * sec2

return thickSec1, thickSec2

def _calcFlatAbsCan(self, ass, canXSection, canThickness1, canThickness2, sampleSec1, sampleSec2, sec):
assc = np.ones(ass.size)
acsc = np.ones(ass.size)
acc = np.ones(ass.size)

sec1, sec2 = sec

#vector version of fact
vecFact = np.vectorize(self._fact)
f1 = vecFact(canXSection,canThickness1,sec1,sec2)
f2 = vecFact(canXSection,canThickness2,sec1,sec2)

canThick1Sec1, canThick1Sec2 = self._calcThicknessAtSec(canXSection, canThickness1, sec)
canThick2Sec1, canThick2Sec2 = self._calcThicknessAtSec(canXSection, canThickness2, sec)

if (sec2 < 0.):
val = np.exp(-(canThick1Sec1-canThick1Sec2))
assc = ass * val

acc1 = f1
acc2 = f2 * val

acsc1 = acc1
acsc2 = acc2 * np.exp(-(sampleSec1 - sampleSec2))
val = np.exp(-(canThick1Sec1 + canThick2Sec2))
assc = ass * val

acc1 = f1 * np.exp(-(canThick1Sec2 + canThick2Sec2))
acc2 = f2 * val

acsc1 = acc1 * np.exp(-sampleSec2)
acsc2 = acc2 * np.exp(-sampleSec1)

canThickness = canThickness1 + canThickness2

if(canThickness > 0.):
acc = (acc1 + acc2) / canThickness
acsc = (acsc1 + acsc2) / canThickness

return assc, acsc, acc

# Register algorithm with Mantid

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