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Refs #8587 Refactored loading functions to be faster with large files.
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  • Loading branch information
Samuel Jackson committed Jan 7, 2014
1 parent feca0cb commit 1ae5eaf
Showing 1 changed file with 181 additions and 96 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import re
import os.path
import math

class DensityOfStates(PythonAlgorithm):

def PyInit(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,17 +236,21 @@ def computeRaman(self, freqs, intensities, weights):
self.computeDos(freqs, crossSections, weights)

def readDataFromFile(self, fname):
Select the appropriate file parser and check data was successfully
loaded from file.
with open(fname, 'r') as fhandle:
content =
@param fname - path to the file.
@return tuple of the frequencies, ir and raman intensities and weights
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
self.fileType = ext

if ext == '.phonon':
freqs, irIntens, ramanIntens, weights = self.readPhononFile(content)
freqs, irIntens, ramanIntens, weights = self.parsePhononFile(fname)

elif ext == '.castep':
freqs, irIntens, ramanIntens, weights = self.readCastepFile(content)
freqs, irIntens, ramanIntens, weights = self.parseCastepFile(fname)

if ( len(freqs) == 0 ):
raise ValueError("Failed to load any frequencies from file.")
Expand All @@ -256,127 +260,208 @@ def readDataFromFile(self, fname):

return freqs, irIntens, ramanIntens, weights

def readCastepFile(self, content):
def parseBlockHeader(self, header_match, block_count):
Parse the header of a block of frequencies and intensities
@param header_match - the regex match to the header
@param block_count - the count of blocks found so far
@return weight for this block of values
#found header block at start of frequencies
q1, q2, q3, weight = map(float, header_match.groups())
if block_count > 1 and sum([q1,q2,q3]) == 0 and self.specType != 'DOS':
weight = 0.0
return weight

def parsePhononFileHeader(self, f_handle):
Read frequencies from <>.castep file
Read information from the header of a <>.phonon file
@param content - string of the data read from file
@return the frequencies, infra red and raman intensities and weights of frequency blocks
@param f_handle - handle to the file.
@return tuple of the number of ions and branches in the file
#regex patterns to extract data the header and data information from each block

#Header regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# + q-pt= 1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000) 1.0000000000 +
headerRegexStr = r" +\+ +q-pt= +\d+ \( *(?: *(%(s)s)) *(%(s)s) *(%(s)s)\) +(%(s)s) +\+" % {'s' : self.fnumber}
while True:
line = f_handle.readline()

#Data regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# + 1 -0.051481 a 0.0000000 N 0.0000000 N +
dataRegexStr = r" +\+ +\d+ +(%(s)s)(?: +\w)? *((?: *%(s)s?(?: +[YN])?){0,2}) *\+"% {'s': self.fnumber}
if not line:
raise IOError("Could not find any header information.")

# Find all of the frequency data blocks, also splits text into header and data groups
freqBlockRegexStr = r" \+ \-+ \+\s+( +\+ +q-pt= +\d+ \( *(?: *%(s)s) *%(s)s *%(s)s\) +%(s)s +\+)((?:[\+\w\-\d\s\<\>\=\(\)\*\/\\]|\-?%(s)s|Frequency irrep\.)*) +\+" % {'s': self.fnumber}
if 'Number of ions' in line:
num_ions = int(line.strip().split()[-1])
elif 'Number of branches' in line:
num_branches = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

return self.parseFrequencies(content, freqBlockRegexStr, headerRegexStr, dataRegexStr)
if 'END header' in line:
return num_ions, num_branches

def readPhononFile(self, content):
def parsePhononFile(self, fname):
Read frequencies from <>.phonon file
Read frequencies from a <>.phonon file
@param content - string of the data read from file
@param fname - file path of the file to read
@return the frequencies, infra red and raman intensities and weights of frequency blocks
#regex patterns to extract data the header and data information from each block

#Header regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# q-pt= 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.0000000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
headerRegexStr = r"^ +q-pt=\s+\d+ +(%(s)s) +(%(s)s) +(%(s)s) (?: *(%(s)s)){0,4}" % {'s': self.fnumber}
headerRegex = re.compile(headerRegexStr)

#Data regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# 1 -0.051481 0.0000000 0.0000000
dataRegexStr = r"\s+\d+ +(%(s)s)((?: +%(s)s){0,2})"% {'s': self.fnumber}
eigenvectors_regex = re.compile(r"\s*Mode\s+Ion\s+X\s+Y\s+Z\s*")

# Find all of the frequency data blocks, also splits text into header and data groups
freqBlockRegexStr = r"( +q-pt=\s+\d+ +%(s)s +%(s)s +%(s)s (?: *%(s)s){0,4})((?:\s|%(s)s)*)Phonon Eigenvectors" % {'s': self.fnumber}
freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities, weights = [], [], [], []
with open(fname, 'r') as f_handle:
num_ions, num_branches = self.parsePhononFileHeader(f_handle)
block_count = 0
prog_reporter = Progress(self,start=0.0,end=1.0, nreports=1)

while True:
line = f_handle.readline()
#check we've reached the end of file
if not line: break

header_match = headerRegex.match(line)
if header_match:
#found header block at start of frequencies
weight = self.parseBlockHeader(header_match, block_count)

#parse block of frequencies
block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman = [], [], []
for _ in xrange(num_branches):
line = f_handle.readline()
line_data = line.strip().split()[1:]

data_lists = (block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman)
for data_list, data_item in zip(data_lists, line_data):
if data_item:

raman_intensities.append(block_raman)"Reading intensities.")

#skip over eigenvectors
vector_match = eigenvectors_regex.match(line)
if vector_match:
for _ in xrange(num_ions*num_branches):
line = f_handle.readline()
if not line:
raise IOError("Could not parse file. Invalid file format.")

freqs = np.asarray(freqs)
ir_intensities = np.asarray(ir_intensities)
raman_intensities = np.asarray(raman_intensities)
warray = np.repeat(weights, len(freqs[0]))

return self.parseFrequencies(content, freqBlockRegexStr, headerRegexStr, dataRegexStr)
return freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities, warray

def parseFrequencies(self, content, blockRegex, headerRegexStr, dataRegexStr):
def parseCastepFileHeader(self, f_handle):
Extract frequencies, infra-red and raman intensities from the contents of a file.
Read information from the header of a <>.castep file
@param content - string of the data read from file
@param freqBlockRegexStr - regex to split the frequncy blocks
@param headerRegexStr - regex to extract the header from the block
@param dataRegexStr - regex to extract a line of data from the block
@return the frequencies, infra red and raman intensities and weights of frequency blocks
@param f_handle - handle to the file.
@return tuple of the number of ions and branches in the file

headerRegex = re.compile(headerRegexStr)
dataRegex = re.compile(dataRegexStr)
num_species, num_ions = 0,0
while True:
line = f_handle.readline()

freqBlocks = re.findall(blockRegex, content)
nFreqBlocks = len(freqBlocks)
if not line:
raise IOError("Could not find any header information.")

if(nFreqBlocks <= 0):
raise Exception('Error parsing file. Failed to find any frequency blocks.')
if 'Total number of ions in cell =' in line:
num_ions = int(line.strip().split()[-1])
elif 'Total number of species in cell = ' in line:
num_species = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities, weights = [], [], [], []
if num_species > 0 and num_ions > 0:
num_branches = num_species*num_ions
return num_ions, num_branches

#iterate over each block of frequencies and intensities
for i, freqBlock in enumerate(freqBlocks):
header, data = freqBlock
def parseCastepFile(self, fname):
Read frequencies from a <>.castep file
#extract data from header
freqHeaderData = headerRegex.match(header)
freqHeaderData = map (float, freqHeaderData.groups())
q1, q2, q3, weight = freqHeaderData
@param fname - file path of the file to read
@return the frequencies, infra red and raman intensities and weights of frequency blocks
#Header regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# + q-pt= 1 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000) 1.0000000000 +
headerRegexStr = r" +\+ +q-pt= +\d+ \( *(?: *(%(s)s)) *(%(s)s) *(%(s)s)\) +(%(s)s) +\+" % {'s' : self.fnumber}
headerRegex = re.compile(headerRegexStr)

if i > 0 and sum([q1,q2,q3]) == 0 and self.specType != 'DOS':
weight = 0.0

#extract the frequency and intensity data from this block
block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman = [], [], []
for freq, intensities in dataRegex.findall(data):

#reformat intensities into list
intensities = intensities.strip()

if self.fileType == '.castep':
#if using IR active we need to check which intensities were active
if self.specType == 'IR Active':

intensities = intensities.split()
ir, active = intensities[:2]

if active == 'N':
intensities[0] = '0.0'

intensities = ' '.join(intensities)

intensities = re.sub('[YN]', '', intensities)
intensities = intensities.split()

#append any intensities found on this line to our arrays
for value, arr in zip(intensities, (block_ir, block_raman)):

#convert to numpy arrays and convert to floats
block_freqs = np.array(block_freqs).astype(np.float)
block_ir = np.array(block_ir).astype(np.float)
block_raman = np.array(block_raman).astype(np.float)

#append any columns found to the existing arrays
for column, arr in zip((block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman), (freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities)):
if len(column) > 0:
#Data regex. Looks for lines in the following format:
# + 1 -0.051481 a 0.0000000 N 0.0000000 N +
dataRegexStr = r" +\+ +\d+ +(%(s)s)(?: +\w)? *(%(s)s)? *([YN])? *(%(s)s)? *([YN])? *\+"% {'s': self.fnumber}
dataRegex = re.compile(dataRegexStr)


#convert weights into list of weights
freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities, weights = [], [], [], []
with open(fname, 'r') as f_handle:
num_ions, num_branches = self.parseCastepFileHeader(f_handle)
block_count = 0
prog_reporter = Progress(self,start=0.0,end=1.0, nreports=1)

while True:
line = f_handle.readline()
#check we've reached the end of file
if not line: break

header_match = headerRegex.match(line)
if header_match:
#found header block at start of frequencies
weight = self.parseBlockHeader(header_match, block_count)

#move file pointer forward to start of intensity data
while True:
line = f_handle.readline()
if not line:
raise IOError("Could not parse frequency block. Invalid file format.")
if dataRegex.match(line): break

#parse block of frequencies
block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman = [], [], []
for _ in xrange(num_branches):
line_data = line.strip().split()[1:-1]
freq = line_data[1]
intensity_data = line_data[3:]

#remove non-active intensities from data
intensities = []
for value, active in zip(intensity_data[::2], intensity_data[1::2]):
if active == 'N': value = 0.0

#append data to block lists
data_lists = (block_freqs, block_ir, block_raman)
for data_list, data_item in zip(data_lists, [freq] + intensities):
if data_item:

line = f_handle.readline()

raman_intensities.append(block_raman)"Reading intensities.")

freqs = np.asarray(freqs)
ir_intensities = np.asarray(ir_intensities)
raman_intensities = np.asarray(raman_intensities)
warray = np.repeat(weights, len(freqs[0]))
return np.array(freqs), np.array(ir_intensities), np.array(raman_intensities), np.array(warray)

return freqs, ir_intensities, raman_intensities, warray

# Register algorithm with Mantid

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