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Refs #1419 - Add multi filename parser.
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PeterParker committed Feb 11, 2012
1 parent f865dd2 commit 1e29bdb
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Showing 4 changed files with 2,049 additions and 52 deletions.
151 changes: 100 additions & 51 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/Kernel/inc/MantidKernel/MultiFileNameParser.h
Expand Up @@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ namespace Kernel
namespace MultiFileNameParsing
/// Parses a string consisting of only run number info, into a vector of vector of run numbers.
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > parseMultiRunString(std::string runString);

/// Regexs used to match / parse various strings.
namespace Regexs
extern const std::string INST, UNDERSCORE, SPACE;
Expand All @@ -53,71 +55,118 @@ namespace Kernel

This class takes a string representing multiple files and parses it into
a "VectOfStrings2StringMap" (std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::string>)
which contains a map of vectors of fileNames to workspace name.
Filenames found together in the same vector are to be added - the workspace
name reflects this.
a vector of vectors of file names. Filenames to be added are placed in the
same sub vectors.
The string to parse will be of the format [dir][inst][runs][ext], where:
The string to parse should be of the format [dir][inst][under][runs][ext], where:
[dir] (Optional) = The OS-specific file directory, e.g. "c:\data\"
[inst] (Required) = The instrument name including any underscores, e.g. "IRS" or "PG3_".
[runs] (Required) = The run numbers, e.g. "0102, 0110-0115, 0120, 0130:0140:2"
[ext] (Optional) = The file extension, e.g. ".raw"
[dir] (Optional) = The OS-specific file directory, e.g. "c:\data\"
[inst] (Required) = The instrument name, e.g. "IRS" or "PG3"
[under] (Optional) = An underscore.
[runs] (Required) = The run numbers, e.g. "0102, 0110-0115, 0120, 0130:0140:2"
[ext] (Optional) = The file extension, e.g. ".raw"
class MANTID_KERNEL_DLL MultiFileNameParser
/// Constructor
/// Destructor

/// Parse the multiFileNameString. Returns error if failed, "" if successful.
std::string parse(const std::string & multiFileName);

/// Returns the result of a call to parse.
//std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> getFileNamesToWsNameMap() const;

/// Parse the given multiFileNameString.
void parse(const std::string & multiFileName);

/// Return the vector of vectors of parsed file names.
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > runs() {return m_runs;}
/// Return the vector of vectors of parsed file names.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > fileNames() {return m_fileNames;}
/// Return the parsed directory string.
std::string dirString() {return m_dirString;}
/// Return the parsed instrument string.
std::string instString() {return m_instString;}
/// Return the parsed underscore string.
std::string underscoreString() {return m_underscoreString;}
/// Return the parsed run string.
std::string runString() {return m_runString;}
/// Return the parsed extension string.
std::string extString() {return m_extString;}

/// Returns a vector of all the workspace names.
std::vector<std::string> getWsNames() const;
/// Clear all member variables.
void clear();
/// Split the string to parse into its component parts.
void split();

/// A vector of vectors of the parsed runs.
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > m_runs;
/// A vector of vectors of the parsed file names.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > m_fileNames;
/// The given string to parse.
std::string m_multiFileName;
/// The various sections of the given string to parse.
std::string m_dirString, m_instString, m_underscoreString, m_runString, m_extString;
/// The instrument-specific run zero padding value.
int m_zeroPadding;

/// Returns a vector of vectors of all the filenames.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > getFileNames() const;
A functor that generates a vector of file names from the given vector of runs, and other state
passed to it when constructed.
class MANTID_KERNEL_DLL GenerateFileName
/// Constructor.
GenerateFileName(const std::string & prefix, const std::string & suffix, int zeroPadding);

static std::string getPathDir(const std::string & path);
/// Overloaded function operator that generates a vector of file names from a vector of runs.
std::vector<std::string> operator()(const std::vector<unsigned int> & runs);
/// Overloaded function operator that generates a file name from a run.
std::string operator()(unsigned int run);

/// Clears all member variables.
void clear();
/// String that prefixes any generated file names.
std::string m_prefix;
/// String that suffixes any generated file names.
std::string m_suffix;
/// The length of zero padding needed.
int m_zeroPadding;

* A convenience function for the cases where we dont use the multi file parser to
* *add* files - only to list them. It "flattens" the given vector of vectors
* into a single vector which is much easier to traverse. For example a vector of vector of runs:
* ((1), (2), (30), (31), (32), (100), (102)) becomes (1, 2, 30, 31, 32, 100, 102)
* Used on a vector of vectors that *has* added filenames, the following behaviour is observed:
* ((1), (2), (30, 31, 32), (100), (102)) becomes (1, 2, 30, 31, 32, 100, 102)
* @param vecOfVecs :: a vector of vectors.
* @return a single vector with the entire contents of vecOfVecs.
template<typename TYPE>
MANTID_KERNEL_DLL std::vector<TYPE> flatten(const std::vector<std::vector<TYPE> > & vecOfVecs)
std::vector<TYPE> flatVector;
std::vector<std::vector<TYPE> >::const_iterator it = vecOfVecs.begin();

/// Does an initial split of the multiFileName string.
void split();
/// Appends run numbers and corresponding wsNames to final map.
void populateMap(const std::pair<std::vector<unsigned int>, std::string> & pair);
/// Creates a file name from the given run and currently parsed info
/// about file type, etc.
std::string createFileName(unsigned int run);
std::string createZeroPaddedFileName(unsigned int run);
/// Zero pads the run number used in a file name to required length.
static std::string pad(std::string run, int count);
/// Returns the part of the given string that matches the given regex.
static std::string getMatchingString(const std::string & regexString, const std::string & toParse);
/// Generates a wsName from the given vector of runs.
static std::string getWorkspaceName(const std::vector<unsigned int> runs);
for(; it != fileNames.end(); ++it)
it->begin(), it->end());

int m_zeroPadding;
return flatVector;

std::string m_multiFileName;
std::string m_dir, m_inst, m_runs, m_ext;
} // namespace MultiFileNameParsing

std::map<std::vector<std::string>, std::string> m_fileNamesToWsNameMap;
UserStringParser m_parser;
} // namespace Kernel
} // namespace Mantid


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