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martyngigg committed Nov 22, 2013
2 parents 321a517 + 6479620 commit 245e982
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Provides the Fourier Transform of the Symmetrized Stretched Exponential Function
<math> S(Q,E) = Fourier{ height(Q) \cdot e^{-|\frac{x}{tau(Q)}|^{beta(Q)} }</math>
If the energy units of energy are micro-eV, then tau is expressed in pico-seconds. If E-units are micro-eV then
tau is expressed in nano-seconds.
@author Jose Borreguero, NScD
@date October 06, 2013
Copyright &copy; 2007-8 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
This file is part of Mantid.
Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
File change history is stored at: <>
Code Documentation is available at: <>

from mantid.api import IFunction1D, FunctionFactory #, BoundaryConstraint
from mantid import logger
import numpy as np
import copy

from pdb import set_trace as tr

class StretchedExpFT(IFunction1D):

def __init__(self):
'''declare some constants'''
super(StretchedExpFT, self).__init__()
self._meV2ps = 4.136
self._parmset = set(['height','tau','beta']) #valid syntaxfor python >= 2.6
self._parm2index = {'height':0,'tau':1,'beta':2} #order in which they were defined

def category(self):
return 'QENS'

def init(self):
'''Declare parameters that participate in the fitting'''
# Active fitting parameters
self.declareParameter('height', 0.1, 'Intensity at the origin')
self.declareParameter('tau', 100.0, 'Relaxation time of the standard exponential')
self.declareParameter('beta',1.0, 'Stretching exponent')
#self.addConstraints() # constraints not yet exposed to python

def validateParams(self):
'''Check parameters are positive'''
height = self.getParameterValue('height')
tau = self.getParameterValue('tau')
beta = self.getParameterValue('beta')
for name,value in {'height':height, 'tau':tau, 'beta':beta}.items():
if value <=0:
message = 'Parameter {} in StretchedExpFT must be positive. Got {} instead'.format(name, str(value))
#raise ValueError(message)
return None
return {'height':height, 'tau':tau, 'beta':beta}

def function1D(self, xvals, **optparms):
Computes the Fourier transform of the Symmetrized Stretched Exponential
The Symmetrized Stretched Exponential:
Fourier{ height * exp( - |t/tau|**beta ) }
Given a time step dt and M=2*N+1 time points (N negative, one at zero, N positive),
then fft will sample frequencies [0, 1/(M*dt), N/(M*dt), -N/(M*dt), (-N+1)/(M*dt),..,1/(M*dt)].
Given xvals, let:
1/(M*dt) = xvals[1]-xvals[0]
N/(M*dt) = max(abs(xvals))
dt = 1/[M*(xvals[1]-xvals[0])] # M=2*N+1
N = max(abs(xvals)) / (xvals[1]-xvals[0])
Its Fourier transform is real by definition, thus we return the real part
of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The FFT step is meant to produce
some residual imaginary part due to numerical inaccuracies which we ignore.
We take the absolute value of the real part. The Fourier transform introduces
an extra factor exp(i*pi*E/de) which amounts to alternating sign every
time E increases by de, the energy bin width
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.interpolate

if not p:
return np.zeros(len(xvals), dtype=float) # return zeros if parameters not valid
# override parameter values with optparms (used for the numerical derivative)
if optparms:
if self._parmset.issubset( set(optparms.keys()) ):
for name in self._parmset: p[name] = optparms[name]
de = xvals[1]-xvals[0] # meV (or ueV) , energy step
# make sure M > len(xvals) so that we can use interp1d later
N = 1+ int( max(np.abs(xvals)) / de )
M = 2*N+1
dt = self._meV2ps / (M*de) # ps ( or ns), time step
sampled_times = dt * np.arange(-N, N+1)
exponent = -(np.abs(sampled_times)/p['tau'])**p['beta']
freqs = de * np.arange(-N, N+1)
fourier = p['height']*np.abs( scipy.fftpack.fft( np.exp(exponent) ).real )
fourier = np.concatenate( (fourier[N+1:],fourier[0:N+1]) )
interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(freqs, fourier)
fourier = interpolator(xvals)
return fourier

def functionDeriv1D(self, xvals, jacobian):
'''Numerical derivative'''
p = self.validateParams()
f0 = self.function1D(xvals)
dp = {}
for (key,val) in p.items(): dp[key] = 0.1 * val #modify by ten percent
for name in self._parmset:
pp = copy.copy(p)
pp[name] += dp[name]
df = (self.function1D(xvals, **pp) - f0) / dp[name]
ip = self._parm2index[name]
for ix in range(len(xvals)):
jacobian.set(ix, ip, df[ix])

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
set ( TEST_PY_FILES # comment until scipy installed on the MAC

check_tests_valid ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${TEST_PY_FILES} )
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import unittest
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import Fit
import testhelpers

from pdb import set_trace as tr

class _InternalMakeSEFTData(PythonAlgorithm):

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty('height', 1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty('tau', 1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty('beta', 1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty('nhalfbins', 100)
self.declareProperty('de', 0.0004) # energy step in meV
self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty('OutputWorkspace', '', direction = Direction.Output))

def PyExec(self):
'''Create the data workspace containing one spectrum resulting from the
Fourier transform of an stretched exponential, plus some noise'''
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

meV2ps = 4.136 # from meV (or ueV) to ps (or ns)

nhalfbins = self.getProperty('nhalfbins').value
de = self.getProperty('de').value #bin width, in meV or ueV
nbins = 2*nhalfbins
xvals = de*np.arange(-nhalfbins, nhalfbins) + de/2 # energy values

#Find the time domain
N = 1+nhalfbins
M = 2*N+1
dt = meV2ps / (M*de) # ps ( or ns), time step
sampled_times = dt * np.arange(-N, N+1)

height = self.getProperty('height').value
tau = self.getProperty('tau').value
beta = self.getProperty('beta').value

#Define the stretched exponential on the time domain, then do its Fourier transform
exponent = -(np.abs(sampled_times)/tau)**beta
freqs = de * np.arange(-N, N+1)
fourier = height*np.abs( fft( np.exp(exponent) ).real )
fourier = np.concatenate( (fourier[N+1:],fourier[0:N+1]) )
interpolator = interp1d(freqs, fourier)
ynominal = interpolator(xvals)

wspace = WorkspaceFactory.create('Workspace2D', NVectors=1, XLength=nbins, YLength=nbins)
# white noise in the [0.2, 1) range, average is 0.6
noise = 0.2 + 0.8*np.random.random(nbins)
sign = np.random.random(nbins)
sign = np.where(sign>0.5, 1, -1) # random sign
# average noise is 6% of the signal local intensity

yvals = (1+0.1*noise*sign) * ynominal
error = 0.2*noise*ynominal
wspace.dataX(0)[:] = xvals
wspace.dataY(0)[:] = yvals
# average error is 12% of the signal local intensity
wspace.dataE(0)[:] = error

self.setProperty('OutputWorkspace', wspace) # Stores the workspace as the given name

class StretchedExpFTTest(unittest.TestCase):

def skipTest(self):
import scipy.fftpack # Scipy not available in windows debug
return False
except ImportError:
return True

def test_registered(self):
except RuntimeError, exc:'Could not create StretchedExpFT function: %s' % str(exc))

def test_fit(self):
if self.skipTest(): # python2.6 doesn't have skipping decorators

from random import random
variation = lambda x: x*( 1+(random()-0.5)/5. ) # range [x*0.9, x*1.1] should be bigger but not until parameter constraints have been exposed to python
#Generate a data workspace using random parameters around {'height':0.1,'tau':100,'beta':1}
parms={'height':variation(0.1), 'tau':variation(100), 'beta':variation(1)}

Nh = 4000
de = 0.0004
alg = testhelpers.run_algorithm('_InternalMakeSEFTData', nhalfbins=Nh, de=de,
OutputWorkspace='_test_seft_data', **parms)
input_ws = alg.getProperty('OutputWorkspace').value

sx = -Nh*de + de/2
ex = (Nh-1)*de + de/2
func_string = 'name=StretchedExpFT,height=0.1,tau=100,beta=1'
Fit(Function=func_string, InputWorkspace='_test_seft_data',
StartX=sx, EndX=ex, CreateOutput=1, MaxIterations=20)

ws = mtd['_test_seft_data_Parameters']
for irow in range( ws.rowCount() ):
row = ws.row(irow)
name = row['Name']
if name == 'Cost function value':
value = row['Value']
elif name in parms.keys():
fitted += '{0}={1}, '.format(name, row['Value'])

target = ', '.join( '{0}={1}'.format(key,val) for key,val in parms.items() )
msg='Cost function {0} too high\nTargets were {1},\nbut obtained {2}'.format(value,target,fitted)
self.assertTrue(value < 5.0, msg)
msg='Cost function {0}\nStarted with height=0.1, tau=100, beta=1\nTargets were {1},\nobtained {2}'.format(value,target,fitted)


if __name__ == '__main__':

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