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Anders-Markvardsen committed Jul 21, 2014
1 parent 2e49944 commit 25c26d1
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Showing 44 changed files with 4,561 additions and 1 deletion.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/concepts/Algorithm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
.. _Algorithm:


What are they?

Algorithms are the verbs of Mantid. They are the actors. If you want to
manipulate your data in any way it will be done through an algorithm.
Algorithms operate primarily on data in `workspaces <Workspace>`__. They
will normally take one or more `workspaces <Workspace>`__ as an input,
perform some processing on them and provide an output as another
`workspace <Workspace>`__ (although it is possible to have multiple

Categories, Name and Versions

Each algorithm has a category, a name and a version. The name and
version of an algorithm when taken together have to be unique.


A category is a group of algorithms that have some connection in their
usage. This is primarily used to make the list of algorithms easier to
work with in graphical user interfaces. Example categories include,
DataHandling, Diffraction, Muon, Workflow and are currently
subcategories of
`Algorithms <>`__ category.


The name of an algorithm is what is used to refer to it. This can be
different from the class name in C++, as for example if you had two
versions of the same algorithm they would have the same name, but would
have to have different class names (or at least be in different


Mantid allows multiple versions of the same algorithm. These are
differentiated by using a single integer as a version number, where a
higher version number denotes a more recent version. This allows you to
normally use the most recent version of an algorithm but also to access
previous versions if you prefer.


Each algorithm will have one or more parameters, known within Mantid as
`properties <properties>`__, that will control how it performs its
processing. These parameters specify both what the inputs and outputs of
the algorithm will be as well any other options that alter the

For examples of the parameters of an algorithm, look at the page for one
of the example algorithms below.


From MantidScript(Python)

.. raw:: html

<div style="border:1pt dashed blue; background:#f9f9f9;padding: 1em 0;">

.. code:: python
# where p1,p2 & p3 are values for algorithm "Alg"'s properties
mtd.execute("Alg","p1;p2;p3") # using parameter ordinal position
mtd.execute("Alg","Property1=p1;Property2=p2;Property3=p3") #using parameter names
alg = mtd.createAlgorithm("Alg") # explicitly setting each parameter, then executing
# Properties of Algorithms can be read (but not written to) through a Python dictionary. So you may do:
print alg["Property1"]
# prints 'p1'
print alg["Property2"]
# prints 'p2', etc
.. raw:: html


Using the C++ API

(for algorithm "Alg" having properties InputWorkspace, OutputWorkspace &

.. raw:: html

<div style="border:1pt dashed blue; background:#f9f9f9;padding: 1em 0;">

.. code:: cpp
// Explicitly setting the parameters and then executing
API::IAlgorithm* alg = API::FrameworkManager::Instance().createAlgorithm("Alg");
alg->setPropertyValue("InputWorkspace", "InWS");
alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", "OutWS");
alg->setPropertyValue("prop", "aValue");
API::Workspace* ws = API::FrameworkManager::Instance().getWorkspace("OutWS");
// Or in one shot
API::Workspace* ws = API::FrameworkManager::Instance().getWorkspace("OutWS");
.. raw:: html


Example Algorithms

- `Plus <>`__
- An algorithm for adding data in two `workspaces <Workspace>`__
- `Rebin <>`__
- An algorithm for altering the binning of the data in a
`workspace <Workspace>`__.
- `LoadRaw <>`__
- An algorithm for loading the data from a RAW file into a
`workspace <Workspace>`__.
- `GroupDetectors <>`__
- An algorithm for grouping two or more detectors into a larger
'logical' detector.

A full list of algorithms is avilable
`here <>`__

Writing your own algorithm

A primer for this is `here <Writing an Algorithm>`__. Also look at the
examples in the `UserAlgorithms <UserAlgorithms>`__ directory of your
Mantid installation.

.. categories:: Concepts
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/concepts/Analysis_Data_Service.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.. _Analysis Data Service:


What is it?

The Analysis Data Service is a `Data Service <Data Service>`__ that is
specialized to hold all of the `workspaces <Workspace>`__ that are
created by user run `algorithms <Algorithm>`__. Whenever an algorithm is
executed it automatically extracts its input workspaces from the
Analysis Data Service, and inserts its output workspaces upon

Extracting a workspace from the Analysis Data Service

The most usual way in user code would be to use the `Framework
Manager <Framework Manager>`__.

``Workspace* result = FrameworkManager::Instance().getWorkspace("workspaceName")``

Or you could get it directly from the AnalysisDataService (as a `Shared
Pointer <Shared Pointer>`__)

``Workspace_sptr result = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve("test_out1");``

If you were writing an algorithm however you would most likely use a
Workspace `Property <Properties>`__ to access or store your workspaces.

.. categories:: Concepts
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/concepts/Data_Service.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
.. _Data Service:


What are they?

Data Services are the internal storage locations within Mantid. Each
data service holds a list of objects that share a common base class (for
example the Instrument Data Service can hold anything which inherits
from instrument). Each item that is held is associated with a name that
uniquely describes the object. This name is them used when the object
needs to be retrieved, or for other operations such as overwriting it or
deleting it.

Data Services in Mantid

- `Analysis Data Service <Analysis Data Service>`__ - A data service
holding all of the `workspaces <Workspace>`__ used in this session.
- `Instrument Data Service <Instrument Data Service>`__ - A data
service holding all of the `instruments <Instrument>`__ used in this

.. categories:: Concepts
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/concepts/Dynamic_Factory.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.. _Dynamic Factory:


What is it?

A dynamic factory is a software concept that in instrumental in
implementing the `Plugin <Plugin>`__ technology in Mantid.

A factory in software terms is an class that is responsible for creating
other objects on demand. In mantid terms the AlgorithmFactory is
responsible for creating instances of `Algorithms <Algorithm>`__ when
you need them.

As the factory is dynamic it does not have a set list of objects that it
can create instead it knows how to create instances of a particular base
class. During execution of the code any object of the appropriate base
class can be registered with the factory, and then the factory can be
used to create fresh instances of that object.

.. categories:: Concepts
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/concepts/Error_Propagation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
.. _Error Propagation:


The purpose of this document is to explain how Mantid deals with Error
Propogation and how it is used in its algorithms.


In order to deal with error propagation, Mantid treats errors as a
guassian curve (also known as a bell curve or normal curve). Meaning
that if X = 100 +- 1 then it is still possible for a value of 102 to
occur, but far less likely than 101 or 99, then a value of 105 is far
less likely still than 102, and then 110 is simply unheard of.

This allows Mantid to work with the errors quite simply.

Plus and Minus Algorithm

The plus algorithm adds a selection of datasets together, including
their margin of errors. Mantid has to therefore adapt the margin of
error so it continues to work with just one margin of error. The way it
does this is by simply adding together the certain values, for this
example we will use X\ :sub:`1` and X\ :sub:`2`. X\ :sub:`1` = 101 ± 2
and X\ :sub:`2` = 99 ± 2, Just to make it easier. Mantid takes the
average of the two definite values, 101 and 99.

X = 200 = (101 + 99).

The average of the error is calculated by taking the root of the sum of
the squares of the two error margins:

(√2:sup:`2` + 2\ :sup:`2`) = √8

X = 200 ± √8

Mantid deals with the minus algorithm similarly, doing the inverse
function of Plus.

Multiply and Divide Algorithm

The Multiply and Divide Algorithm work slightly different from the Plus
and Minus Algorithms, in the sense that they have to be more complex.

To calculate error propagation, of say X\ :sub:`1` and X\ :sub:`2`.
X\ :sub:`1` = 101 ± 2 and X\ :sub:`2` = 99 ± 2 again, Mantid would
undertake the following calculation for divide:

Q = X\ :sub:`1`/X:sub:`2` = 101/99

Error Propogation = (√ ± 2/99 + ±2/101) All multiplied by Q = 0.22425

For the multiply algorithm, the only difference is in how Q is created,
which in turn affects the Error Propogation,

Q = X\ :sub:`1`\ \*X\ :sub:`2` = 101\*99

Error Propogation = (√ ± 2/99 + ±2/101) All multiplied by Q = 0.22425

.. categories:: Concepts

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