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Refs #10391
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DanNixon committed Oct 28, 2014
2 parents f29fc50 + 3bb2cce commit 3084fcf
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Showing 22 changed files with 2,471 additions and 639 deletions.
321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/PythonInterface/plugins/algorithms/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
from mantid import logger, mtd
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, AlgorithmFactory, WorkspaceProperty, PropertyMode
from mantid.kernel import Direction, IntArrayProperty
from mantid.simpleapi import CreateWorkspace, CopyLogs, CopySample, CopyInstrumentParameters, SaveNexusProcessed, CreateEmptyTableWorkspace, RenameWorkspace

import math
import os.path
import numpy as np

class Symmetrise(PythonAlgorithm):

def category(self):
return 'Workflow\\MIDAS;PythonAlgorithms'

def summary(self):
return 'Takes an asymmetric S(Q,w) and makes it symmetric'

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty('Sample', '', Direction.Input),
doc='Sample to run with')

doc='Range of spectra to symmetrise (defaults to entire range if not set)')

self.declareProperty('XMin', 0.0, doc='X value marking lower limit of curve to copy')
self.declareProperty('XMax', 0.0, doc='X value marking upper limit of curve to copy')

self.declareProperty('Verbose', defaultValue=False,
doc='Switch verbose output Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Plot', defaultValue=False,
doc='Switch plotting Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Save', defaultValue=False,
doc='Switch saving result to nxs file Off/On')

self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty('OutputWorkspace', '',
Direction.Output), doc='Name to call the output workspace.')

self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty('OutputPropertiesTable', '',
Direction.Output, PropertyMode.Optional), doc='Name to call the properties output table workspace.')

def PyExec(self):
from IndirectCommon import StartTime, EndTime

temp_ws_name = '__symm_temp'

# The number of spectra that will actually be changed
num_symm_spectra = self._spectra_range[1] - self._spectra_range[0] + 1

# Find the smallest data array in the first spectra
len_x = len(mtd[self._sample].readX(0))
len_y = len(mtd[self._sample].readY(0))
len_e = len(mtd[self._sample].readE(0))
sample_array_len = min(len_x, len_y, len_e)

sample_x = mtd[self._sample].readX(0)

if self._x_max > sample_x[len(sample_x) - 1]:
raise ValueError('XMax value (%f) is greater than largest X value (%f)' %
(self._x_max, sample_x[len(sample_x) - 1]))

if self._x_min < sample_x[0]:
raise ValueError('XMin value (%f) is less than smallest X value (%f)' %
(self._x_min, sample_x[0]))

self._calculate_array_points(sample_x, sample_array_len)

max_sample_index = sample_array_len - 1
centre_range_len = self._positive_min_index + self._negative_min_index
posiive_diff_range_len = max_sample_index - self._positive_max_index

output_cut_index = max_sample_index - self._positive_min_index - posiive_diff_range_len
new_array_len = 2 * max_sample_index - centre_range_len - 2 * posiive_diff_range_len

if self._verbose:
logger.notice('Sample array length = %d' % sample_array_len)

logger.notice('Positive X min at i=%d, x=%f'
% (self._positive_min_index, sample_x[self._positive_min_index]))
logger.notice('Negative X min at i=%d, x=%f'
% (self._negative_min_index, sample_x[self._negative_min_index]))

logger.notice('Positive X max at i=%d, x=%f'
% (self._positive_max_index, sample_x[self._positive_max_index]))

logger.notice('New array length = %d' % new_array_len)
logger.notice('Output array LR split index = %d' % output_cut_index)

x_unit = mtd[self._sample].getAxis(0).getUnit().unitID()

# Create an empty workspace with enough storage for the new data
zeros = np.zeros(new_array_len * num_symm_spectra)
DataX=zeros, DataY=zeros, DataE=zeros,

# Copy logs and properties from sample workspace
CopyLogs(InputWorkspace=self._sample, OutputWorkspace=temp_ws_name)
CopyInstrumentParameters(InputWorkspace=self._sample, OutputWorkspace=temp_ws_name)
# CopySample(InputWorkspace=self._sample, OutputWorkspace=temp_ws_name)

# For each spectrum copy positive values to the negative
output_spectrum_index = 0
for spectrum_no in range(self._spectra_range[0], self._spectra_range[1] + 1):
# Get index of original spectra
spectrum_index = mtd[self._sample].getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(spectrum_no)

# Strip any additional array cells
x_in = mtd[self._sample].readX(spectrum_index)[:sample_array_len]
y_in = mtd[self._sample].readY(spectrum_index)[:sample_array_len]
e_in = mtd[self._sample].readE(spectrum_index)[:sample_array_len]

# Get some zeroed data to overwrite with copies from sample
x_out = np.zeros(new_array_len)
y_out = np.zeros(new_array_len)
e_out = np.zeros(new_array_len)

# Left hand side (reflected)
x_out[:output_cut_index] = -x_in[self._positive_max_index:self._positive_min_index:-1]
y_out[:output_cut_index] = y_in[self._positive_max_index:self._positive_min_index:-1]
e_out[:output_cut_index] = e_in[self._positive_max_index:self._positive_min_index:-1]

# Right hand side (copied)
x_out[output_cut_index:] = x_in[self._negative_min_index:self._positive_max_index]
y_out[output_cut_index:] = y_in[self._negative_min_index:self._positive_max_index]
e_out[output_cut_index:] = e_in[self._negative_min_index:self._positive_max_index]

# Set output spectrum data
mtd[temp_ws_name].setX(output_spectrum_index, x_out)
mtd[temp_ws_name].setY(output_spectrum_index, y_out)
mtd[temp_ws_name].setE(output_spectrum_index, e_out)

# Set output spectrum number
output_spectrum_index += 1

logger.information('Symmetrise spectrum %d' % spectrum_no)

RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace=temp_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=self._output_workspace)

if self._save:

if self._plot:

if self._props_output_workspace != '':

self.setProperty('OutputWorkspace', self._output_workspace)


def validateInputs(self):
Checks for invalid input properties.
from IndirectCommon import CheckHistZero
issues = dict()

input_workspace_name = self.getPropertyValue('Sample')

# Validate spectra range
spectra_range = self.getProperty('SpectraRange').value
if len(spectra_range) != 0 and len(spectra_range) != 2:
issues['SpectraRange'] = 'Must be in format "spec_min,spec_max"'

if len(spectra_range) == 2:
spec_min = spectra_range[0]
spec_max = spectra_range[1]

num_sample_spectra, _ = CheckHistZero(input_workspace_name)
min_spectra_number = mtd[input_workspace_name].getSpectrum(0).getSpectrumNo()
max_spectra_number = mtd[input_workspace_name].getSpectrum(num_sample_spectra - 1).getSpectrumNo()

if spec_min < min_spectra_number:
issues['SpectraRange'] = 'Minimum spectra must be greater than or equal to %d' % min_spectra_number

if spec_max > max_spectra_number:
issues['SpectraRange'] = 'Maximum spectra must be less than or equal to %d' % max_spectra_number

if spec_max < spec_min:
issues['SpectraRange'] = 'Minimum spectra must be smaller than maximum spectra'

# Validate X range
x_min = self.getProperty('XMin').value
if x_min < -1e-5:
issues['XMin'] = 'XMin must be greater than or equal to zero'

x_max = self.getProperty('XMax').value
if x_max < 1e-5:
issues['XMax'] = 'XMax must be greater than zero'

if math.fabs(x_max - x_min) < 1e-5:
issues['XMin'] = 'X range is close to zero'
issues['XMax'] = 'X range is close to zero'

if x_max < x_min:
issues['XMin'] = 'XMin must be less than XMax'
issues['XMax'] = 'XMax must be greater than XMin'

return issues

def _setup(self):
Get the algorithm properties and validate them.
from IndirectCommon import CheckHistZero

self._sample = self.getPropertyValue('Sample')

self._x_min = math.fabs(self.getProperty('XMin').value)
self._x_max = math.fabs(self.getProperty('XMax').value)

self._verbose = self.getProperty('Verbose').value
self._plot = self.getProperty('Plot').value
self._save = self.getProperty('Save').value

self._spectra_range = self.getProperty('SpectraRange').value
# If the user did not enter a spectra range, use the spectra range of the workspace
if len(self._spectra_range) == 0:
num_sample_spectra, _ = CheckHistZero(self._sample)
min_spectra_number = mtd[self._sample].getSpectrum(0).getSpectrumNo()
max_spectra_number = mtd[self._sample].getSpectrum(num_sample_spectra - 1).getSpectrumNo()
self._spectra_range = [min_spectra_number, max_spectra_number]

self._output_workspace = self.getPropertyValue('OutputWorkspace')
self._props_output_workspace = self.getPropertyValue('OutputPropertiesTable')

def _calculate_array_points(self, sample_x, sample_array_len):
Finds the points in the array that match the cut points.
@param sample_x - Sample X axis data
@param sample_array_len - Lengh of data array for sample data
delta_x = sample_x[1] - sample_x[0]

# Find array index of negative XMin
negative_min_diff = np.absolute(sample_x + self._x_min)
self._negative_min_index = np.where(negative_min_diff < delta_x)[0][-1]
self._check_bounds(self._negative_min_index, sample_array_len, label='Negative')

# Find array index of positive XMin
positive_min_diff = np.absolute(sample_x + sample_x[self._negative_min_index])
self._positive_min_index = np.where(positive_min_diff < delta_x)[0][-1]
self._check_bounds(self._positive_min_index, sample_array_len, label='Positive')

# Find array index of positive XMax
positive_max_diff = np.absolute(sample_x - self._x_max)
self._positive_max_index = np.where(positive_max_diff < delta_x)[0][-1]
if self._positive_max_index == sample_array_len:
self._positive_max_index -= 1
self._check_bounds(self._positive_max_index, sample_array_len, label='Positive')

def _check_bounds(self, index, num_pts, label=''):
Check if the index falls within the bounds of the x range.
Throws a ValueError if the x point falls outside of the range.
@param index - value of the index within the x range.
@param num_pts - total number of points in the range.
@param label - label to call the point if an error is thrown.
if index < 0:
raise ValueError('%s point %d < 0' % (label, index))
elif index >= num_pts:
raise ValueError('%s point %d > %d' % (label, index, num_pts))

def _generate_props_table(self):
Creates a table workspace with values calculated in algorithm.
props_table = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=self._props_output_workspace)

props_table.addColumn('int', 'NegativeXMinIndex')
props_table.addColumn('int', 'PositiveXMinIndex')
props_table.addColumn('int', 'PositiveXMaxIndex')

props_table.addRow([int(self._negative_min_index), int(self._positive_min_index), int(self._positive_max_index)])

self.setProperty('OutputPropertiesTable', self._props_output_workspace)

def _save_output(self):
Save the output workspace to the user's default working directory
from IndirectCommon import getDefaultWorkingDirectory
workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory()
file_path = os.path.join(workdir, self._output_workspace + '.nxs')

if self._verbose:
logger.notice('Output file : ' + file_path)

def _plot_output(self):
Plot the first spectrum of the input and output workspace together.
from IndirectImport import import_mantidplot
mtd_plot = import_mantidplot()

mtd_plot.plotSpectrum([self._sample, self._output_workspace], 0)

# Register algorithm with Mantid

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