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use ConvertUnits wherever possible, re #10587
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FedeMPouzols committed Jun 3, 2015
1 parent ae07929 commit 3438385
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 36 deletions.
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
import mantid.simpleapi as sapi

import math

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,31 +44,43 @@ def PyExec(self):
raise ValueError("Cannot run this algorithm without any input expected peaks")

# Get expected peaks in TOF for the detector
expectedPeaksTof = self._expectedPeaksInTOF(expectedPeaksD)
# FindPeaks will returned a list of peaks sorted by the centre found. Sort the peaks as well,
inWS = self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value
dimType = inWS.getXDimension().getName()
expectedType = 'Time-of-flight'
if (expectedType != dimType):
raise ValueError("This algorithm expects a workspace with %s X dimension, but "
"the X dimension of the input workspace is: '%s'" % (expectedType, dimType))

wsIndex = self.getProperty("WorkspaceIndex").value
expectedPeaksTof = self._expectedPeaksInTOF(expectedPeaksD, inWS, wsIndex)

# FindPeaks will return a list of peaks sorted by the centre found. Sort the peaks as well,
# so we can match them with fitted centres later.
expectedPeaksTof = sorted(expectedPeaksTof)

# Find approximate peak positions, asumming Gaussian shapes
findPeaksAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm('FindPeaks')
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('InputWorkspace', self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value)
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('InputWorkspace', inWS)
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('PeakPositions', expectedPeaksTof)
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('PeakFunction', 'Gaussian')
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('WorkspaceIndex', self.getProperty("WorkspaceIndex").value)
findPeaksAlg.setProperty('WorkspaceIndex', wsIndex)
foundPeaks = findPeaksAlg.getProperty('PeaksList').value

if foundPeaks.rowCount() < len(expectedPeaksTof):
raise Exception("Some peaks were not found")
raise Exception("Some peaks were not found. found (len %d): %s"%(len(foundPeaks),foundPeaks))

fittedPeaks = self._createFittedPeaksTable()

for i in range(foundPeaks.rowCount()):

row = foundPeaks.row(i)
# Peak parameters estimated by FindPeaks
centre = row['centre']
width = row['width']
height = row['height']
# Oh oh, this actually happens sometimes for some spectra of the system test dataset
# and it should be clarified when the role of FindPeaks etc. is fixed (trac ticket #10907)
if width <= 0.:

Expand All @@ -93,8 +106,8 @@ def PyExec(self):
# Fit using predicted window and a proper function with approximated initital values
fitAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm('Fit')
fitAlg.setProperty('Function', 'name=LinearBackground;' + str(peak))
fitAlg.setProperty('InputWorkspace', self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value)
fitAlg.setProperty('WorkspaceIndex', self.getProperty("WorkspaceIndex").value)
fitAlg.setProperty('InputWorkspace', inWS)
fitAlg.setProperty('WorkspaceIndex', wsIndex)
fitAlg.setProperty('StartX', xMin)
fitAlg.setProperty('EndX', xMax)
fitAlg.setProperty('CreateOutput', True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,57 +188,107 @@ def _fitDSpacingToTOF(self, fittedPeaksTable):

return (difc, zero)

def _expectedPeaksInTOF(self, expectedPeaks):
def _expectedPeaksInTOF(self, expectedPeaks, inWS, wsIndex):
Converts expected peak dSpacing values to TOF values for the detector.
Implemented by using the algorithm ConvertUnits.
Converts expected peak dSpacing values to TOF values for the
detector. Implemented by using the Mantid algorithm ConvertUnits. A
simple user script to do what this function does would be
as follows:
yVals = [1] * (len(expectedPeaks) - 1)
wsFrom = sapi.CreateWorkspace(UnitX='dSpacing', DataX=expectedPeaks, DataY=yVals,
targetUnits = 'TOF'
wsTo = sapi.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=wsFrom, Target=targetUnits)
peaksToF = wsTo.dataX(0)
values = [peaksToF[i] for i in range(0,len(peaksToF))]
@param expectedPeaks :: vector of expected peaks in dSpacing
@param expectedPeaks :: vector of expected peaks, in dSpacing units
@param inWS :: input workspace with the relevant instrument/geometry
@param wsIndex spectrum index
a vector of ToF values corresponding to the input (dSpacing) vector.
convAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm('ConvertUnits')
a vector of ToF values converted from the input (dSpacing) vector.
outWsName = "_ws_in_tof"
wsIndex = self.getProperty("WorkspaceIndex").value

# Create workspace just to convert dSpacing -> ToF, yvals are irrelevant
# When receiving a (for example) focussed workspace we still do not know how
# to properly deal with it. CreateWorkspace won't copy the instrument sample
# and source even if given the option ParentWorkspace. Resort to old style
# hard-coded calculation.
# The present behavior of 'ConvertUnits' is to show an information log:
# "Unable to calculate sample-detector distance for 1 spectra. Masking spectrum"
# and silently produce a wrong output workspace. That might need revisiting.
if 1 == inWS.getNumberHistograms():
return self._doApproxHardCodedConvertUnitsToToF(expectedPeaks, inWS, wsIndex)

# Create workspace just to convert dSpacing -> ToF, yVals are irrelevant
# this used to be calculated with:
# lambda d: 252.816 * 2 * (50 + detL2) * math.sin(detTwoTheta / 2.0) * d
# which is approximately what ConverUnits will do
# remember the -1, we must produce a histogram data workspace, which is what
# for example EnginXCalibrate expects
yVals = [1] * (len(expectedPeaks) - 1)
# like: wsFrom = mantid.simpleapi.CreateWorkspace(UnitX='dSpacing', DataX=expectedPeaks, DataY=yVals)
# Do like: wsFrom = sapi.CreateWorkspace(UnitX='dSpacing', DataX=expectedPeaks, DataY=yVals,
# ParentWorkspace=self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value)
createAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm("CreateWorkspace")
createAlg.setProperty("UnitX", 'dSpacing')
createAlg.setProperty("DataX", expectedPeaks)
createAlg.setProperty("DataY", yVals)
createAlg.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWsName)
createAlg.setProperty("ParentWorkspace", inWS)
wsFrom = createAlg.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").value

# add instrument information like mantid.simpleapi.LoadInstrument(Workspace=wsFrom, InstrumentName='ENGIN-X')
instAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm("LoadInstrument")
instAlg.setProperty("Workspace", wsFrom)
instAlg.setProperty("InstrumentName", 'ENGIN-X')
wsFrom = createAlg.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").value

# And finally run ConvertUnits
# finally convert units, like: sapi.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=wsFrom, Target=targetUnits)
convAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm("ConvertUnits")
convAlg.setProperty("InputWorkspace", wsFrom)
convAlg.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWsName)
targetUnits = 'TOF'
convAlg.setProperty("Target", targetUnits)
# default property "EMode" value 'Elastic'
# note: this implicitly uses default property "EMode" value 'Elastic'
goodExec = convAlg.execute()

wsTo = convAlg.getProperty('OutputWorkspace').value
peaksToF = wsTo.dataX(0)
peaksToF = wsTo.readX(0)
if len(peaksToF) != len(expectedPeaks):
raise RuntimeError("Conversion of units went wrong. Converted %d peaks from the original "
"list of %d peaks. The instrument definition might be incomplete for the "
"original workspace / file."% (len(peaksToF), len(expectedPeaks)))

ToFvalues = [peaksToF[i] for i in range(0,len(peaksToF))]
# catch potential failures because of geometry issues, etc.
if ToFvalues == expectedPeaks:
vals = self._doApproxHardCodedConvertUnitsToToF(expectedPeaks, inWS, wsIndex)
return vals

return ToFvalues

def _doApproxHardCodedConvertUnitsToToF(self, dspValues, ws, wsIndex):
Converts from dSpacing to Time-of-flight, for one spectrum/detector. This method
is here for exceptional cases that presently need clarification / further work,
here and elsewhere in Mantid, and should ideally be removed in favor of the more
general method that uses the algorithm ConvertUnits.
@param dspValues to convert from dSpacing
@param ws workspace with the appropriate instrument / geometry definition
@param wsIndex index of the spectrum
input values converted from dSpacing to ToF
det = ws.getDetector(wsIndex)

# Current detector parameters
detL2 = det.getDistance(ws.getInstrument().getSample())
detTwoTheta = ws.detectorTwoTheta(det)

# clean up
delAlg = self.createChildAlgorithm("DeleteWorkspace")
delAlg.setProperty("Workspace", outWsName)
# hard coded equation to convert dSpacing -> TOF for the single detector
dSpacingToTof = lambda d: 252.816 * 2 * (50 + detL2) * math.sin(detTwoTheta / 2.0) * d

return peaksToF
# Values (in principle, expected peak positions) in TOF for the detector
ToFvalues = [dSpacingToTof(ep) for ep in dspValues]
return ToFvalues

def _createFittedPeaksTable(self):
""" Creates a table where to put peak fitting results to
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