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wiki_maker can now work with a debug build of Mantid on Windows
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Any calls to mantid are done via a subprocess but only when running in
debug so as not to compromise the speed of using it in release. Refs #6677
  • Loading branch information
martyngigg committed Mar 14, 2013
1 parent b701fc7 commit 39a4113
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Showing 2 changed files with 377 additions and 345 deletions.
276 changes: 22 additions & 254 deletions Code/Mantid/Build/
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Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,8 @@
from pdb import set_trace as trace
import optparse
import os
import mwclient
import ConfigParser
import string
import time
import datetime
import subprocess
import commands
import sys
import codecs
import fnmatch
import wiki_tools
from wiki_tools import *
from wiki_report import WikiReporter
Expand All @@ -22,239 +14,6 @@

# Junit report generator.
reporter = WikiReporter()
# no version identier
noversion = -1

def get_wiki_description(algo, version):
""" Extract the text between the *WIKI* tags in the .cpp file
@param algo :: name of the algorithm
@param version :: version, -1 for latest
global mtd
source = find_algo_file(algo, version)
if source == '':
alg = mtd.createAlgorithm(algo, version)
print "Getting algorithm description from binaries."
return alg.getWikiDescription()
f = open(source,'r')
lines ='\n')
print lines
n = 0
print algo
while not lines[n].lstrip().startswith("/*WIKI*") and not lines[n].lstrip().startswith('"""*WIKI*'):
n += 1
desc = ""
n += 1
while not lines[n].lstrip().startswith("*WIKI*"):
desc += lines[n] + "\n"
n += 1
print "Getting algorithm description from source."
return desc

def make_group_header_line(group):
""" Make a group header line for the property table
group :: name of the group
string to add to the wiki
if group=="":
return "|colspan=6 align=center| \n|-\n"
return "|colspan=6 align=center|'''%s'''\n|-\n" % group

def create_property_default_string(prop):
""" Create a default string
default. The property default value.
string to add to the wiki property table default section.
# Convert to int, then float, then any string

default = prop.getDefault
defaultstr = ""
val = int(default)
if (val >= 2147483647):
defaultstr = "Optional"
defaultstr = str(val)
val = float(default)
if (val >= 1e+307):
defaultstr = "Optional"
defaultstr = str(val)
# Fall-back default for anything
defaultstr = str(default)

# Replace the ugly default values with "optional"
if (defaultstr == "8.9884656743115785e+307") or \
(defaultstr == "1.7976931348623157e+308") or \
(defaultstr == "2147483647"):
defaultstr = "Optional"

if str(prop.type) == "boolean":
if defaultstr == "1": defaultstr = "True"
else: defaultstr = "False"
return defaultstr

def make_property_table_line(propnum, p):
""" Make one line of the property table
propnum :: number of the prop
p :: Property object
string to add to the wiki

out = ""
# The property number
out += "|" + str(propnum) + "\n"
# Name of the property
out += "|" + + "\n"
# Direction
InputDirection = "Intput"
OutputDirection = "Output"
InOutDirection = "InOut"
NoDirection = "None"
direction_string = [InputDirection, OutputDirection, InOutDirection, NoDirection]
out += "|" + direction_string[p.direction] + "\n"
# Type (as string) wrap an IWorkspaceProperty in a link.
if isinstance(p, IWorkspaceProperty):
out += "|[[" + str(p.type) + "]]\n"
out += "|" + str(p.type) + "\n"

if (direction_string[p.direction] == OutputDirection) and (not isinstance(p, IWorkspaceProperty)):
out += "|\n" # Nothing to show under the default section for an output properties that are not workspace properties.
elif (p.isValid == ""): #Nothing was set, but it's still valid = NOT mandatory
defaultstr = create_property_default_string(p)
out += "| " + defaultstr + "\n"
out += "|Mandatory\n"

# Documentation
out += "|" + p.documentation.replace("\n", "<br />") + "\n"
# End of table line
out += "|-\n"
return out

def make_wiki(algo_name, version, latest_version):
""" Return wiki text for a given algorithm
@param algo_name :: name of the algorithm (bare)
@param version :: version requested
@param latest_version :: the latest algorithm
out = ""
# Deprecated algorithms: Simply returnd the deprecation message
print "Creating... ", algo_name, version
deprec = mtd.algorithmDeprecationMessage(algo_name,version)
if len(deprec) != 0:
out = "== Deprecated ==\n\n"
deprecstr = deprec
deprecstr = deprecstr.replace(". Use ", ". Use [[")
deprecstr = deprecstr.replace(" instead.", "]] instead.")
out += deprecstr
out += "\n\n"

alg = mtd.createAlgorithm(algo_name, version)

if (latest_version > 1):
if (version < latest_version):
out += "Note: This page refers to version %d of %s. The latest version is %d - see [[%s v.%d]].\n\n" % (version, algo_name, latest_version, algo_name, latest_version)
out += "Note: This page refers to version %d of %s. "% (version, algo_name)
if latest_version > 2:
out += "The documentation for older versions is available at: "
out += "The documentation for the older version is available at: "
for v in xrange(1,latest_version):
out += "[[%s v.%d]] " % (algo_name, v)
out += "\n\n"

out += "== Summary ==\n\n"
out += alg._ProxyObject__obj.getWikiSummary().replace("\n", " ") + "\n\n"
out += "== Properties ==\n\n"

out += """{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"

# Do all the properties
props = alg._ProxyObject__obj.getProperties()
propnum = 1
last_group = ""
for prop in props:
group = prop.getGroup
if (group != last_group):
out += make_group_header_line(group)
last_group = group
out += make_property_table_line(propnum, prop)
propnum += 1

# Close the table
out += "|}\n\n"

out += "== Description ==\n"
out += "\n"
desc = ""
desc = get_wiki_description(algo_name,version)
except IndexError:
if (desc == ""):
print "Warning: missing wiki description for %s! Placeholder inserted instead." % algo_name
out += desc + "\n"
out += "\n"
out += "[[Category:Algorithms]]\n"

# All other categories
categories = alg.categories()
for categ in categories:
n = categ.find("\\")
if (n>0):
# Category is "first\second"
first = categ[0:n]
second = categ[n+1:]
out += "[[Category:" + first + "]]\n"
out += "[[Category:" + second + "]]\n"
out += "[[Category:" + categ + "]]\n"

# Point to the right source ffiles
if version > 1:
out += "{{AlgorithmLinks|%s%d}}\n" % (algo_name, version)
out += "{{AlgorithmLinks|%s}}\n" % (algo_name)

return out

def confirm(prompt=None, resp=False):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,14 +91,14 @@ def wiki_maker_page(page):
def do_algorithm(args, algo, version):
""" Do the wiki page
@param algo :: the name of the algorithm, and it's version as a tuple"""
global mtd
is_latest_version = True
# Find the latest version
latest_version = mtd.createAlgorithm(algo, noversion).version()
latest_version = find_latest_alg_version(algo)
if (version == noversion):
version = latest_version

print "Latest version of %s is %d. You are making version %d." % (algo, latest_version, version)

# What should the name on the wiki page be?
wiki_page_name = algo
if latest_version > 1:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,22 +223,31 @@ def do_algorithm(args, algo, version):

if len(algos)==0:
parser.error("You must specify at least one algorithm.")

# Command-line overrides anything for finding Mantid
if args.mantidpath is not None:
os.environ['MANTIDPATH'] = args.mantidpath
elif not "MANTIDPATH" in os.environ:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find Mantid. MANTIDPATH environment variable not set & --mantidpath option not given")
# Make sure the internal module use can find Mantid

# Check if python_d must be used to call into Mantid
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
os.environ['MANTIDPATH'] = args.mantidpath
module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH","") + ";" + module_dir + ";" + os.environ['MANTIDPATH']

global mtd
from MantidFramework import IWorkspaceProperty
mtd = wiki_tools.mtd

if len(algos) == 1 and algos[0] == "ALL":
print "Documenting All Algorithms"
allAlgorithms = get_all_algorithms_tuples()
for algo_tuple in allAlgorithms:
do_algorithm(args, algo_tuple[0], algo_tuple[1][0])
print "Documenting ALL Algorithms"
alg_to_vers = get_algorithm_to_version_lookup()
for name, versions in alg_to_vers.iteritems():
for version in versions:
do_algorithm(args, name, version)
for algo in algos:
do_algorithm(args, algo, int(args.algversion))
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