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Make to support new XML format. Refs #4996.
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(1) GroupDetectors2 is enabled to support grouping file in 'new' XML
(2) Original XML parser class is removed and replaced by the XML class
used by LoadDetectorsGroupingFile().
  • Loading branch information
wdzhou committed Mar 20, 2012
1 parent 2828591 commit 4c64657
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Showing 2 changed files with 86 additions and 208 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -142,59 +142,6 @@ typedef std::map<specid_t, std::vector<size_t> > storage_map;
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<specid_t, std::vector<size_t> > storage_map;

* This class implements the Poco SAX ContentHandler class for reading of detector grouping files.
* @author Michael Whitty, ISIS
* @date 16/03/2011
* For an explanation of the ContentHandler class, please see
class GroupXmlReader : public Poco::XML::ContentHandler

/// Constructor
/// Signals start of XML document
void startDocument();
/// Signals start of element
void startElement(const Poco::XML::XMLString &, const Poco::XML::XMLString& localName, const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::Attributes& attr);
/// Signals end of element
void endElement(const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::XMLString& localName, const Poco::XML::XMLString&);
/// Used to return information to the GroupDetectors algorithm
void getItems(storage_map & map, std::vector<int64_t> & unused);
/// Provides some information that is needed for the process to work
void setMaps(spec2index_map spec, detid2index_map * det, std::vector<int64_t> & unused);

// These functions must be present as they are abstract in the base class. They are not used them here.
void setDocumentLocator(const Poco::XML::Locator*) {} ///< Not used
void endDocument() {} ///< Not used
void characters(const Poco::XML::XMLChar [], int, int) {} ///< Not used
void ignorableWhitespace(const Poco::XML::XMLChar [], int, int) {} ///< Not used
void processingInstruction(const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::XMLString&) {} ///< Not used
void startPrefixMapping(const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::XMLString&) {} ///< Not used
void endPrefixMapping(const Poco::XML::XMLString&) {} ///< Not used
void skippedEntity(const Poco::XML::XMLString&) {} ///< Not used

/// Populates the group list
void getIDNumbers(const Poco::XML::Attributes& attr);
/// map of groups
storage_map m_groups;
/// group currently being read from file
std::vector<size_t> m_currentGroup;
/// whether reading spectra numbers or detector ids
bool m_specNo;
/// whether currently inside a group element
bool m_inGroup;
/// map of spectra number to workspace index
spec2index_map m_specnTOwi;
/// map of detector id to workspace index
detid2index_map * m_detidTOwi;
/// vector where value represent whether the workspace index corresponding to that position in the vector has been used
std::vector<int64_t> m_unused;

/// An estimate of the percentage of the algorithm runtimes that has been completed
double m_FracCompl;
/// stores lists of spectra indexes to group, although we never do an index search on it
Expand Down
241 changes: 86 additions & 155 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/DataHandling/src/GroupDetectors2.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/LoadDetectorsGroupingFile.h"

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ void GroupDetectors2::getGroups(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace,
g_log.debug() << "Converted " << spectraList.size() << " spectra numbers into spectra indices to be combined\n";
{// go thorugh the rest of the properties in order of decreasing presidence, abort when we get the data we need ignore the rest
{// go through the rest of the properties in order of decreasing presidence, abort when we get the data we need ignore the rest
if ( ! detectorList.empty() )
// we are going to group on the basis of detector IDs, convert from detectors to workspace indices
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,32 +333,102 @@ void GroupDetectors2::processFile(std::string fname,
void GroupDetectors2::processXMLFile(std::string fname,
API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr workspace, std::vector<int64_t> &unUsedSpec)
// 1. Get maps for spectrum ID and detector ID
spec2index_map specs2index;
const SpectraAxis* axis = dynamic_cast<const SpectraAxis*>(workspace->getAxis(1));
if (axis)

detid2index_map* detIdToWiMap = workspace->getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap(false);

GroupXmlReader groupReader;
Poco::XML::SAXParser parser;

groupReader.setMaps(specs2index, detIdToWiMap, unUsedSpec);

// 2. Load XML file
DataHandling::LoadGroupXMLFile loader;
std::map<int, std::vector<detid_t> > mGroupDetectorsMap = loader.getGroupDetectorsMap();
std::map<int, std::vector<int> > mGroupSpectraMap = loader.getGroupSpectraMap();

// 3. Build m_GroupSpecInds
std::map<int, std::vector<detid_t> >::iterator dit;
for (dit = mGroupDetectorsMap.begin(); dit != mGroupDetectorsMap.end(); ++ dit)
int groupid = dit->first;
std::vector<size_t> tempv;
m_GroupSpecInds.insert(std::make_pair(groupid, tempv));
catch ( Poco::Exception & e )

// 4. Detector IDs
for (dit = mGroupDetectorsMap.begin(); dit != mGroupDetectorsMap.end(); ++ dit)
g_log.error() << "GroupDetectors XML error: " << e.displayText() << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("Error parsing XML file");
int groupid = dit->first;
std::vector<detid_t> detids = dit->second;

storage_map::iterator sit;
sit = m_GroupSpecInds.find(groupid);
if (sit == m_GroupSpecInds.end())

std::vector<size_t>& wsindexes = sit->second;

for (size_t i = 0; i < detids.size(); i++)
detid_t detid = detids[i];
detid2index_map::iterator ind =detIdToWiMap->find(detid);
size_t wsid;
if ( ind != detIdToWiMap->end() )
wsid = ind->second;
if ( unUsedSpec[wsid] != ( 1000 - INT_MAX ) )
unUsedSpec[wsid] = ( 1000 - INT_MAX );
g_log.error() << "Detector with ID " << detid << " is not found in instrument " << std::endl;
} // for index
} // for group

// 5. Spectrum IDs
std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator pit;
for (pit = mGroupSpectraMap.begin(); pit != mGroupSpectraMap.end(); ++pit)
int groupid = pit->first;
std::vector<int> spectra = pit->second;

storage_map::iterator sit;
sit = m_GroupSpecInds.find(groupid);
if (sit == m_GroupSpecInds.end())

std::vector<size_t>& wsindexes = sit->second;

for (size_t i = 0; i < spectra.size(); i++)
int specid = spectra[i];
spec2index_map::iterator ind = specs2index.find(specid);
size_t wsid;
if ( ind != specs2index.end() )
wsid = ind->second;
if ( unUsedSpec[wsid] != ( 1000 - INT_MAX ) )
unUsedSpec[wsid] = ( 1000 - INT_MAX );
g_log.error() << "Spectrum with ID " << specid<< " is not found in instrument " << std::endl;
} // for index
} // for group

groupReader.getItems(m_GroupSpecInds, unUsedSpec);

/** The function expects that the string passed to it contains an integer number,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -766,145 +837,5 @@ void GroupDetectors2::RangeHelper::getList(const std::string &line, std::vector<

* This is the constructor for the GroupXmlReader class. It simply initialises the boolean member variables
* and calls the parent's constructor.
GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::GroupXmlReader() : ContentHandler(), m_specNo(true), m_inGroup(false)

* This method is called when the parser starts reading a document. It is used hear to ensure that the m_groups
* and m_currentGroup members are clean to begin with.
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::startDocument()
* This function is called at the start of each element. It checks whether the element signals the start of a group,
* the values in a group, or can be ignored.
* @param localName the name of the element. for example in \<group name="a"\>, this would be "group"
* @param attr the attributes of the element, in the above example this would be an object linking "name" and "a".
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::startElement(const Poco::XML::XMLString &, const Poco::XML::XMLString& localName, const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::Attributes& attr)
if ( localName == "group" )
m_inGroup = true;
else if ( m_inGroup && ( localName == "ids" || localName == "detids" ) )
m_specNo = ( localName == "ids" );
* This function is called at the end of each element. It only matters here when signifying the end of a group.
* @param localName the name of the element ending. For example, in \</group\> this would be "group".
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::endElement(const Poco::XML::XMLString&, const Poco::XML::XMLString& localName, const Poco::XML::XMLString&)
if ( m_inGroup && localName == "group" )
m_groups[static_cast<int>(m_groups.size())] = m_currentGroup;
m_inGroup = false;
* Provides the results that GroupDetectors requires from the XML file. A set of groups, and the vector detailing which spectra are / are not used.
* @param map mapping of groups
* @param unused vector where value represent whether the workspace index corresponding to that position in the vector has been used
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::getItems(storage_map & map, std::vector<int64_t> & unused)
map = m_groups;
unused = m_unused;
* Used by GroupDetectors to provide the maps that the parser needs to translate spectra number/detector id into workspace index.
* @param spec map of spectra number to workspace index
* @param det map of detector id to workspace index
* @param unused vector where value represent whether the workspace index corresponding to that position in the vector has been used
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::setMaps(spec2index_map spec, detid2index_map * det, std::vector<int64_t> & unused)
m_specnTOwi = spec;
m_detidTOwi = det;
m_unused = unused;
* Parses string "val" values into a list of number, expanding any ranges, then converts those from either detector id/spectra number into
* the correct workspace index.
* @param attr attributes from the xml element
void GroupDetectors2::GroupXmlReader::getIDNumbers(const Poco::XML::Attributes& attr)
for ( int i = 0; i < attr.getLength(); ++i ) // poco requires bare int
if ( attr.getLocalName(i) == "val" )
std::vector<specid_t> idlist;
// Read from string list into std::vector<int> using Poco StringTokenizer
Poco::StringTokenizer list(attr.getValue(i), ",", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM);
for( Poco::StringTokenizer::Iterator itr = list.begin(); itr != list.end(); ++itr )
int id;
id = boost::lexical_cast<specid_t>(*itr);
catch ( boost::bad_lexical_cast & )
std::vector<size_t> temp;
RangeHelper::getList(*itr, temp);
for ( std::vector<size_t>::iterator it = temp.begin(); it != temp.end(); ++it )
for ( std::vector<specid_t>::iterator itr = idlist.begin(); itr != idlist.end(); ++itr )
int64_t id;
if ( m_specNo )
// Spectra No
spec2index_map::iterator ind = m_specnTOwi.find(*itr);
if ( ind == m_specnTOwi.end() )
id = ind->second;
// Detector ID
detid2index_map::iterator ind = m_detidTOwi->find(*itr);
if ( ind == m_detidTOwi->end() )
id = ind->second;
if ( m_unused[id] != ( 1000 - INT_MAX ) )
m_unused[id] = ( 1000 - INT_MAX );

} // namespace DataHandling
} // namespace Mantid

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