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Move jump fit from Python script to algoriithm
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Refs #9345
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DanNixon committed Aug 22, 2014
1 parent df8124e commit 62602d9
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Showing 2 changed files with 153 additions and 102 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid import logger, mtd
from IndirectCommon import *
from IndirectImport import import_mantidplot

import os.path

class JumpFit(PythonAlgorithm):

def category(self):
return 'Workflow\\Inelastic;PythonAlgorithms;Inelastic'

def summary(self):
return '' ##TODO

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty('InputWorkspace', '', direction=Direction.Input),
doc='Input workspace')

valid_functions = ['ChudleyElliot', 'HallRoss', 'FickDiffusion', 'TeixeiraWater']
self.declareProperty(name='JumpFunction', defaultValue=valid_functions[0],
doc='') ##TODO

self.declareProperty(name='Width', defaultValue=0, validator=IntMandatoryValidator(), doc='') ##TODO
self.declareProperty(name='QMin', defaultValue=0.0, validator=FloatMandatoryValidator(), doc='') ##TODO
self.declareProperty(name='QMax', defaultValue=0.0, validator=FloatMandatoryValidator(), doc='') ##TODO

self.declareProperty(name='Output', defaultValue='', direction=Direction.InOut,
doc='Output name')

self.declareProperty(name='Verbose', defaultValue=False, doc='Output more verbose message to log')
self.declareProperty(name='Plot', defaultValue=False, doc='Plot result workspace')
self.declareProperty(name='Save', defaultValue=False, doc='Save result workspace to nexus file in the default save directory')

def PyExec(self):
in_ws = self.getPropertyValue('InputWorkspace')
out_name = self.getPropertyValue('Output')

jump_function = self.getProperty('JumpFunction').value
width = self.getProperty('Width').value
q_min = self.getProperty('QMin').value
q_max = self.getProperty('QMax').value

verbose = self.getProperty('Verbose').value
plot = self.getProperty('Plot').value
save = self.getProperty('Save').value

workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory()

StartTime('Jump fit : ' + jump_function + ' ; ')

# Select the width we wish to fit
spectrum_ws = "__" + in_ws
ExtractSingleSpectrum(InputWorkspace=in_ws, OutputWorkspace=spectrum_ws, WorkspaceIndex=width)

# Convert to HWHM
Scale(InputWorkspace=spectrum_ws, Factor=0.5, OutputWorkspace=spectrum_ws)

# Crop the workspace between the given ranges
if verbose:
logger.notice('Cropping from Q= ' + str(q_min) + ' to ' + str(q_max))

# Give the user some extra infromation if required
if verbose:
in_run = mtd[in_ws].getRun()
log = in_run.getLogData('fit_program')
if log:
val = log.value
logger.notice('Fit program was : ' + val)
except RuntimeError:
# If we couldn't find the fit program, just pass

logger.notice('Parameters in ' + in_ws)

x_data = mtd[in_ws].readX(0)
xmax = x_data[-1]

# Select fit function to use
if jump_function == 'ChudleyElliot':
# Chudley-Elliott: HWHM=(1-sin*(Q*L)/(Q*L))/Tau
# for Q->0 W=Q^2*L^2/(6*Tau)

tval = 1.0 / xmax
lval = 1.5
func = 'name=ChudleyElliot, Tau=' + str(tval) + ', L=' + str(lval)

elif jump_function == 'HallRoss':
# Hall-Ross: HWHM=(1-exp(-L*Q^2))/Tau
# for Q->0 W=A*Q^2*r

tval = 1.0 / xmax
lval = 1.5
func = 'name=HallRoss, Tau=' + str(tval) + ', L=' + str(lval)

elif jump_function == 'FickDiffusion':
# Fick: HWHM=D*Q^2

y_data = mtd[in_ws].readY(0)
diff = (y_data[2] - y_data[0]) / ((x_data[2] - x_data[0]) * (x_data[2] - x_data[0]))
func = 'name=FickDiffusion, D=' + str(diff)

elif jump_function == 'TeixeiraWater':
# Teixeira: HWHM=Q^2*L/((1+Q^2*L)*tau)
# for Q->0 W=

tval = 1.0 / xmax
lval = 1.5
func = 'name=TeixeiraWater, Tau=' + str(tval) + ', L=' + str(lval)

# Run fit function
if out_name is "":
out_name = in_ws[:-10] + '_' + jump_function + 'fit'

Fit(Function=func, InputWorkspace=spectrum_ws, CreateOutput=True, Output=out_name, StartX=q_min, EndX=q_max)
fit_workspace = out_name + '_Workspace'

# Populate sample logs
CopyLogs(InputWorkspace=in_ws, OutputWorkspace=fit_workspace)
AddSampleLog(Workspace=fit_workspace, LogName="jump_function", LogType="String", LogText=jump_function)
AddSampleLog(Workspace=fit_workspace, LogName="q_min", LogType="Number", LogText=str(q_min))
AddSampleLog(Workspace=fit_workspace, LogName="q_max", LogType="Number", LogText=str(q_max))

# Process output options
if save:
fit_path = os.path.join(workdir, fit_workspace + '.nxs')
SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fit_workspace, Filename=fit_path)

if verbose:
logger.notice('Fit file is ' + fit_path)

if plot:
mtd_plot = import_mantidplot()
mtd_plot.plotSpectrum(fit_workspace, [0, 1, 2], True)

self.setProperty('Output', out_name)


EndTime('Jump fit : ' + jump_function + ' ; ')

# Register algorithm with Mantid
102 changes: 0 additions & 102 deletions Code/Mantid/scripts/Inelastic/

This file was deleted.

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