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Add an example peak function along with a test. Refs #970
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martyngigg committed Apr 18, 2013
1 parent 36eaf3a commit 6278c49
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This example reimplements a Gaussian fitting function. It is not meant to
be used in production for fitting, it is simply provided as a relatively complete
guide to creating a Fit function.
It uses the so-called IPeakFunction that should be used when there is a sensible way to
calculate the centre, height & fwhm of the function. If it does not make sense, for example a in linear background,
where does not give a peak shape, then see the more general Example1DFunction that does not require these concepts.
from mantid.api import IPeakFunction, FunctionFactory
import math
import numpy as np

class ExamplePeakFunction(IPeakFunction):

def category(self):
Optional method to return the category that this
function should be listed under. Multiple categories
should be separated with a semi-colon(;). Sub-categories
can be specified using a \\ separator, e.g. Category\\Sub-category
return "Examples"

def init(self):
Declare parameters that participate in the fitting (declareParameter)
and attributes that are constants to be passed (declareAttribute) in
and do not participate in the fit. Attributes must have type=int,float,string,bool
# Active fitting parameters

# Simple attributes required for the function but
# not as part of the fit itself e.g. number of terms to evaluate in some expression
# They must have a default value.
# It is advisable to look at the setAttributeValue function below and take local copies
# of attributes so that they do not have to be retrieved repeatedly througout the fitting.
self.declareAttribute("NTerms", 1)

def functionLocal(self, xvals):
Computes the function on the set of values given and returns
the answer as a numpy array of floats
# As Fit progresses the declared parameter values will change
height = self.getParameterValue("Height") # Can also be retrieve by index self.getParameterValue(0)
peak_centre = self.getParameterValue("PeakCentre")
sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
weight = math.pow(1./sigma,2);

# Here you can use the NTerms attr if required by
# using self._nterms: see setAttributeValue below or
# accessing the attribute each time directly nterms = self.getAttributeValue("NTerms") but this is much slower

return out

def functionDerivLocal(self, xvals, jacobian):
Computes the partial derivatives of the function on the set of values given
and the sets these values in the given jacobian. The Jacobian is essentially
a matrix where jacobian.set(iy,ip,value) takes 3 parameters:
iy = The index of the data value whose partial derivative this corresponds to
ip = The index of the parameter value whose partial derivative this corresponds to
value = The value of the derivative
height = self.getParameterValue("Height");
peak_centre = self.getParameterValue("PeakCentre");
sigma = self.getParameterValue("Sigma")
weight = math.pow(1./sigma,2);

# X index
i = 0
for x in xvals:
diff = x-peak_centre
exp_term = math.exp(-0.5*diff*diff*weight)
jacobian.set(i,0, exp_term)
jacobian.set(i,1, diff*height*exp_term*weight)
# derivative with respect to weight not sigma
jacobian.set(i,2, -0.5*diff*diff*height*exp_term)
i += 1

def setAttributeValue(self, name, value):
This is called by the framework when an attribute is passed to Fit and its value set.
It's main use is to store the attribute value on the object once to avoid
repeated calls during the fitting process
if name == "NTerms":
self._nterms = value

def activeParameter(self, index):
Returns the value of the parameter that
is taking part in the fitting for the given index.
Only required if the fitting is to be done over
a different parameter than declared for some reason, i.e
param_value = self.getParameterValue(index)
if index == 2: #Sigma. Actually fit to 1/(sigma^2) for stability
return 1./math.pow(param_value,2)
return param_value

def setActiveParameter(self, index, value):
Called by the fitting framework when a parameter value is updated.
Only required if the fitting is done over a different parameter
set than that declared
param_value = value
explicit = False
if index == 2:
param_value = math.sqrt(math.fabs(1.0/value))
param_value = value
# Final explicit arugment is required to be false here by framework
self.setParameter(index, param_value, False)

param_value = self.getParameterValue(index)
if index == 2: #Sigma. Actually fit to 1/(sigma^2) for stability
return math.pow(1./param_value,2)
return param_value

def centre(self):
Return what should be considered the centre of this function. In this
simple case it is just the centre value but it can be any combination
of parameters
return self.getParameterValue("PeakCentre")

def height(self):
Return what should be considered the 'height' of this function. In this
simple case it is just the centre value but it can be any combination
of parameters
return self. getParameterValue("Height")

def fwhm(self):
Return what should be considered the 'fwhm' of this function.
return 2.0*math.sqrt(2.0*math.log(2.0))*self.getParameterValue("Sigma")

def setCentre(self, new_centre):
Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a mouse click
that gives a guess at the centre.

def setHeight(self, new_height):
Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a user guessing
the height.
self.setParameter("Height", new_height)

def setFwhm(self, new_fwhm):
Called by an external entity, probably a GUI, in response to a user guessing
the height.
sigma = new_fwhm/(2.0*math.sqrt(2.0*math.log(2.0)))

# Required to have Mantid recognise the new function
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@@ -1 +1 @@
This directory contains example functions that can be plugged into the Mantid optimisation framework.
This directory contains example functions that plug into the Mantid optimisation framework.
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Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
## of the plugin types
add_subdirectory( algorithms )
add_subdirectory( functions )
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## Tests for Fit functions


# Prefix for test name=PythonFunctions
pyunittest_add_test ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PythonFunctions ${TEST_PY_FILES} )
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import unittest
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import Fit
import testhelpers

class _InternalMakeGaussian(PythonAlgorithm):

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty("Height", -1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty("Centre", -1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty("Sigma", -1.0, validator=FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0))
self.declareProperty(MatrixWorkspaceProperty("OutputWorkspace", "", direction = Direction.Output))

def PyExec(self):
import math
import random
wspace = WorkspaceFactory.create("Workspace2D",NVectors=1,XLength=nbins+1,YLength=nbins)
height = self.getProperty("Height").value
centre = self.getProperty("Centre").value
sigma_sq = math.pow(self.getProperty("Sigma").value,2)
# Noise parameter
amplitude = 0.1*height

prog_reporter = Progress(self,start=0.0,end=1.0,nreports=nbins)
for i in range(1,nbins + 1):
x_value = 5.0 + 5.5*i;
nominal_y = height * math.exp(-0.5*math.pow(x_value - centre, 2.)/sigma_sq)
# add some noise
nominal_y += random.random()*amplitude

wspace.dataX(0)[i-1] = x_value
wspace.dataY(0)[i-1] = nominal_y
wspace.dataE(0)[i-1] = 1"Setting %dth bin in workspace" % (i-1))

self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", wspace) # Stores the workspace as the given name

class ExamplePeakFunctionTest(unittest.TestCase):

def test_function_has_been_registered(self):
except RuntimeError, exc:"Could not create ExamplePeakFunction function: %s" % str(exc))

def test_fit_succeeds_with_expected_answer(self):
alg = testhelpers.run_algorithm("_InternalMakeGaussian", Height=300,Centre=2100,Sigma=700,OutputWorkspace='_test_gauss')
input_ws = alg.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").value



if __name__ == '__main__':

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