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refs #5016. Done via MDEvent route. Appears to work.
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OwenArnold committed May 29, 2012
1 parent 4f1972b commit 6f129ab
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Showing 2 changed files with 154 additions and 65 deletions.
215 changes: 151 additions & 64 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/MDEvents/src/ConvertToReflectometryQ.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ TODO: Enter a full wiki-markup description of your algorithm here. You can then
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidMDEvents/MDEventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidMDEvents/MDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidKernel/EnabledWhenProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/TimeSeriesProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IEventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidMDEvents/MDEventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidMDEvents/MDEventFactory.h"

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ namespace MDEvents

declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<MatrixWorkspace>("InputWorkspace","",Direction::Input, compositeValidator),
"An input workspace in time-of-flight");
"An input workspace in wavelength");

std::vector<std::string> propOptions;
propOptions.push_back("Q (lab frame)");
Expand All @@ -98,124 +101,208 @@ namespace MDEvents
"An input incident theta value specified in degrees."
"Optional input value for the incident theta specified in degrees.");

std::vector<double> extents(4,0);
new ArrayProperty<double>("Extents", extents),
"A comma separated list of min, max for each dimension. Takes four values in the form qx_min, qx_max, qz_min, qz_max,\n"
"specifying the extents of each dimension. Optional, default +-50 in each dimension.");

setPropertySettings("IncidentTheta", new Kernel::EnabledWhenProperty("OverrideIncidentTheta", IS_EQUAL_TO, "1") );

declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<IMDWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace","",Direction::Output), "Output 2D Workspace.");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<IMDEventWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace","",Direction::Output), "Output 2D Workspace.");

Check that the input workspace is of the correct type.
@param: inputWS: The input workspace.
@throw: runtime_error if the units do not appear to be correct/compatible with the algorithm.
void checkInputWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWs)
auto spectraAxis = inputWs->getAxis(1);
const std::string label = spectraAxis->unit()->label();
const std::string expectedLabel = "degrees";
if(expectedLabel != label)
std::string message = "Spectra axis should have units of degrees. Instead found: " + label;
throw std::runtime_error(message);

Check the extents.
@param extents: A vector containing all the extents.
@throw: runtime_error if the extents appear to be incorrect.
void checkExtents(const std::vector<double>& extents)
if(extents.size() != 4)
throw std::runtime_error("Four comma separated extents inputs should be provided");
if((extents[0] >= extents[1]) || (extents[2] >= extents[3]))
throw std::runtime_error("Extents must be provided min, max with min less than max!");

Check the incident theta inputs.
@param bUseOwnIncidentTheta: True if the user has requested to provide their own incident theta value.
@param theta: The proposed incident theta value provided by the user.
@throw: logic_error if the theta value is out of range.
void checkCustomThetaInputs(const bool bUseOwnIncidentTheta, const double& theta)
if(theta < 0 || theta > 90)
throw std::logic_error("Overriding incident theta is out of range");

bool incidentThetaInRange(const double& theta)
General check for the indient theta.
@param theta: The proposed incident theta value.
@throw: logic_error if the theta value is out of range.
void checkIncidentTheta(const double& theta)
if(theta < 0 || theta > 90)
if(theta < 0 || theta > 90)
return false;
throw std::logic_error("Incident theta is out of range");

Check for the output dimensionality.
@param outputDimensions : requested output dimensionality
@throw: runtime_errror if the dimensionality is not supported.
void checkOutputDimensionalityChoice(const std::string & outputDimensions )
if(outputDimensions != "Q (lab frame)")
throw std::runtime_error("Transforms other than to Q have not been implemented yet");
return true;

/** Execute the algorithm.
void ConvertToReflectometryQ::exec()
Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWs = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWs = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
bool bUseOwnIncidentTheta = getProperty("OverrideIncidentTheta");
std::vector<double> extents = getProperty("Extents");
double incidentTheta = getProperty("IncidentTheta");
std::string outputDimensions = getPropertyValue("OutputDimensions");

throw std::logic_error("Overriding incident theta is out of range");
checkCustomThetaInputs(bUseOwnIncidentTheta, incidentTheta);

// Extract the incient theta angle from the logs if a user provided one is not given.
const Mantid::API::Run& run = inputWs->run();
Property* p = run.getLogData("stheta");
auto incidentThetas = dynamic_cast<Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty<double>*>(p);
incidentTheta = incidentThetas->valuesAsVector().back(); //Not quite sure what to do with the time series for stheta
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "Extracted initial theta value of: " << incidentTheta;
catch(Exception::NotFoundError& ex)
throw std::runtime_error("The workspace does not have a stheta log value.");
throw std::runtime_error("The input workspace does not have a stheta log value.");

if(outputDimensions != "Q (lab frame)")
// Min max extent values.
const double qxmin = extents[0];
const double qxmax = extents[1];
const double qzmin = extents[2];
const double qzmax = extents[3];

Convert the input workspace to an eventworkspace if it is not already one. This allows us to dynamically rebin the results.
auto inputEventWs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<IEventWorkspace>(inputWs);
throw std::runtime_error("Transforms other than to Q have not been implemented yet");
const std::string outputName = "ReflectometryEventWs";
auto convertInput = this->createSubAlgorithm("ConvertToEventWorkspace");
convertInput->setProperty("InputWorkspace", inputWs);
convertInput->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outputName);
EventWorkspace_sptr result = convertInput->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
inputEventWs = result;

auto spectraAxis = inputWs->getAxis(1);
auto wavelengthAxis = inputWs->getAxis(0);
const std::string caption = spectraAxis->unit()->caption();
const std::string label = spectraAxis->unit()->label();
const std::string expectedCaption = "Scattering angle";
const std::string expectedLabel = "degrees";

const double qzmin = -1;
const double qxmin = -1;
const double qxmax = 1;
const double qzmax = 1;
const size_t nbinsx = 100;
const size_t nbinsz = 100;
const size_t nbinsx = 10;
const size_t nbinsz = 10;

//TODO. Change the dimensionality depending upon the user choice
auto ws = boost::make_shared<MDEventWorkspace<MDLeanEvent<2>,2> >();
MDHistoDimension_sptr qxDim = MDHistoDimension_sptr(new MDHistoDimension("Qx","qx","(Ang^-1)", qxmin, qxmax, nbinsx));
MDHistoDimension_sptr qzDim = MDHistoDimension_sptr(new MDHistoDimension("Qz","qz","(Ang^-1)", qzmin, qzmax, nbinsz));
MDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws = MDHistoWorkspace_sptr(new MDHistoWorkspace(qxDim, qzDim));


// Set some reasonable values for the box controller
BoxController_sptr bc = ws->getBoxController();

// Initialize the workspace.

// Start with a MDGridBox.

auto spectraAxis = inputWs->getAxis(1);
const double two_pi = 6.28318531;
const double c_cos_theta_i = cos(incidentTheta);
const double c_sin_theta_i = sin(incidentTheta);

for(size_t index = 0; index < inputWs->getNumberHistograms(); ++index)

auto counts = inputWs->readY(index);
auto wavelengths = inputWs->readX(index);
auto errors = inputWs->readE(index);
size_t nInputBins = inputWs->isHistogramData() ? wavelengths.size() -1 : wavelengths.size();
const double theta_final = spectraAxis->getValue(index)/2;
const double c_sin_theta_f = sin(theta_final);
const double c_cos_theta_f = cos(theta_final);
for(size_t j = 0; j < nInputBins; ++j)
const double dirQx = (c_cos_theta_f - c_cos_theta_i);
const double dirQz = (c_sin_theta_f + c_sin_theta_i);
//Loop over all bins in spectra
for(size_t binIndex = 0; binIndex < nInputBins; ++binIndex)
double lambda = wavelengths[j];
double lambda = wavelengths[binIndex];
double wavenumber = two_pi/lambda;
double _qx = wavenumber * (c_cos_theta_f - c_cos_theta_i);
double _qz = wavenumber * (c_sin_theta_f + c_sin_theta_i);

/// If q-max and min are known a-prori, these boundrary case truncations are not required. See top of method for comment.
_qx = _qx < qxmin ? qxmin : _qx;
_qz = _qz < qzmin ? qzmin : _qz;
_qx = _qx > qxmax ? qxmax : _qx;
_qz = _qz > qzmax ? qzmax : _qz;

//Set up for linear transformation qi -> dimension index.

double mx = (nbinsx / (qxmax - qxmin));
double mz = (nbinsz / (qzmax - qzmin));
double cx = (nbinsx - mx * (qxmin + qxmax))/2;
double cz = (nbinsz - mz * (qzmin + qzmax))/2;

size_t posIndexX = mx*_qx + cx;
size_t posIndexZ = mz*_qz + cz;
size_t linearindex = (posIndexX * nbinsx) + posIndexZ;

double error = errors[j];

ws->setSignalAt(linearindex, ws->getSignalAt(linearindex) + counts[j]);
ws->setErrorSquaredAt(linearindex, error*error);
double _qx = wavenumber * dirQx;
double _qz = wavenumber * dirQz;

double centers[2] = {_qx, _qz};

ws->addEvent(MDLeanEvent<2>(float(counts[binIndex]), float(errors[binIndex]*errors[binIndex]), centers));

setProperty("OutputWorkspace", ws);

} // namespace Mantid
} // namespace MDAlgorithms
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class ConvertToReflectometryQTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
boost::shared_ptr<ConvertToReflectometryQ> make_standard_algorithm()
MatrixWorkspace_sptr in_ws = WorkspaceCreationHelper::create2DWorkspaceWithFullInstrument(10, 10);

Mantid::API::NumericAxis* const newAxis = new Mantid::API::NumericAxis(in_ws->getAxis(1)->length());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,13 +76,15 @@ class ConvertToReflectometryQTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void test_theta_initial_negative()
auto alg = make_standard_algorithm();
alg->setProperty("OverrideIncidentTheta", true);
alg->setProperty("IncidentTheta", -0.0001);
TSM_ASSERT_THROWS("Incident theta is negative, should throw", alg->execute(), std::logic_error);

void test_theta_initial_too_large()
auto alg = make_standard_algorithm();
alg->setProperty("OverrideIncidentTheta", true);
alg->setProperty("IncidentTheta", 90.001);
TSM_ASSERT_THROWS("Incident theta is too large, should throw", alg->execute(), std::logic_error);
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