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Refs #11510. Added system tests
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Added system tests for different structures from different crystal systems.
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Michael Wedel committed Apr 11, 2015
1 parent 0798572 commit 80d479d
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,too-many-locals
import stresstesting
from mantid.simpleapi import *

# These tests check the correctness of the structure factor calculation for some common crystal structures.
# All structure factors for comparison have been calculated using VESTA 3.2.1, which is described in the following
# publication:
# K. Momma and F. Izumi, "VESTA 3 for three-dimensional visualization of crystal,
# volumetric and morphology data," J. Appl. Crystallogr., 44, 1272-1276 (2011)
# All crystal structure data have been acquired from DOIs of the original
# papers with the published structures are given in the tests.
# Isotropic thermal parameters are rounded or arbitrary (the tests are meant for checking the calculations only).

class ReflectionCheckingTest(stresstesting.MantidStressTest):
def runTest(self):

def checkReflections(self, peakTable, data, structureFactorPrecision = 1e-5):
for idx in data.keys():
currentPeak = peakTable.row(idx)
reference = data[idx]

self.assertEquals([int(x) for x in currentPeak['HKL'].split()], reference[0])
self.assertDelta(float(currentPeak['d']), reference[1], 1e-4)

fSquaredReference = reference[2] ** 2 * reference[3]
self.assertDelta(float(currentPeak['Intensity']) / fSquaredReference, 1.0, structureFactorPrecision)

class POLDICreatePeaksFromCellTestSiO2(ReflectionCheckingTest):
"""Structure factor check for:
SiO2, 10.1107/S0108768105005240"""

data = {
0: ([1, 0, 0], 4.25588, 16.6297, 6),
1: ([1, 0, -1], 3.34393, 39.2576, 6),
14: ([0, 0, 3], 1.80193, 9.31225, 2),
40: ([2, 2, 0], 1.22857, 18.8765, 3),
117: ([3, 1, -4], 0.88902, 6.55526, 6)

def runTest(self):
peaks_SiO2 = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell(
SpaceGroup="P 32 2 1",
Atoms="Si 0.4723 0.0 2/3 1.0 0.0075; O 0.416 0.2658 07881 1.0 0.0175",
a=4.91427, c=5.4058, LatticeSpacingMin=0.885)

peaks_SiO2 = SortTableWorkspace(InputWorkspace="peaks_SiO2", Columns=["d"], Ascending=[False])

self.assertEquals(peaks_SiO2.rowCount(), 118)

class POLDICreatePeaksFromCellTestAl2O3(ReflectionCheckingTest):
"""Structure factor check for:
Al2O3, 10.1107/S0021889890002382"""

data = {
0: ([1, 0, -2], 3.481144, 21.873, 6),
1: ([1, 0, 4], 2.551773, 23.6714, 6),
3: ([0, 0, 6], 2.165933, 68.8749, 2),
43: ([5, -2, -5], 0.88880, 23.6113, 12)

def runTest(self):
peaks_Al2O3 = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell(
SpaceGroup="R -3 c",
Atoms="Al 0 0 0.35216 1.0 0.009; O 0.30668 0 1/4 1.0 0.0125",
a=4.7605, c=12.9956, LatticeSpacingMin=0.885)

peaks_Al2O3 = SortTableWorkspace(InputWorkspace="peaks_Al2O3", Columns=["d"], Ascending=[False])

self.assertEquals(peaks_Al2O3.rowCount(), 44)


class POLDICreatePeaksFromCellTestFeTiO3(ReflectionCheckingTest):
"""Structure factor check for:
FeTiO3, 10.1007/s00269-007-0149-7
Note: Ti replaced by Zr"""

data = {
0: ([0, 0, 3], 4.6970, 2.0748, 2),
1: ([1, 0, 1], 4.20559, 1.60512, 6),
3: ([1, 0, 4], 2.75153, 76.1855, 6),
107: ([5, -4, 6], 0.88986, 100.244, 6)

def runTest(self):
peaks_FeTiO3 = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell(
SpaceGroup="R -3",
Atoms="Fe 0 0 0.35543 1.0 0.005; Zr 0 0 0.14643 1.0 0.004; O 0.31717 0.02351 0.24498 1.0 0.006",
a=5.0881, c=14.091, LatticeSpacingMin=0.885)

peaks_FeTiO3 = SortTableWorkspace(InputWorkspace="peaks_FeTiO3", Columns=["d", "HKL"], Ascending=[False, True])

self.assertEquals(peaks_FeTiO3.rowCount(), 108)

self.checkReflections(peaks_FeTiO3,, 6e-5)

class POLDICreatePeaksFromCellTestCO(ReflectionCheckingTest):
"""Structure factor check for:
CO, 10.1007/BF01339658
Notes: Non-centrosymmetric, cubic, negative coordinates"""

data = {
0: ([1, 1, 0], 3.98101, 1.93291, 12),
1: ([1, 1, -1], 3.25048, 40.6203, 4),
3: ([2, 0, 0], 2.815, 37.248, 6),
90: ([6, 2, 0], 0.89018, 9.45489, 12)

def runTest(self):
peaks_CO = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell(
SpaceGroup="P 21 3",
Atoms="C -0.042 -0.042 -0.042 1.0 0.0125; O 0.067 0.067 0.067 1.0 0.0125",
a=5.63, LatticeSpacingMin=0.885)

peaks_CO = SortTableWorkspace(InputWorkspace="peaks_CO", Columns=["d"], Ascending=[False])

self.assertEquals(peaks_CO.rowCount(), 91)

self.checkReflections(peaks_CO,, 1e-5)

class POLDICreatePeaksFromCellTestBetaQuartz(ReflectionCheckingTest):
"""Structure factor check for:
SiO2 (beta-quartz, high temperature), 10.1127/ejm/2/1/0063
Notes: Non-centrosymmetric, hexagonal, with coordinate 1/6"""

data = {
0: ([1, 0, 0], 4.32710, 7.74737, 6),
1: ([1, 0, 1], 3.38996, 19.7652, 12),
3: ([1, 0, 2], 2.30725, 2.96401, 12),
64: ([1, 0, 6], 0.88968, 3.15179, 12)

def runTest(self):
peaks_betaSiO2 = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell(
SpaceGroup="P 62 2 2",
Atoms="Si 1/2 0 0 1.0 0.025; O 0.41570 0.20785 1/6 1.0 0.058",
a=4.9965, c=5.4546, LatticeSpacingMin=0.885)

peaks_betaSiO2 = SortTableWorkspace(InputWorkspace="peaks_betaSiO2", Columns=["d"], Ascending=[False])

self.assertEquals(peaks_betaSiO2.rowCount(), 65)

self.checkReflections(peaks_betaSiO2,, 1e-5)

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