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OwenArnold committed Aug 20, 2014
1 parent c63714a commit 8c65084
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#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Algorithm.h"
#include "MantidAPI/MultiPeriodGroupWorker.h"
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>

namespace Mantid
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virtual std::string fetchInputPropertyName() const = 0;
/// Method to indicate that a non-standard property is taken as the input, so will be specified via fetchInputPropertyName.
virtual bool useCustomInputPropertyName() const {return false;}
/// Try to add the input workspace to the input group list.
void tryAddInputWorkspaceToInputGroups(Workspace_sptr ws);
/// Copy input workspace properties to spawned algorithm.
void copyInputWorkspaceProperties(IAlgorithm* alg, const int& periodNumber);

std::string createFormattedInputWorkspaceNames(const size_t& periodIndex) const;
void validateMultiPeriodGroupInputs(const size_t& nInputWorkspaces) const;

/// Flag used to determine whether to use base or local virtual methods.
bool m_useDefaultGroupingBehaviour;
/// Convenience typdef for workspace names.
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::WorkspaceGroup> > VecWSGroupType;
typedef typename MultiPeriodGroupWorker::VecWSGroupType VecWSGroupType;
/// multi period group workspaces.
VecWSGroupType m_multiPeriodGroups;
/// Multiperiod group worker.
boost::scoped_ptr<MultiPeriodGroupWorker> m_worker;


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13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/API/inc/MantidAPI/MultiPeriodGroupWorker.h
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/** MultiPeriodGroupWorker : Multiperiod group logic relating to determining a valid multiperiod group, and processing a
* multiperiod group, as well as combining and returning the output.
* Determines if the input workspaces are multiperiod group workspaces
* Processes the multiperiod group workspaces period by period running a new instance of the target algorithm for each one, then regrouping the results
Copyright &copy; 2014 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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/// Flag to indicate use of a custom workspace property
bool useCustomWorkspaceProperty() const;
/// Check groups
VecWSGroupType findMultiPeriodGroups(Algorithm_sptr sourceAlg) const;
VecWSGroupType findMultiPeriodGroups(Algorithm const * const sourceAlg) const;
/// Process groups
bool processGroups(Algorithm_sptr sourceAlg, const VecWSGroupType& vecMultiPeriodGroups) const;
bool processGroups(Algorithm * const sourceAlg, const VecWSGroupType& vecMultiPeriodGroups) const;

// Disable copy
MultiPeriodGroupWorker(const MultiPeriodGroupWorker&);
// Disable assignment
MultiPeriodGroupWorker& operator=(const MultiPeriodGroupWorker&);

/// Try ot add a workspace to the group of input workspaces.
void tryAddInputWorkspaceToInputGroups(Workspace_sptr ws,
VecWSGroupType& vecWorkspaceGroups) const;

/// Copy input workspace properties to spawned algorithm.
void copyInputWorkspaceProperties(IAlgorithm* targetAlg, IAlgorithm* sourceAlg,
const int& periodNumber) const;

/// Create an input workspace string from the workspace groups.
std::string createFormattedInputWorkspaceNames(const size_t& periodIndex,
const VecWSGroupType& vecWorkspaceGroups) const;

/// Validate the input group workspace
void validateMultiPeriodGroupInputs(const VecWSGroupType& vecMultiPeriodGroups) const;

/// Workspace property name
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226 changes: 7 additions & 219 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/API/src/MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm.cpp
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* Validate the multiperiods workspace groups. Gives the opportunity to exit processing if things don't look right.
* @param nInputWorkspaces: Number of input workspaces.
void MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::validateMultiPeriodGroupInputs(const size_t& nInputWorkspaces) const
const size_t multiPeriodGroupsSize = m_multiPeriodGroups.size();
if(multiPeriodGroupsSize != 0 && multiPeriodGroupsSize != nInputWorkspaces)
std::string msg = "MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithms can either process complete array of MatrixWorkspaces or Multi-period-groups, but mixing of types is not permitted.";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);

if(multiPeriodGroupsSize > 0)
const size_t benchMarkGroupSize = m_multiPeriodGroups[0]->size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < multiPeriodGroupsSize; ++i)
WorkspaceGroup_sptr currentGroup = m_multiPeriodGroups[i];
if(currentGroup->size() != benchMarkGroupSize)
throw std::runtime_error("Not all the input Multi-period-group input workspaces are the same size.");
for(size_t j = 0; j < currentGroup->size(); ++j)
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr currentNestedWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(currentGroup->getItem(j));
Property* nPeriodsProperty = currentNestedWS->run().getLogData("nperiods");
size_t nPeriods = atoi(nPeriodsProperty->value().c_str());
if(nPeriods != benchMarkGroupSize)
throw std::runtime_error("Missmatch between nperiods log and the number of workspaces in the input group: " + m_multiPeriodGroups[i]->name());
Property* currentPeriodProperty = currentNestedWS->run().getLogData("current_period");
size_t currentPeriod = atoi(currentPeriodProperty->value().c_str());
if(currentPeriod != (j+1))
throw std::runtime_error("Multiperiod group workspaces must be ordered by current_period. Correct: " + currentNestedWS->name());

* Try to add the input workspace to the multiperiod input group list.
* @param ws: candidate workspace
void MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::tryAddInputWorkspaceToInputGroups(Workspace_sptr ws)
WorkspaceGroup_sptr inputGroup = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<WorkspaceGroup>(ws);

/** Check the input workspace properties for groups.
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bool MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::checkGroups()

// Handles the case in which the algorithm is providing a non-workspace property as an input.
// This is currenly the case for algorithms that take an array of strings as an input where each entry is the name of a workspace.
typedef std::vector<std::string> WorkspaceNameType;

// Perform a check that the input property is the correct type.
Property* inputProperty = this->getProperty(this->fetchInputPropertyName());
if(!dynamic_cast<ArrayProperty<std::string>* >(inputProperty))
throw std::runtime_error("Support for custom input workspaces that are not string Arrays are not currently supported.");
/*Note that we could extend this algorithm to cover other input property types if required, but we don't need that funtionality now.*/

WorkspaceNameType workspaces = this->getProperty(this->fetchInputPropertyName());
WorkspaceNameType::iterator it = workspaces.begin();

// Inspect all the input workspaces in the ArrayProperty input.
while(it != workspaces.end())
Workspace_sptr ws = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieve(*it);
throw Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError("Workspace", *it);
WorkspaceVector inWorkspaces;
WorkspaceVector outWorkspaces;
this->findWorkspaceProperties(inWorkspaces, outWorkspaces);
WorkspaceVector::iterator it = inWorkspaces.begin();
while(it != inWorkspaces.end())

const size_t multiPeriodGroupsSize = m_multiPeriodGroups.size();
// If there are no MULTIPERIOD group workpaces detected, we hand the checking back up toe the base class.
if(multiPeriodGroupsSize == 0)
// This will prevent (this) implementation of processGroups from being run. The base class proccessGroups will be used instead.
m_useDefaultGroupingBehaviour = true;
// Use the base class inmplementation.
return Algorithm::checkGroups();
const std::string propName = this->fetchInputPropertyName();
m_worker.reset(new MultiPeriodGroupWorker(propName));
// Check that we have correct looking group workspace indexes.
m_multiPeriodGroups = m_worker->findMultiPeriodGroups(this);

m_useDefaultGroupingBehaviour = false;
m_useDefaultGroupingBehaviour = m_multiPeriodGroups.size() == 0;
return !m_useDefaultGroupingBehaviour;

* Creates a list of input workspaces as a string for a given period using all nested workspaces at that period
* within all group workspaces.
* This requires a little explanation, because this is the reason that this algorithm needs a customised overriden checkGroups and processGroups
* method:
* Say you have two multiperiod group workspaces A and B and an output workspace C. A contains matrix workspaces A_1 and A_2, and B contains matrix workspaces B_1 and B2. Because this
* is multiperiod data. A_1 and B_1 share the same period, as do A_2 and B_2. So merging must be with respect to workspaces of equivalent periods. Therefore,
* merging must be A_1 + B_1 = C_1 and A_2 + B_2 = C_2. This method constructs the inputs for a nested call to MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm in this manner.
* @param periodIndex : zero based index denoting the period.
* @return comma separated string of input workspaces.
std::string MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::createFormattedInputWorkspaceNames(const size_t& periodIndex) const
std::string prefix = "";
std::string inputWorkspaces = "";
for(size_t j = 0; j < m_multiPeriodGroups.size(); ++j)
inputWorkspaces += prefix + m_multiPeriodGroups[j]->getItem(periodIndex)->name();
prefix = ",";
return inputWorkspaces;

* Copy input workspaces assuming we are working with multi-period groups workspace inputs.
* @param alg: The spawned algorithm to set the properties on.
* @param periodNumber: The relevant period number used to index into the group workspaces
void MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::copyInputWorkspaceProperties(IAlgorithm* alg, const int& periodNumber)
std::vector<Property*> props = this->getProperties();
for (size_t j=0; j < props.size(); j++)
Property * prop = props[j];
if (prop)
if (prop->direction() == Direction::Input)
if(const IWorkspaceProperty *wsProp = dynamic_cast<IWorkspaceProperty*>(prop))
if(WorkspaceGroup_sptr inputws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<WorkspaceGroup>(wsProp->getWorkspace()))
alg->setProperty(prop->name(), inputws->getItem(periodNumber-1));

/** Process WorkspaceGroup inputs.
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bool MultiPeriodGroupAlgorithm::processGroups()
// If we are not processing multiperiod groups, use the base behaviour.
return Algorithm::processGroups();
Property* outputWorkspaceProperty = this->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
const std::string outName = outputWorkspaceProperty->value();

size_t nPeriods = m_multiPeriodGroups[0]->size();
WorkspaceGroup_sptr outputWS = boost::make_shared<WorkspaceGroup>();
AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(outName, outputWS);

// Loop through all the periods. Create spawned algorithms of the same type as this to process pairs from the input groups.
for(size_t i = 0; i < nPeriods; ++i)
const int periodNumber = static_cast<int>(i+1);
Algorithm_sptr alg_sptr = API::AlgorithmManager::Instance().createUnmanaged(this->name(), this->version());
IAlgorithm* alg = alg_sptr.get();
throw std::runtime_error("Algorithm creation failed.");
// Copy properties that aren't workspaces properties.
copyNonWorkspaceProperties(alg, periodNumber);

const std::string inputWorkspaces = createFormattedInputWorkspaceNames(i);
// Set the input workspace property.
alg->setPropertyValue(this->fetchInputPropertyName(), inputWorkspaces);
// Configure input properties that are group workspaces.
copyInputWorkspaceProperties(alg, periodNumber);
const std::string outName_i = outName + "_" + Strings::toString(i+1);
alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outName_i);
// Run the spawned algorithm.
if (!alg->execute())
throw std::runtime_error("Execution of " + this->name() + " for group entry " + Strings::toString(i+1) + " failed.");
// Add the output workpace from the spawned algorithm to the group.

bool result = m_worker->processGroups(this, m_multiPeriodGroups);

this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
return true;
return result;

} // namespace API
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